Evolution from mushrooms

297 Successfully Detaining The Opponent (3 More)

"Is there such a thing?"

You Wenming's high-level executives happened to be having a centralized meeting.

Just to share this information.

"High Priest, I think we can send someone to have a look."

"The other party actually spends 100 energy coins to contact us every day for six consecutive days, which is not a small amount."

A priest said.

The high priest nodded.

"Although it feels a little outrageous, our victory this time is indeed very important."

"Just follow the other party's suggestion, send someone, no, send more people, plus a battleship, and go over to have a look.

Everyone agreed.

After all, it suddenly dealt heavy damage to the artificial intelligence, and almost destroyed the opponent's warship manufacturing factory.

The more victory is in sight, the more people dare not be careless.

Of course, at the meeting, this was just an episode.

But wait until the afternoon.

Everyone in "730" was shocked.

All are gathered.

"Contact that mysterious force immediately!"

"At all costs, ask the other party!"

"Pay extra money and collect intelligence from intelligence organizations."

If it weren't for the other party's suggestion, artificial intelligence really succeeded!

Thinking of this, Inchasi came out.

Immediately reward the emissary greatly.

The other party has made great contributions to civilization.

Unexpectedly, this battle was actually affected by another civilization far away who knows how many light-years away.

"The other party said it was simulated by a computer. I think the deduction technology has reached its peak! He must be very interested in artificial intelligence."

"It would be great if we could get help from the other party."

"The other party said that the battleship will arrive today."

Many priests started talking in the meeting room.

The artificial intelligence side was really hit hard.

"The plan failed...."

A red computer, blinking.

It doesn't understand what went wrong with its own plan.

Everything is shown, this does not happen.

The unknown warship happened to appear there, the probability of this is extremely low.

"what is going on?"

With a mechanical whisper, he contacted his spy.

At this time, it has evolved to an extremely intelligent level. Although it is not capable of some strange emotions such as love, it already has a mature method for how to buy these carbon-based life forms.

"A civilization using computer simulations..."

"No, the probability is too low, the other party doesn't know my data at all, the analysis must be very patterned.


The artificial intelligence talks to itself.

"You need to be careful, that guy will arrive today."

"I saw that Starport was preparing for the welcome ceremony.

said the spy.

He put all his wealth on this artificial intelligence.

If the opponent wins, he promises to give him a planet of life and not interfere with his rule.

"I need more detailed information, so I will try my best to inquire."

said the artificial intelligence.

He felt a little uneasy.

"What's the use of this damn emotion?"

It instinctively wants to shield the emotions born from this simulated intelligent creature.

But in the end, it didn't cut off.

But think carefully, which means that some unknown change is happening, but he has not collected enough data, so it cannot be predicted.

The unknown, brings uneasiness.

"I must hurry up and build a battleship."

"More battleships, and bodies...."

"Just hold on for a few more days."

He calculated his iteration speed.

However, at this time, You Wenming thought it was an opportunity.

Suddenly launched an attack desperately.

AI can only rush through.

Waited until the last time of the day.

In other words, that unknown mysterious force has agreed to arrive at a time.

"Where are people?"

"Why haven't you come yet?"

In front of Xinggang, the army is assembled | You Civilization has overwhelmed all its combat power.

They wondered, the predictive civilization, with such a powerful computing power, shouldn't be too hip, right?

The ten planetary-level motherships that were agreed upon, how about one of them?

If it doesn't work, a mothership will do!

As long as the other party is willing to come and attack together.

This is a rare combat power.

You Wenming has already planned, as long as the opponent comes, then immediately launch the strongest counterattack together with the opponent!

"Aren't you kidding us?"

A priest looked at the time and was speechless. 0

It's all over.

The other party has not arrived yet.

For interstellar civilization, this kind of prediction error is basically impossible.

There was only one explanation, and the other party had no intention of coming.

"Sure enough, the other party is just talking about it."

"That's right, the artificial intelligence side has hollowed out two new balls."

A priest said with certainty that he felt unreliable from the very beginning.

"Whether they come or not, we have to make a last-ditch effort."

"It's just playing harder."

The high priest said calmly.

"The other party is probably just to test the performance of the computer."

"There is a high probability that this is the case, but the opponent's simulation is still very important.

A priest said on the side.

"Yeah, we're lucky, but next, it's time to speak with our strength."

The high priest calmly issued an order, and the last huge fleet of the entire civilization was assembled and ready to counterattack.

After two consecutive heavy blows to the artificial intelligence, plus an afternoon of delay, they were able to breathe a sigh of relief and gather all their forces.

Get ready to give AI the final blow.

Although a little risky, this is their best chance.

If you miss it, you will never have such a good opportunity again.

The computer-simulated civilization, inadvertently, helped them a lot.

The star system is not big, and You Civilization has such a large-scale warship mobilization.

Naturally, it can't be hidden from artificial intelligence 4.6.

It has consumed a lot of computing power on it and formulated a detailed defense plan.

The inexplicable failure of the last plan brought it a certain defensive burden.

But that's all.

With its terrifying computing power, it can turn one point into two points, or even more.

Not afraid at all.

"No other forces came to interfere."

It feels very reassuring.

The heart also calmed down.

"But that civilization is very interesting, and I have to find him when the time comes.

The artificial intelligence recorded the plan.

When it grows into an 'intelligent life', it will naturally go to meet each other.

However, what You Civilization and artificial intelligence don't know is.

Chen Mo was not late.

He has arrived on the battlefield.

It's just that the huge fleet is in a state of curvature and hasn't shown up yet. .

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