“Thank God.”

The person in charge of the base breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Professor Liu sitting on the ground.

If Professor Liu had any shortcomings, he felt that his life would be over.

Let alone the person in charge of the base, he was lucky to be able to stay safe in the prison. ~Very good

“God bless you – you have awakened your psychic powers.”

The person in charge of the base wiped the sweat from his forehead.

With the help of several female superpowers, Liu Ru stood up.

She exerted too much force and was about to collapse at this time.

She couldn’t raise her strength.

In addition, it was disgusting to kill someone for the first time, and she even vomited the acid.

Now her lips turned white, which made people feel distressed.

However, she still smiled when she heard the words of the person in charge of the base. He said with all his strength:

“Yes, God bless you.”

The heaven she spoke of had a certain meaning.

It was not just a simple emotion.

She knew that she was saved by that mysterious and powerful existence.

According to her speculation and from Blue, the strange killer, she got I got some information.

The will of the world really exists!

And she is not the only one who is favored!

Maybe it is the fox

I saw in the picture?

And it is obvious that the mutation is very violent, and there are actually flames on the body!

“Quickly help the professor to rest!”

After the person in charge of the base arranged these things, he immediately called up the video.

He was really curious about how Liu Ru killed two old-school psykers!

You know, these are the first batch of psykers to awaken naturally.

According to From experience, the first batch of psychics are generally stronger!

But according to what the current scientist said, Liu Ru actually killed the opponent instantly, which surprised the person in charge after checking the video..

At the same time, this video quickly led to research and demonstration by countless experts.

Based on Liu Ru’s performance in times of crisis, everyone suspected that Liu Ru had some kind of psychic enhancement technology!

“Let Professor Liu have a good rest. She is from our country. We give her some time and believe she will publish her research results.

If her research can be applied to everyone, then we will completely leave other countries behind, and the world will be ours! We must not make her dissatisfied with the country!

Whatever requests she has, as long as they are within your scope of authority, meet them all. If she has other requests, don’t refuse, report them to me immediately!”

The boss said this.

The person in charge of the base nodded immediately and said that he would never ask Liu Ru about awakening spiritual energy.

At the same time, this video was also played.

The first reason was to slap a certain country in the face, and the second reason , to push Liu Ru’s reputation even higher! Third, to directly demonstrate his strength and to win over the psychics of the small country! This is a kind of binding between Liu Ru and the entire country.

He is the symbol of wisdom and strength of this country, a scientist, and a psychic warrior who stands up at critical moments!

There is no more suitable publicity target than Liu Ru!

No matter in terms of appearance or achievements, he is a direct hit!

This made everyone in the Hexian Kingdom extremely admired.

At this time, Liu Ru, the idol in the hearts of the whole country, fell asleep while talking about the will of the world.

She didn’t know that she was famous again at this moment. It was the country that was behind this!

On the other side of the distant ocean, countless people watched this video over and over again.

This video was released by the Ugly Country and the whole country was in an uproar.

“Haha, what a shame, our powerful warrior, known as the strongest C-level. Haha, was directly pressed against the wall by a newly awakened woman and slapped to death from a distance!”

“What a slap! shame!”

“What a shame!”

Bang bang bang!

The general slapped the table hard

“Is this the big operation you’re talking about?”

“Where are our good guys? Where are the scientists you kidnapped?”

The general asked again and again.

Everyone sitting there had their heads lowered and did not dare to speak.

And the big man sitting at the top had an even more gloomy look.

“I need an explanation, someone, has to be responsible for this.”

Finally, he said softly.

The most powerful man in the world was not angry at this moment.

Everyone felt cold in their hearts when they heard this.

They really didn’t know how to explain it.

This video, He slapped them hard in the face.

Their target, Professor Liu Ru, had awakened his spiritual power. Even if he had awakened his spiritual power, he was actually so powerful!

With one move, he killed the powerful warrior they had carefully trained. My heart is bleeding. Such a warrior has been trained by investing countless resources.

“At all costs, send someone to investigate Liu Ru! The other party is so weird that she can awaken such a powerful ability. Not only that, but how did she obtain the terrifying power that suddenly broke out?

Could it be that there are some techniques for using psychic powers behind it? Did the other party use some strange technology?

She must have some big secret to improve her strength, or even activate her psychic powers!

We must get it!”

The leader asked questions one by one.

After Professor Liu Ru finished talking, he asked angrily about the operational personnel.

Not a single soldier came back!

They all disappeared!

“grown ups……that forest……Something weird”

“In fact, more than half of our people successfully retreated.”

∪0 flowers requested

“The mines we laid also caused heavy damage to the pursuing enemies.”

“Our soldiers are very powerful…..”

Speaking of this, the person in charge of the operation really couldn’t talk anymore.

Because the helicopter that went to respond disappeared inexplicably, and the remaining eighty or so psyker warriors also disappeared deep into the forest.

That forest was really weird. seem……It seems to be alive.

Because the last message they received was this one:

“Be careful, it’s alive!”

And this message was still sent in clear code.

There was no hidden encryption.

All devices can receive it.

In other words, the soldiers at this time have completely given up on escaping, and they even hope to get the He Crab Kingdom. The rescue!

There are so many things that can be imagined behind this!

“We have to send someone to check it out! What is it?”………,………..,

“Sir, our relationship with the River Crab Country has been……”

The general hesitated.

After all, now, it has almost reached the level of a nuclear war.

Because of this intrusion, we were caught.

They are very passive now.

A large number of overseas interests have been sold.

If actions continue, a nuclear war is entirely possible.

After all, at this point, nuclear weapons that can destroy the world are no longer powerful enough to scare some people.

Even as the Sword of Damocles hanging above our heads gradually rusts, conflicts between countries are developing in an uncontrollable direction.

“We have already conducted tests and found that the power of nuclear bombs against psychics ten kilometers away is almost negligible.”

The big boss suddenly said this.

“I believe several other countries have also tried it.”

As soon as these words came out, the entire venue suddenly became extremely quiet.

It was even more cold than before.

Sooner or later there will be a war!

This thought flashed in everyone’s mind.

With the loss of the terrorist nuclear balance, the war will begin!

Realizing this, the general nodded in various ways.

“Let our boys see blood tomorrow.”

Nowadays, every country is still accumulating strength, but it is foreseeable that psykers will be a powerful force. Imagine if all soldiers were psykers.

Even if they only have the lowest level of psionic powers, Moreover, he is equivalent to the King of Soldiers on the battlefield!

This will be an unstoppable force. Because of this, Liu is suspected of mastering this power.

As a result

, everyone is speculating on when Liu Ru will reveal her mysterious technology and once again bring about changes in the world.

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