But unfortunately, Ye Fei also planned to use this place as his own fishing ground.

If the electric eel comes again, Ye Fei will not be polite to it.

“Judging by the speed at which flesh and blood accumulate, the electric eel should only come every three days or so.”

Ye Fei estimated the time. He had about three days to prepare.

At the same time, he was also lucky that he had bypassed the island in the middle and arrived in time.

Otherwise, if he had delayed it for a few days, he might have faced… It is a much more powerful mutant electric eel.

Moreover, the electric eel has made the hunting ground so bloody and vast that it will easily attract the attention of humans as long as any aircraft flies over it..

Hundreds of sea monsters crowded together, imagine this scene.

Even a fool knows there is something wrong.

“Find a way to kill the electric eel with one hit.”

Ye Fei thought about it.

The mutant electric eel’s ability to discharge electricity was extremely terrifying. The method of controlling other sea monsters to attack the opponent was first rejected by Ye Fei.

Such a powerful electric current that can penetrate the air, in the sea water, The electric eel is basically invincible, and even siege has no effect on it. When a current comes down, all fish within a kilometer will be electrocuted.

This is simply a weapon of mass destruction.

The destructive power of the arc is also huge.

However, for mushrooms without metal components, the damage of this arc is very low, just like lightning. No matter how powerful it is, it will only chop down one or two trees, and at most it will set off a fire.

The surrounding trees will be fine.

The plants are not very afraid of electric shock, but the spore cannon is obviously not lethal enough to the electric eel that is more than fifty meters long, even if the spore cannon is replaced by a human one. I’m afraid the machine gun won’t do enough damage, and it will escape into the sea before killing the opponent.

“Judging from its movements, the electric eel is quite intelligent.”

Ye Fei murmured.

He could feel some fluctuations of consciousness leaked from the other party. That kind of comfortable, shopping-like consciousness is not something ordinary creatures can have.

Obviously, with the mutation, the intelligence of the mutated electric eel has increased. There has been a great improvement

“You have to think of a hidden way to trap the other party.”

Thinking in this direction.

Ye Fei suddenly had an idea.

He set his sights on the mycelium.

At this time, the mycelium was supported by the two major genes of [Metal] and [Regeneration], and its strength was already strong. A big improvement. Comparable to tree roots.

The only drawback is that the movement is not fast enough!

However, this shortcoming can be made up for by using a large area, and the”evolution clues and efficient absorption” also have a huge improvement.

Spend two days working hard to complete this research and then lay out the trap.

【Evolutionary clues]: Efficient absorption. You need the knowledge reserve support of carbon-based organisms +1000 for more powerful toxins’、‘Metal’ genetic support. (Current progress is 85%)

Among them, the metal gene Ye Fei has been completed. He only needs to wait for the day after tomorrow, and he will have enough evolution points to evolve the ‘toxin’ gene, and his knowledge reserve of carbon-based organisms has reached more than 900.

Today, Ye Fei is able to harvest a large amount of genetic maps every day as he absorbs a large amount of sea monster genes and expands in the tropical areas in the past few days.

He estimated that he can now add about 100 carbon-based biological knowledge every day.

The reason why it increased so quickly is because the mushroom community expanded rapidly.

The last time Ye Fei checked, it was only 0.5%. When he looked again this time, it had reached 1.5%.

1.5% of the global area!

He has spread throughout the Monkey Kingdom, and now has entered the Demon Country and the Simple Country.

Ye Fei’s next target is the Kangaroo Country, which is isolated overseas.

Make sure to get your full cache of carbon-based biology knowledge tomorrow!

Kangaroo Country is large enough and almost all of it is located in the tropics. In addition to being dry, the climate is very suitable for Ye Fei.

And there is one thing that Ye Fei likes very much, that is, the population of Kangaroo Country is very sparse, and their population is all concentrated in several big cities along the coast.

Sea monsters in the deep sea are not as easy to deal with as they are on land!

Once they dive into the sea, humans can’t do anything to them.

So Kangaroo Nation suffered greatly.

Since the global change, this country has been divided.

Now divided into two large cities, controlled by gangs of psykers, busy with infighting.

And Ye Fei deliberately reduced the number of springs on this land.

This further leads to a reduction in human activity range.

The great powers’ attention here is limited to the vicinity of a dozen springs.

They basically turn a blind eye to the internal strife in their own country.

In a spring.

On this day, I suddenly received a mission request from Liu Ru.

This spring is dominated by the River Crab Kingdom.

Although the spring base is not under the jurisdiction of the research institute, it is obliged to cooperate with experts when they go out to take samples and carry out investigation tasks.

Professor Liu Ru’s investigation request will definitely be responded to immediately.

“Get ready for action!”

Immediately, an exploration team set off.

They drove an armored vehicle straight to an inland forest, near a lake

“Professor Liu thinks there may be a spring nearby, so everyone should search carefully!”

“Search along the perimeter of this large lake and divide into two teams!”

The captain of the exploration team gave the order.

He opened an all-metal box, carefully took out a psychic mushroom from it, and placed it in a spherical device.

This spherical metal cavity can protect the psychic mushroom well and provide Suitable temperature, and nutrients, and automatically detect the location of the fluorescence on the mushroom.

It is very useful.

The armored vehicle ran wildly for a while, and the team member holding the detector suddenly became curious.

How does this psychic mushroom work? On a whim, he looked around and saw everyone leaning against the car, chatting.

So when others were not paying attention, he unscrewed the metal cover, took out the fluorescent lamp, and looked at the mushroom carefully..

There was some fine dust falling from the mushroom cap.

The dust made his nose itch.

He couldn’t help but sneeze , which almost made him flip out of the car.

It’s not light.

Hurry and screw on the lid.

“Did you open the lid just now?”

Besides, a soldier came over.

“No, it’s not open.

The soldier rubbed his nose and said,”I have rhinitis.””

“It’s not the best, so don’t ruin it. This psychic mushroom is very delicate. If the captain finds it, you will definitely not be able to eat it and carry it around.”

The soldier chuckled and quickly changed the subject.

“Do you think there could be a spring near here? It’s so humid here and the ground is soft. If a spring is really discovered, construction will be very difficult.”

“This is not something we can control. We only need to execute orders. Of course, smart people like Liu Ru will find solutions to the problems you mentioned.

Besides, there are two people saying whether it is true or not. They both say it is a suspicion, not necessarily true.”


The roar of the engine gradually faded away, and white hyphae gradually spread on the wet ground.

There is no spring here.

But it’s great for growing mushrooms.

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