China, Central China and North China Joint Defense Line.

"This joke is not funny at all. Although you can understand that you feel that we are in a heavy heart and made up a joke to boost morale, please tell us the real information now."

Luo Xingyao leaned on a high-back chair, put his hands on the desk in front of him, and crossed his fingers on his chest. "Although our enemy is strong, I have never encountered an enemy that can push my limit. If you use jokes like you to boost morale, waiting for everyone to know that we are teasing them, it will definitely cause counter-effects.

"When have you seen me joking?"

Lu Qiu sat opposite Luo Xingyao, his face full of helplessness, "Maybe the information sent back by the intelligence department is false, but the person who lied will definitely not be me."

"Is this the first wave of intelligence?"

"Probably the fifth wave!"

"How many intelligence personnel witnessed this incident?"

"We have 131 people, the old fox doesn't know."


Luo Xingyao was silent.

Upon receiving such information, any reasonable person's first reaction is questioning.

Even if there are hundreds or thousands of people telling them that this information is true, they still have to doubt the possibility of the three becoming tigers, and they absolutely cannot easily believe such outrageous information.

However, if such surreal intelligence were not witnessed by someone, how could the intelligence personnel rush back?

Only truth can save them from punishment.

Perhaps the reason behind it is thought-provoking, but what they saw is real.

"A little girl appeared in the intelligence. Those who were arranged by us in the West thought that the little girl was just a trick that Chu Feng used to coax people, but we should be able to see more things."

Lu Qiu solemnly said, "I have seen that little girl with my own eyes. Her body is full of soft power. If you use that power for yourself, you may be able to break through difficulties that were unimaginable before. I had doubts. , Is Chu Feng trying to protect the little girl, or to treat the little girl as his own stove after she is raised, but now it seems that my situation is still too low compared to the city lord."

Luo Xingyao expressed his understanding of Lu Qiu's speculation.

In the last days, trust is the most precious, and trust is the least valuable.

Being able to have a friendship that entrusts life and death to each other may give the originally desperate people the motivation to survive.

It is a pity that the light and darkness of human nature are too complicated.

Betrayal happens every day, even if it is the brothers of life and death who have fought side by side and fought each other in desperate situations, they may be dazzled in the face of huge interests.

Reason is a precious quality because it is rare.

Lu Qiu is now becoming more and more like a military division. Of course, his thinking has to develop in the direction of a military division. Even the closest person must be examined from the perspective of a third party.

"The third possibility, what is it?"

Luo Xingyao believed in Chu Feng, even if he didn't consider the friendship between the two sides, he also believed in Chu Feng.

This trust is not based on character, but he believes that a confident person like Chu Feng will never improve himself through such small means, because once this means is used, a flaw in his mood will appear.

"Since Yiyi has the most precious thing in her body, does that also prove that she has precious talent? I have always wondered why a person like the city lord would waste energy to protect a little girl. He has never adopted other orphans! But, If he cultivated her as an heir from the beginning, it would be understandable."

Lu Qiu analyzed, "Yiyi's talent is definitely no less than yours. It's just because she was too young, so she didn't show it. However, under Chu Feng's cultivation, she might become a peerless power on her own. The Crusaders are a move that Chu Feng has already planted long ago, and it is also the test of Chu Feng for Yiyi! After passing such a test, she is the savior of mankind."


"This is your test of being a teacher!"

Chu Feng stood on the wall of a survival base, looking at the east.

Now that the situation in the West has stabilized, it is time to make a choice.

"Teacher test?"

Yiyi was a little puzzled, but also a little worried.

"You were not born ordinary, and no one has the ability to protect you. Even if it is me, it is impossible to protect you for a lifetime. So you must grow up, and even if it is nurtured, you must also become a talent."

Chu Feng said, "The power and temptation in your body are really too great. If you are too weak, even I may not be able to endure it all the time. This Star Crusade and the Western world are your test. Now you As a saint, she will become the true master of the Western puzzle country, but it's up to you to take the direction here."

Yiyi's eyes widened when he heard this.

Star Crusade, do you want her to continue to lead?

But how is this possible?

Moreover, she doesn't know how to lead soldiers, or how to manage a country, let alone a puzzle country made up of many countries? This is too unrealistic.

"But I can't do it."

"If I can't, then I can only ruin this place." Chu Feng said lightly.

"This is so possible!"

Yiyi said loudly, she was a little panicked.

If someone else said something like this, she might still not believe it, nor would she believe that the other person had such an ability, but if it came out of Chu Feng's mouth, it was really possible to become a reality!

Does he really want to destroy this side?

"You should know that I'm not kidding. Now the West has been infiltrated by the Protoss very much. Even if you pretend to be a saint, you can only have a real appeal through the opportunity of them to protect your home. Once you leave here , The entire Western world will become the back garden of the Protoss, and even the place where they produce cannon fodder."

Chu Feng recounted the cruel facts in a calm tone, "I would rather slaughter all the survivors here than let them become power in the hands of the Protoss. Instead of letting that result happen, it is better to kill the dangerous factors in advance. In the cradle."

"This is absolutely not possible," Yiyi said firmly.

"It's not a question of whether it will work or not. If the person holding a sharp sword is not a human being, then this sword will become a weapon to slaughter humans."

Chu Feng said, "If you can find a better choice, I can support you, but if you can't find it, then you can only choose one from 2 here, and become the true saint of the Star Crossing Legion, or be buried The entire Star Crusade."

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