It was impossible for Chen Mo to monitor Liu Ru 24 hours a day, nor to check her memory directly. Therefore, Chen Mo was completely unaware of some things that the other party had experienced.

For example, this matter, the research on psychic detectors!

As an expert in psychic powers and plants, Liu Ru must know the inside story to some extent!

In fact, there may be a lot of information about this in the computer.

Chen Mo felt a little excited.

He waited until Ali left, and then at 12 o’clock in the evening.

Usually Liu Ru would go to bed at this time.

Chen Mo took one look and knew what she wanted to do.

Sure enough, Liu Ru yawned. She was inspired today and suddenly devised a good plan. So she stretched out happily, preparing to reward herself and go to bed early.

Just put the mouse on the keyboard and shut down the computer.

She was so sleepy that she fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes while lying on the bed.

She likes to sleep naked, it’s warm and comfortable.

Of course, Chen Mo also likes it.

Chen Mo, who was sealed in the plant laboratory by a glass cover, naturally could no longer release hallucinogenic spores, but it didn’t matter.

As the number of mushrooms grows, so does the construction of a ‘rough brain’.

Chen Mo’s powerful consciousness could not be interfered by the wall and he could directly talk to Liu Ru.

Chen Mo will not reveal his existence, and these conversations are all conducted through hypnosis.

This effect manifests itself like sleepwalking.

Liu Ru opened the quilt and got up directly.

She walked to the lab and turned on the computer.

This computer is absolutely confidential and cannot be connected to the Internet.

But Chen Mo can check it every night.

Chen Mo skillfully clicked on various files, and soon found some new files.

These are confidential research materials copied from CDs.

Up there, Chen Mo discovered a new plan of mankind.

Of course, there is more than that. In addition to this plan, there are many unpublished papers, which are all academic communication documents.

By studying these papers, Chen Mo’s psychic knowledge unexpectedly increased.

【Information]: By analyzing human psychic energy research data, your understanding of the causes of psychic energy has deepened, and you have a better understanding of the way psychic energy exists. Psychic knowledge +1

【Evolutionary clues]: Psychic organs. Based on the existing knowledge base, you have analyzed a possible evolutionary organ. This organ will provide a new perception mode, help absorb spiritual energy, and is expected to increase adaptability by +0.5. You need the knowledge reserve of carbon-based organisms +200 and the support of psychic knowledge +10

“Well, it’s starting to pay off.”

Chen Mo smiled with satisfaction.

When he first invested in Liu Ru, it was just a random idea. Unexpectedly, it has really played a huge role now.

This kind of role cannot be ignored even by Chen Mo.

After all, he is only 3 years old now. It’s just a little bit of spiritual knowledge. It

‘s a pleasure to come here at night and get a little extra.

What’s more, even if you don’t get anything, it’s nice to enjoy the spring scenery in front of you.

After doing this, Liu Rumun returned to herself. room, but instead of lying down to sleep, he turned on his laptop again.

Yes, Chen Mo had to go online for a while to understand the global situation and see what the overall human reaction was. What changes have occurred?

There have been cases of mutated creatures attacking humans in many places, and they are randomly distributed. The worst thing is that a cruise ship was directly hit and sunk by a huge shark, and no one among the thousands of people inside survived. Only about half of them have been found.

Many countries have begun to ban ships from sailing.

“It seems that not only the forest, but also the ocean has gradually become a restricted area for humans.”

Everyone is playing big city evacuation.

What’s more interesting is that civil wars have broken out in some countries with weak governance, and there are signs that some psychics are involved.

“In the future, psykers will probably become more and more important, but in a big country, it is impossible for psykers to shake the order.”

Chen Mo made a judgment.

The terrifying power of the state machine cannot be resisted by just a few psykers, not to mention that many official organizations that recruit psykers have begun to be established.

After reading the news, Chen Mo continued After looking through various forums and local news nearby, I noticed a few places where mutant creatures were reported to have been sighted. Then I cleared my browsing history and turned off my computer.

After looking at Liu Ru, who was sleeping soundly, Chen Mo couldn’t help but look at it. Feeling a little sleepy, he also blocked most of his perception of the outside world and fell into a deep sleep.

As his consciousness grew, his sleep time became shorter and shorter. The last time he slept was three days ago. Tuk-tuk!

With a familiar sound, the chief rang the alarm clock. The entire mushroom forest became accustomed to this rapid and rhythmic sound.

“Good morning big man.”

The queen exudes consciousness.

She likes to imitate Chen Mo, including this way of greeting, and has also learned it, and has developed the habit of saying hello every morning.

The first thing Miss Heise does when she gets up every morning, Just combing her hair.

But this is becoming less and less necessary now, because with the emergence of her racial talent, her hair is very smooth, and she is very beautiful even if she doesn’t need to take care of it.

On the side, he looked eagerly at Miss Black Silk, expecting the shiny hair to fall off.

However, it was disappointed again.

“Click! Click!”

It jumped on the ground with some annoyance.

When Chen Mo saw this scene, he couldn’t help laughing. The hair collected by this little guy was getting less and less. From a handful at the beginning to just one yesterday, now it is just one hair. None.

Miss Blackstone looked at the chief with disdain. The chief

‘s anger was quickly sensed, and he immediately opened his mouth and roared wildly. Its mouth was more than twice as wide as its body.

Not only that, it crawled toward Miss Heishi angrily. If the chief behind it hadn’t stepped on its tail, looking at its momentum, it could have swallowed Miss Heishi in one bite.

Unexpectedly, it was so violent that it stretched its body so much that it pulled its tail out from under the chief’s feet with a bang. Then , its whole body shot forward like a stretched rubber band.

The roar was frightening.

It rubbed the ground crazily and finally stopped at Miss Heisi’s feet.

A claw suddenly popped out, as sharp as a sharp blade.


Roar immediately backed away crazily, and hid behind the chief’s paws with a whoosh.

Chen Mo couldn’t help but laugh when he saw this scene.

With the increase in wisdom, Roar no longer chewed without opening his mouth, but this habit has faded. After gaining a certain degree of reservation, he became very capable of fighting with others.

The emergence of psychic powers has made this world so much more interesting.

Even a little insect already has wisdom, and the changes will only be greater in the future.

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