A few days later, the killer whale group completed a second transaction with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo was very generous. Not only did he provide most of the sea monsters that had been”bred” in the fishery in the past few days, but he also provided tons of extra quiet rain mushrooms.

Since then, the killer whales have been happy with this model.

And believe it.

They believe that Chen Mo is the huge island itself, which cannot move, but can”grow” many delicious fish through strange methods.

They eat these fish and then provide more of the rest of the fish species, allowing them to eat more of this delicious food next time.

After going back and forth, Chen Mo not only collected a large amount of nerve distribution data, but also obtained a large amount of carbon-based biological knowledge.

Because killer whales are so powerful, there is no sample in the ocean that they cannot collect.

And they are not picky eaters either.

What’s more, under Chen Mo’s guidance, they mastered how to hunt powerful prey.

Nowadays, they carry out a large number of hunting activities, and specialize in targeting powerful mutant creatures.

Chen Mo was very satisfied when he saw the killer whale skillfully pushing the great white shark’s body onto the island.

He is already very experienced in teaching animals. After all, he has come into contact with animals from all over the world. In fact, they all think in the same way.

Simple and direct, no lies.

In most cases, give benefits directly and communicate patiently.

You can gain trust.

And once this trust relationship is established, it will never be questioned again.

So far, the number of killer whales serving Chen Mo has grown to three, and the number is still increasing, although the food Chen Mo can provide is limited.

But these killer whales were happy to communicate with Chen Mo.

They began to worship the world.

Especially those little killer whales.

They grow very fast, and with the support of mutations, their intelligence is higher than their elders. They grew up under Chen Mo’s care.

Many of Chen Mo’s views on the ocean are imprinted in their minds.

In their minds,”the world is a very intelligent giant.”

A legend about”the world” slowly spread among the killer whale community.

Slowly, it expanded to the entire underwater world.

Many powerful killer whales know that by following the warm ocean currents, you can find a strange creature called the World at the end of a series of islands in the middle of the ocean.

He can communicate with all things and provide the necessary evolutionary flesh and blood.

In addition, it can also provide a delicious mushroom that warms the blood in the whole body and excites the nerves.

“An island with life? ?”

An animal trainer from Chou Country was shocked. He looked at the killer whale in front of him with an expression of disbelief.

His natural ability is to be able to communicate with other animals.

At present, this ability is still very weak, but he found another way , found several very smart animals, and established communication with them.

This act made him famous throughout the Ugly Kingdom.

This is his name today. He accepted a commission from a scientist and communicated with one of his”partners” and came to a very outrageous conclusion.

The reason why his partner is so powerful is a strange island!

“Ask it where the island is!

The scientist’s eyes narrowed,”I think it may be a huge creature that lives on the island.””

The animal trainer also thought so.

He asked patiently

“No, no, no, he is not an animal like us. He is very strange. He has no body in the world and can talk to things. He can also grow some delicious food out of thin air.”


“Wait, you said this strange creature is called the world?”

“He says this, he calls himself the world, and it is no wonder that he is wiser than we are.”

The killer whale showed dissatisfaction.


The trainer’s heart suddenly accelerated. He only felt that the world was really crazy!

An invisible material thing was called the world!

Could it be said that it was the will of the world?


His mind was in a state of confusion, and he repeatedly asked the killer whale for confirmation, and tried to find out more about it.

So, he didn’t even bother to answer the questions from the scientists on the side. It was absolutely crazy!

The greatest discovery!

The animal trainer hesitated whether he should tell the scientists about such a thing.

He only felt that this would be an adventure for him.

It was the other party who was able to make the killer whales so powerful, not just one nearby, but the entire community.

According to his”partners”, it was not just them, but the entire community of killer whales.

Of course, what the trainer didn’t know was that the killer whale he was communicating with was not from the original group.

Although it had been favored by Chen Mo, it had not communicated with him.

I just heard it from other killer whales.

This is the earliest legend among the killer whale tribe.

The more it is spread, the more outrageous it becomes.

“So, are there any major discoveries?”

Looking at the red-faced animal trainer, the scientist asked again

“There are some discoveries, they say that there are some powerful species in the deep sea, such as huge whales like islands.”

The animal trainer replied calmly.

“It is incredible to see such a powerful mutated creature. Obviously our guess is correct. There are also springs in the deep sea.”

The scientist’s face was extremely solemn. More than a dozen scientists gathered together to discuss.

None of them noticed that the trainer was communicating with the killer whales again, and he got a clue that made his eyes light up.

The scientific research expedition was ended.

He replied Spring base

“Captain, didn’t you say there was a mission to the River Crab Country?”

The captain glanced at him

“What, Blue, you changed your mind?”

“I just studied with scientists, and I found that as ordinary people, they all work so hard. Maybe I should also do my part for mankind and this country.”

Blue said firmly:”Let me also join the infiltration operation.”

“The mission of the operation has been changed. The River Crab Kingdom has completely cut off technical exchanges with us. We urgently need the latest psychic technology and some unique equipment, so the mission has been changed to kidnapping, plundering, and murder, all carried out together, which is very dangerous.”

The captain looked at Blue. This person is very useful. He actually doesn’t want to send him to perform this kind of task.

Blue gritted his teeth and said:”It’s okay, I will participate!”

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