The cultivation of a martial artist is a process of constantly breaking the limits of the human body.

The glass bridge is a challenge for ordinary people, but for warriors, it is as simple as ordinary people walking through a balance bar, and even easier.

They felt scared at first because they were subconsciously afraid of falling from a high altitude.

But when they did go up, their bodies immediately sent a message to their subconscious that it would be fine even if they did fall.

After the body conveys this message to the subconscious mind, for them, walking on a glass bridge is no different from walking on a protrusion on a plane.

So they did not break their bottom line, but did what they could have done.

But this does not affect everyone's excitement.

They only know that they have done what they haven't done before, and the excitement it brings to everyone is beyond words.

With such excitement, everyone came to the second training site prepared by Chu Feng.

The second place is not much different from the first place. It is also a glass bridge, just a little longer, and there is a deep pit under the glass bridge, covered with sparkling things.

"what is this?"

"This is glass slag!"

"Fuck! If it falls..."

"Stop talking, I have goose bumps."

Although it is also required to walk across a glass bridge, walking across a flat ground underneath is completely different from walking across a deep pit underneath that is covered with glass dross.

However, some people think this is nothing.

"Isn't it just glass slag!"

"With our current physical strength, um! Falling at such a high distance, it should, should be able to be rescued in time!"

"Don't scare me."

"It's okay, as long as we don't fall down, can't we?"

When I walked through the glass bridge before, no one fell. After all, it was Chu Feng to increase everyone's confidence, not to discourage everyone's enthusiasm.

"Tian Jing, the first one."

Chu Feng called by name.

However, in the eyes of everyone's doubts, Tian Jing, who had walked across the glass bridge calmly before, now feels a bit withdrawn, which makes everyone a little puzzled.

Tian Jing took a deep breath, and then carefully stepped onto the glass bridge.

Then, everyone saw a pistol in Chu Feng's hand.

"Could it be that······"

"Fuck! Can the leader even play with women?"

"Be careful, I'm going to shoot."

Chu Feng came to a high ground on the side of the glass bridge, and then shot Tian Jing without hesitation.

The bullet whizzed past Tian Jing's cheek, but Tian Jing's face did not change at all, as if she hadn't seen the bullet in her ear at all.

"Buck!" "Buck!"

Chu Feng fired one after another, and the bullets flew by Tian Jing's side one by one, even cutting her clothes a few times, revealing some spring light.

It's just that everyone didn't bother to pay attention to this.

This is a bullet!

Can she block the bullets, or judge that the bullets will not hit herself?

Then, Tian Jing suddenly leaned back, and then a bullet grazed the place she had just passed. If her speed was a little slower, it is estimated that her head would bloom.

After seeing this scene, everyone's friendship was boiling.

"Fuck! Is this really training?"

"This is killing me!"

"Could it be that the leader had long looked down upon her and wanted to kill her?"

"This is too cruel."

"Can not bear to look."

Just as everyone exclaimed, Chu Feng suddenly had a few more flying knives in his hand. These flying knives traversed a curved arc in the air, and then flew toward Tian Jing from different directions.

Just when everyone was about to close their eyes, thinking that this weak girl was going to die under these flying knives, the situation in front of her suddenly changed.

Tian Jing jumped up and suddenly jumped off the single-plank bridge.


Some people in the crowd couldn't help but scream.

But then, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Tian Jing didn't completely fall into the pit, but clung to the edge of the pit, and then quickly rushed out of the pit with a vigorous figure.

"it is good!"


"Woman, you are the best!"

Tian Jing's fitness exercises aroused everyone's applause and gave everyone a benchmark for being able to do all of this.

However, in addition to the cheers, everyone was a little worried.

"Next, shall we go through the same training?"

"I feel my legs are a bit weak."

"In case we didn't avoid the last bullet, would it really be cold?"

"Don't worry, everyone. Maybe this training is the same as the previous one. It looks difficult, but is it actually very simple?"

The more we discussed, the more we were a little surprised.

Then, Chu Feng said: "Don't worry, everyone, your training is not like this, you don't need to avoid bullets or flying knives."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately heard Chu Feng's next words:

"Your training is that two people pass through the two ends of the bridge, but only one person can reach the opposite side of the glass bridge, and the other person can only go down."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, everyone was dumbfounded.

"What did the leader just say?"

"I heard it right!"

"Fuck! The brave wins if we meet on a narrow road."

"This is too cruel!"

"This is at least half of the people!"

"Too cruel."

Among the voices of dissatisfaction, Chu Feng continued: "If you want to withdraw from training, it is okay. I will not force anyone to participate, but what happens on the battlefield in the future is beyond my control, and I Here is a solemn promise."

"Everyone who can win 100 games can get a piece of my special armor that can withstand ordinary machine gun bullets. No matter how many games you lose, as long as you can win more than 100 times, you can get this. A reward. The first three people who have won 100 games will receive armor that can withstand any bullets other than armor-piercing bullets without affecting their activities."

Hearing Chu Feng's words, everyone's breathing became heavy.

At the beginning, everyone just thought that Chu Feng's refined equipment was very good.

But when many ability players are trying to refine equipment, the gap between the two sides is reflected.

Even with the same materials, the equipment refined by Chu Feng's hands is stronger than ordinary equipment.

As long as the number of wins exceeds 100, you can get rewards, which makes everyone's hearts full of excitement.

"I want to train, I want to fight!"

"I want too, I want too!"

"When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!"

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