Tropics, monkey country, in the huge dark forest.

A forest of mushrooms slowly rises.

If any humans come here, they will definitely be shocked, because the growth method of this mushroom forest is so regular.

It’s like there is a pair of invisible hands arranging the location of their growth.

In the middle of the neat mushroom array is a huge house-like mushroom.

In its center is a spring invisible to the naked eye.

In the dark underground, hyphae and captive mutated earthworms spread.

Looking at the mushroom forest he built, Chen Mo felt proud.

Although this design seems to have strong artificial traces, it can cut off more psychic energy.

This first spring in the tropical area has been completely occupied by Chen Mo.

Start to provide him with evolution points continuously.

The next step is to cross the entire monkey country and then reach the coastline.

Along the coastline, it continues to expand near the equator.

Chen Mo already has a rough plan to first complete the genetic breakthrough in tropical areas with the lowest adaptability requirements.

Then with greater adaptability, it sweeps across the temperate zone, and then two levels!

By that time, Chen Mo believes that the conflict with humans will no longer be a conflict.

A creature embedded in the natural system of the entire planet is not something that a mere Level 1 civilization can handle.

It’s like the whole world is full of viruses, but humans can’t handle it at all.

At that time, even if Chen Mo was discovered, there would be no way that humans could do anything to him, unless the entire planet was cleaned with nuclear bombs, and every corner had to be cleaned!

“The first goal is to become a planet-level creature!”

Chen Mo said confidently.

He was not too arrogant, but came to a conclusion after careful analysis.

When he expands to a certain extent and occupies more than 10% of the planet’s area, the spread will be unstoppable.

This At this time, it is no longer possible to eliminate it by physical means.

And genetic means?

This is basically a food delivery. However, Chen Mo estimates that he currently occupies some temperate and subtropical zones.

And a small part of the tropical area.

This area only accounts for 0.5% of the surface area.

Of course, after entering the tropics, the growth rate will suddenly accelerate. If it were not for the fear of attracting human attention, This expansion will be exponential

“It has to be developed in a low-key manner. It is best not to be discovered until the adaptability is higher than 20.”

We have to continue to evolve!

Continuous evolution is the way to go!

With this thought, Chen Mo opened the attribute panel.

He has gained a lot during this time.

【Race]: Mutated Mushroom

【Evolution points]: 36

【Gene Bank]: 100% mutant earthworms, 100% mutant monkeys, 100% mutant humans%……

【Available genes]: Hallucination, Corruption X, Metal Type 4, Cavity Structure, Toxin, Nerve, Regeneration

【Research bonus]: Carbon-based organisms +304, psionic knowledge +13

Organ attribute panel

【Mutated hyphae]: Nutrient absorption efficiency is 1.6

【Spores]: Adaptability is 5.8 (ordinary seeds, but their powerful diffusion ability and huge number greatly enhance your survival rate)

【Cap]: After maturity, it can start to produce spores. The number of each batch is 4-5 billion. The production cycle is 380 minutes, which requires a lot of nutrients.

【Overall evaluation]: The danger level is 2.6. You have exceeded the danger level of ordinary creatures by 2 points. You are developing towards an extremely dangerous global creature. Your existence itself is a huge threat to the ecological environment.

【Evolutionary clues]: Efficient absorption. You need the knowledge reserve support of carbon-based organisms +1000 for more powerful toxins’、‘Metal’ genetic support. (Current progress 40%)

36 evolution points, you can reorganize and evolve again!

This time Chen Mo plans to evolve the regeneration gene first. This gene is very important. As a species of mushrooms that wins by quantity, Chen Mo even believes that the significance of regeneration is far greater than individual strength.

He doesn’t judge heroes based on unit combat power. In fact, he doesn’t need much combat power at all, he just needs strong enough adaptability.

Combat ability is just a by-product of the genetic research and upgrade process.

Just like human beings, their combat effectiveness is just a by-product of increasing wisdom and studying science.

Chen Mo needs faster growth speed, stronger recovery ability, and extremely terrifying adaptability.

Thankfully, there is currently growth in these features.

The spore growth cycle has been reduced from the initial 8 hours to the current 380 minutes.

This also means that Chen Mo’s expansion cycle and the reloading time of the spore cannon are also reduced simultaneously.

What if it is reduced to 1 minute?

Or even, how many seconds?

That spore cannon will become a machine gun!

Dilate every few seconds……


Just thinking about it, Chen Mo felt extremely terrifying. This growth rate was enough for him to expand to the world in a few days!

Of course, this is without considering adaptability.

No matter how fast the growth rate is, it still depends on whether it can adapt to the environment.

Therefore, the first important characteristic is adaptability, and the second is growth speed!

The latter is directly related to regeneration genes!

Evolutionary regeneration genes.

This will not only increase the growth rate and further reduce the spore preparation time, but also improve the performance of the spore cannon!

Chen Mo thought, and a glowing evolutionary tree appeared in front of him.

Now his evolutionary tree has grown a lot compared to when it first started.

It can be said that it has blossomed.

It has a bit of a civilization technology tree look.

PS: It’s ready to be put on the shelves, so I won’t write any comments about it being put on the shelves.

Just thank you all the readers who support me, thank you for your support.

Without your support, this book would not be where it is today.

Of course, putting it on the shelves is another extremely important test. Please support and subscribe.

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