Just do it!

Keep evolving!

A three-dimensional map of the planet appeared in Chen Mo’s mind, starting from the nearest Bear Country area and spreading to the North Pole.

Go forward along the frozen soil.

The current speed is 1.2 meters per minute.

Not only that, Chen Mo also controlled the flying birds to bloom more, heading towards the frozen continent from all directions.

“It’s a pity that the entire continent is frozen, otherwise it could be like the Kangaroo Continent, with flowers blooming on all sides.”

Chen Mo looked at the spreading carpet and said with some regret.

This hindered his advancement speed. At this rate, it is estimated that it will only take one or two months to completely occupy the entire Arctic.

But he has plenty of time.

Here in the polar region You can leave it alone for the time being and just wait for the fungus to spread automatically. Chen Mo will carefully build an underground mushroom forest every time it reaches a spring.

“You can study how to train ladies in black stockings, queens, etc.”

Chen Mo has gained enough experience with humans and has a deeper understanding of Gestalt thinking and genetic modification. He can try to inject ancestor cells into other organisms.

This may allow these little guys, Exploding unprecedented potential, speeding up their evolution, making them incredibly powerful.

With his evolutionary blessing, it’s not impossible!

And the best part is, these abilities come from his ancestor!

Cell, it can be said that he will become the foundation and source of power for these species.

As such an important existence, he will have many benefits!

Chen Mo thought excitedly, and when he was about to leave, he heard a roar from the sky.

Huh ? The troops came.

The speed was so fast.

The bombers were dispatched this time, and the roar pierced the sky.

When he looked up, he saw a huge area of darkness, which made Liu Ru very uneasy, so he immediately decided to carry out the destruction mission.

, and it is the most powerful destruction.

A group of hundreds of bombers carries heavy incendiary bombs that can destroy a city.

Not only that, but also highly toxic bombs such as white phosphorus bombs are used to completely clear this area.

Mutated scale shrimp.

Chen Mo looked at the sea of fire in front of him and the large area of melting glaciers.

His eyes suddenly moved, and among the bombers, a pilot immediately shook his hand.

“Damn it! Hand, are you crazy? You are throwing white phosphorus bombs randomly!”

“Is there any mistake? You’ve also cleared out the ground-penetrating bombs. You’ll be criticized when you get back!”

Hand suddenly looked confused. Looking at his brother in the co-pilot, he almost cried..Brother, believe me once! I didn’t mean it. The radar just showed that we have reached the bombing area. Didn’t you see it? There’s a sea of fire down there!”

“You’re fucking blind!”Go.” The co-pilot immediately picked up the communicator,”Call the command center, call the command center, this is the No. 6 bombing group. The pilot is suspected of hallucinations and requests to return early!””

Hand opened his mouth when he heard this, but was unable to refute. He was speechless. Such an easy mission was messed up!

When he returned, he looked down. Sure enough, he was blind. The bomb dropped was a thousand miles away from the target. God knows how I did it.

I must have not slept well last night. I would be a loser if I stayed up all night. However, Hande gritted his teeth.

What he didn’t know was that after he left early, white phosphorus bombs began to fall on the returning bombers.

However, the pilots on the bombers looked calm and had no idea what they were doing. The reason was simple.

Chen Mo, the more advanced progenitor cell

“Haha, fortunately, the pilots are all elites, and basically all of them have been injected with X type. Otherwise, if hallucinations occur in large areas, the reliability of the ancestor cells will be questioned.”

Just like this, the bomber formation sailed quietly. Inexplicably, white phosphorus bombs that had not been dropped all fell from the sky.

Huge craters were left along the snow-covered glaciers.

This is not over yet.

Huge craters. At the bottom of the pit is burning white phosphorus.

Unlike other types of combustibles, white phosphorus has a terrifyingly low ignition point and can spontaneously ignite at room temperature.

Most of the will-o’-the-wisps in the cemetery are formed by spontaneous combustion as long as there is air. They can’t be extinguished. They will burn whatever they contaminate until they are completely consumed. As a result, they can burn like giant holes on the glacier.

Chen Mo. The areas chosen to release white phosphorus bombs are all areas with very weak glaciers. In some places, the permafrost layer can be vaguely seen with the naked eye, or there are deep trenches, and the white phosphorus bombs can quickly approach the permafrost layer and burn horribly. , falling rapidly, quickly burning through the ice, and also heating the ground slightly.


Soon, mutated Arctic seagulls flew over and dropped mushrooms into the big holes. It’s over.

It’s not because of the terrible high temperature, but the temperature drops quickly. It’s because white phosphorus itself is highly toxic to living things, and white phosphorus is very soluble in water, fat, protein, etc., so cells cannot lack it. substance………,..0, that is to say, this poison cannot be removed.

As you inhale it, you will accumulate more and more wisdom, and eventually you will die directly.

But Chen Mo also has a solution!

His heart moved, and the first mushroom he threw went wild.

There was an instant bang, and the entire bottom of the pit was crowded with squirming cells.

These terrifying cells reproduce extremely fast, absorbing the surrounding white phosphorus in an instant, and only some of the cells themselves die. The speed at which they are poisoned cannot keep up with their reproduction speed.

Their adaptability is 10 times that of Chen Mo!

That is more than 200 adaptability, which is already the standard for space creatures!

Very scary!

“This is very useful as a scavenger!”

With a thought, the genes in the violent cells were broken one after another, and all the cells were hydrolyzed.

At this time, the white phosphorus has been adsorbed and fixed in these substances, and some have been converted into non-toxic substances.

The next mushrooms can easily expand!

There are many more huge holes like this, spanning less than half of the Arctic continent!

But there are not enough.

Liu Ru, who was responsible for reviewing the operation, felt that it was not safe enough when he saw the operation report.

“Blast it several times, load it with white phosphorus bombs, land in the bear country, fill it up with fuel, and blow it up carefully! Let the temperature in that area rise to 20 degrees.”

She gave the order.

This can ensure that the mutated scale shrimps in that area are extinct.

But even so, she will send people to keep an eye on that area to prevent such small creatures from resurrecting._Fei

Lu reminds you: Reading Three Things – ∪ Collection, recommendation, sharing!

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