Evolution: I became a polar bear

Chapter 155 Er Sha’s talent!


Bai Yang, in his cub state, dived to the bottom of the sea, hid behind a car, and slowly and cautiously moved towards the giant creature not far away.

It wasn't until underwater that I saw that this beast king really had a body like a whale, with a body length of 300 meters!

"How long will this take?"

Bai Yang couldn't help but think in his heart.


At this time, the giant beast was struggling to tear the giant bird's body apart, and its two hands with puffs kept stuffing the giant bird's flesh and blood into its mouth.

The tentacles at the tail kept fluttering with the current.

The dark green hard skin is covered with ferocious sharp bone spurs!

It gives people a creepy feeling just looking at it!


Bai Yang exhaled another breath of bubbles, lay quietly on the bottom of the water, and slowly moved over step by step!

He also thought about it seriously!

In a head-on battle, and it's still underwater, I guess it's hard to beat this ocean overlord called Leviathan!


Bai Yang also has an advantage, that is, he is small, so he can lurk over quietly, then use all his skills to see if he can hit him hard with one blow!


The bear's paw stepped on the road of the flooded town. As the distance got closer and closer, Bai Yang's muscles all tightened.


At this time, Beast King Leviathan did not notice a white creature slowly approaching him on the seabed.

"That's almost it!"

Bai Yang looked up at the rows of ferocious scales on Leviathan's abdomen and tightened his fangs.

"Furious fury!"

"Thorn Armor!"

Quickly activating his skills, Bai Yang controlled his body to quickly grow in size!

Seeing the opportunity, like a seasoned hunter, he stretched out his bear paw and rushed up from the bottom of the sea.

"Crunch... crunch... crunch!"

Leviathan tore off the wings of the giant bird, stuffed them directly into his mouth, and kept chewing!

A random bird from nowhere dared to provoke him. It was simply seeking death!

Is it amazing to be able to fly?

After launching the tsunami, it was still torn from the sky.


This bird meat tastes really good. I almost vomited after eating fish at the bottom of the sea all day!


Suddenly, Leviathan snorted twice.

If it weren't for that damn sea monster, he wouldn't have come here from the deep sea, but... after he evolves again, he must eat that sea monster alive!

No, I have to bite off each of her tentacles, and then... pull out her head, so that I can relieve the hatred in my heart!


Swallowing the flesh and bones in his mouth fiercely, Leviathan once again tore off the other wing of the giant bird with his hands.


Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his abdomen, and then he felt a pair of huge white claws slap directly on his forehead.


Looking at the tentacles that entangled him one by one, his mouth bit into Leviathan's abdomen, letting it tear it apart, Bai Yang wouldn't let go.

The sharp nails of the bear's paw kept scratching the hard skin on its abdomen, bringing up pillars of blood!

I didn't expect that the defense of the beast king in front of me was so weak. No wonder the system didn't show that it had defensive attributes!

The ferocious skin on the outside is completely deceptive!


The tentacles behind the beast king's tail were really difficult to wrap around, and one by one they wrapped around Bai Yang's body.

Moreover, the tentacles are equipped with sharp bone spurs with barbs!


Bai Yang roared in his heart when he felt countless bone spurs pierce the skin and pierce into the flesh instantly!


Severe pain!

"System repair!"

He quickly ordered the system to repair his body, but even so, the tentacles were tightening continuously, and after piercing Bai Yang's body, they were trying to pull him out of his abdomen!


Bai Yang can only fight with Leviathan at this time!

This position is right on its abdomen, and the two sharp palms in front of Leviathan can't reach Bai Yang at all!

Only the tentacles at the tail can launch attacks!

"Hold it..."

Bai Yang bit his fangs together fiercely, using all his strength.


He violently pulled out a layer of fleshy skin, and then with lightning speed, he bit it again!

It can already be felt that the fangs penetrated Leviathan's flesh layer and penetrated deeply into its abdominal cavity.



Leviathan, who was in pain, began to twist his huge body and kept tumbling in the sea water, trying to throw this guy out of his abdomen!

So insidious!

This giant bear actually found such an insidious position to attack him without any effort at all!

Moreover... Bai Yang's slap on his forehead also scratched one of his eyes.


Leviathan seemed to be going crazy, leaping high out of the sea!


"Daddy Bear!"

Er Sha, who was floating on the sea water, saw Bai Yang hanging on the belly of this giant beast flashing past his eyes, and couldn't help but howl!

All you can see is Father Bear's head, and his body is already covered with the tentacles of this damn giant beast in front of him!

Moreover, Er Shao can see it!

There were streams of blood pouring out of Bai Yang's body!

The sea area in front of me has been dyed blood red!


He frowned angrily!

Er Sha flapped his wings and quickly dived into the water!

He's going to help Daddy Bear!

Although the hope of helping is slim, but...

How will you know if you don’t try?


At this time, in the sea area hundreds of meters away, the waves were surging, the dark green ferocious tentacles were twitching and rolling, and water-sucking tornadoes began to rise!

Bai Yang endured the severe pain that penetrated into his bone marrow. He didn't expect that the strangulating force of the tentacles at Leviathan's tail was so powerful!

Bone spurs have pierced all of Bai Yang's fur!


"The evolution points are consumed so fast!"

Bai Yang glanced at the panel in his mind. How long had passed and nearly 100,000 evolution points had been spent on repairs!

I’m afraid it won’t work if this continues!

Now Bai Yang only had two front paws and head exposed, and his whole body was tightly entangled, and he couldn't use the strength of his waist at all.

However... he has already pierced Leviathan's abdomen. As long as the wound can be torn open and Leviathan's entire abdominal cavity is exposed, it will definitely be possible...


Suddenly, Bai Yang's eyes widened, he squinted at Er Sha swimming towards his mouth, and couldn't help but frown!

What is this spirit penguin planning to do here?

I saw Er Sha waving his short wings at Bai Yang, then turned back and pointed into the distance!

Bai Yang didn't understand something!

However, after Er Sha danced around for a while, Bai Yang understood!

Er Sha asked him to find a way to swim in the direction it pointed?

"Damn it, what's the use of swimming over there!"

Bai Yang couldn't help but slandered in his heart, not to mention that he couldn't move at all now, even if he released his mouth, bit off the tentacles and escaped, but...

Suddenly, Bai Yang remembered something!

What is Er Sha’s greatest ability? Guidance!

As long as it's the route Er Sha points to, there must be extremely dangerous tests.

Could it be...

Bai Yang's eyes suddenly lit up!

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