The hare chews

“Damn it, you scared me again.”

Even though he knew that he would not die, the sudden appearance of red eyes and front teeth was scary enough.

Chen Mo was quite irritable.

Then he seemed to think of something, and then felt a little relieved:

“Eat quickly and jump with the mushrooms.”

After saying this, the rabbit jumped up.

As the rabbit moved, more spores scattered and flew farther to reach the”nutritious” leaf pile that Chen Mo had always wanted to go to.

“Humph, you are eating so happily and you are not afraid of others coming to eat you!”

Chen Mo said angrily.

After all, if he worked so hard to grow so many mushrooms and they were eaten by others, no one would be happy.

Suddenly, a fox rushed out!

In Chen Mo’s stunned eyes, the fox Like a red sword, it rushed over and struck a fatal blow.

Then there was the sound of grinding teeth and sucking blood, the throat was broken, and blood spattered.

“Look at my mouth, it’s open……”

Chen Mo was a little stunned when he looked at the rabbit with half a piece of mushroom stuffed in his mouth, already dead with eyes closed.

This fox is really awesome.

And just when Chen Mo was stunned, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

【Event]: You absorbed rabbit blood and obtained 10% of rabbit genes. You extracted usable genes from it. Your genetic structure has been optimized, your nutrient absorption ability has been enhanced, and mycelium nutrient absorption speed +0.1

【Information]: Your gene bank data has been updated, and you have obtained 10% of the gene integrity of ordinary rabbits. By analyzing the genes, you have a deeper understanding of rabbits, and the efficiency of various rabbit actions is increased by 10% (damage, enslavement, genetic modification, etc.) )

Hearing this voice, Chen Mo was immediately ecstatic

“What a surprise!”

The words were full of excitement. If he were a human, he would jump up.

You know, he was still having a headache just now about how to become stronger and didn’t know where to start!

But now, because of accidentally absorbing rabbit blood, he It immediately became stronger.

Sure enough, rabbits are cute for a reason!

From today on, I want to eat rabbits!…..

In fact, I didn’t eat them, I just extracted their genes, and they will be with me from now on.

Just join in the glorious evolution together. Come and join the glorious evolution.

Spore Galaxy Adventure is a game that Chen Mo liked very much in his previous life.

The creatures inside evolve from a cell and can develop into a creation-god-like existence.

You can choose to develop into an independent individual or a civilization, creating a splendid culture, or you can become a swarm of creatures like Zerg, ruthlessly sweeping through world after world.

Even like the orcs in the Warhammer world.

Chen Mo clearly remembered the description of the orcs:”The orcs have half animal genes and half plant genes, and reproduce asexually through spores.

The land they walk on will soon grow a large area of orcs.

The surface of the orcs is green, Because the body surface can perform photosynthesis, these guys can almost be said to be walking, strong man-eating mushrooms that can perform photosynthesis.

Not only that, a large number of orcs can also activate the power of thinking, and they think they have no bullets. If it can go off, the gun can go off. They think that if the chariot is painted red, it can run faster, and then the car can run faster. They think that if the gods can be killed, then it can!”

Tsk, tsk, this! It is simply running rampant across the entire universe.

Chen Mo does not seek to be like the green-skinned orcs, who can rely on”I am thinking” to change the laws of the world, but only seeks to strengthen himself and become immortal.

There was so much room for imagination that Chen Mo fell into a rare state of dementia.

After all, he doesn’t need to go through rounds of cruel evolution. With the evolution system, he can reach the future directly!

Of course, immortality is probably obscene.

Although evolution is powerful, there is no evidence that evolution has no end unless other forces intervene…….


The rabbit’s body fell to the ground, awakening Chen Mo from his fantasy.

Consciousness returned to reality.

The fox was a very picky eater and only ate the best parts and threw away the rest.

With elegant steps, he left.

Chen Mo was immediately happy, and he quickly worked hard to spread the hyphae and absorb the blood!

Some of his spores spread to the rabbit’s body with the breeze.

But it is a pity that there are too many animals and plants in the deep forest here. Nature really wastes nothing. While he is racing against time to absorb the material, ants, butterflies, and even wild dogs and wild boars all come!

Chen Mo’s spores didn’t even have time to wait for the rabbit’s flesh to rot!

For such a big rabbit, Chen Mo didn’t catch anything!

Fortunately, some blood was absorbed and a total of 30% of the rabbit genetic data was obtained.

Next, let’s get to the topic immediately. evolution!

Evolving quickly is the way to go!

As the bottom fungus in the biological chain, it really can’t keep up with the heat even if it eats shit.

Chen Mo originally planned to accumulate some evolution points to deal with possible dangers, but he did not expect that it would not be his turn to grab the leftovers.

In this way, Chen Mo naturally prioritizes evolution.

Only with strength can you eat meat!

By consuming all the evolution points, Chen Mo can evolve.

Recombinant evolution.

With the support of the evolutionary system, Chen Mo can directly see his genetic map.

Like a sapling that has not yet grown up, a technology tree has a trunk.

There are three places where branches stick out slightly.

This is Chen Mo’s inherent gene, which can be enhanced through evolution points.

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