Evolution from mushrooms

275 Psychic Shield, Starport Invasion (4 More)

After asking about strange things pretending to be gods.

Chen Mo began to continue.

Investigate the entire planet and darkness itself.

Regarding the spiritual shield, it is an ability that requires a lot of skill.

It needs to be a psychic beyond the S rank to barely be able to use it.

"However, I have done quite well in this regard."

He said proudly.

You must know that the entire race can do this, and he is the only one!

The rest of the individuals need to rely on equipment to barely complete it.

Even, many large warships have no way to complete this step.

Only powerful heavy battleships and motherships will be equipped with such bulky and extremely difficult-to-manufacture instruments.

"That looks like I'm really lucky."

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking secretly.

[Information]: You have acquired a 100% genetic map of 'Darkness', and by analyzing the genes, your understanding of cosmic-level psykers has deepened. Based on this research, your knowledge of psychic functions and organic species has increased, your Carbon-based biological knowledge +100, your psionic knowledge +20.

[Information]: You have obtained the technology of constructing a spiritual energy shield from the cosmic level spiritual powerhouse 'Darkness'. This is a special force based on mobilizing consciousness to produce special changes in spiritual energy and mobilizing energy. Field, this force field has supernatural characteristics, it can shield most of the 983 attack types, through careful research, based on a large amount of carbon-based biological knowledge, and the support of +152 spiritual knowledge, you integrate this technology into your own organs, you get Brand new psionic organ - shield generator.

With its support, you can adopt a new defense method, which greatly improves your defense ability. You have a very strong resistance to high-energy weapons and kinetic energy weapons. It is worth noting that this method consumes a lot of energy . Your adaptability +20, risk +30.

"It is useful, but not as great as imagined."

Chen Mo analyzed it carefully.

The main reason is that the energy supply cannot keep up.

The force field formed by the energy consumed by the psionic organs is indeed very powerful.

Theoretically, under the condition that the energy power can keep up, it can resist the attack of infinite high-energy weapons and kinetic energy weapons.

But how can energy be infinitely supplied?

At the current stage, Chen Mo has absolutely no way to provide this kind of energy.

Even if the 'evolutionary clues, high-energy absorption' is completed and the energy of stars can be directly extracted, it is impossible to achieve unlimited energy.

This is not something that a level 2 civilization can do.

After careful simulation, Chen Mo discovered that under the condition of consuming the same amount of energy, the spiritual energy shield can be opened to resist the attack of high-energy weapons.

The payoff is good.

Because this will not cause the Zerg or biological warfare materials to be destroyed.

For the same reason, when the opponent uses kinetic energy weapons to attack.

Also use Psionic Shield, the benefits are poor.

Because this kind of attack will not reduce much matter at all.

Chen Mo doesn't care how badly the battleship itself is beaten.

How much material there is directly determines the combat effectiveness.

Therefore, at this time, it is most appropriate to choose physical resistance.

"It seems that I have to adjust the strategy of the 'tactical core'."

With a thought, Chen Mo made some adjustments to the original combat plan.

After finishing these, Chen Mo began to observe the natives of this planet.

The civilization here has progressed to the era of slave owners.

They are keen to build various wonders of civilization.

Religion plays an important role in this stage.

It also determines the future direction of their race.

However, this planet lacks spiritual power, and the prosperity of religion does not have much progressive effect on the development of science.

But Chen Mo is not ready to change.

Now that the impact has been caused, he can only be left alone.

"Just in time for that experiment."

Chen Mo couldn't help but think of one of his previous ideas, which was to seduce a level 3 civilization to send a signal [and then find a way to steal their consciousness transmission technology.

This civilization is quite suitable.

Chen Mo was still hesitating before whether to find an extremely primitive planet and start with intelligent creatures like monkeys.

Because Chen Mo has seen too many evolutions, but, because of this, he is in awe of evolution.

Know how difficult it is for a creature to walk on this path.

(cacd) He would rather spend more time and cultivate a civilization by himself.

I also don't want to affect the development of other existing primitive civilizations.

However, An's experiment has been done anyway, and An's long-term stay here has already had an irreversible impact on this civilization.

No matter how this civilization develops in the future, the imprint of darkness will be left in the genes.

Just like human beings, the more they develop, the closer they are to the 'Kotah tribe'.

This is still under Chen Mo's conscious interference.

"Speaking of which, I can be counted as the half-ancestor and founder of this civilization."

Chen Mo couldn't help but find it interesting.

It's obviously just a relationship to take advantage of.

Civilization is so amazing.

It will secretly benefit from this, but in turn, unknowingly, this civilization may actually gain more benefits.

The starting point will be much higher than other civilizations.

After careful analysis, Chen Mo decided to spend some time slowly infiltrating into this race.

Then let this race enter the stage of technological explosion.

This will allow them to quickly cross multiple development stages and come to the key point of making photonic computers.

At that time, the civilization that Chen Mo can cultivate will give him another chance to receive the call of a level 3 civilization.

"I'm going to take my chance this time."

"With the existence of the prophet, I can obtain much more information than before."

Chen Mo analyzed it carefully.

This plan will not be implemented immediately, but he already has important observation conditions and predictions.

To bury the planet's foreshadowing, Chen Mo went to the obvious super-civilized relics.

Then he left with darkness.

An An, as a legendary figure, naturally has his role.

He will go to multiple star ports, and help Terra civilization, settle some underworld methods of star thieves, and settle unjust things.

Now that there are stronger observation methods, Chen Mo is also trying to put some minions on the bright side.

Open the star map, Chen Mo has spread to 4 starports.

Except for the scrap iron starport, the other three starports all arrived recently.

With the way of sailing faster than the speed of light, his diffusion speed has been greatly accelerated.

At least 30 times faster than the original.

Each of these star ports is providing Chen Mo with a lot of knowledge, and the psionic knowledge that Chen Mo needs most at present is also acquiring a lot.

"Every brand new star port, after an invasion, I get at least 20 points of spiritual knowledge.

After waiting for a while, Chen Mo will gain enough spiritual knowledge to support him.

Enough to complete 'Evolution Clue, Unreal Creep'

"But the exploration never ends."

Chen Mo selected several suitable star ports and sent out the spaceship.

At the same time, he set off empty-handed.

Go to Ringworld.

At this time, he has obtained the technology of the curvature engine and the spiritual shield, which is enough for him to deal with possible dangers.

The Nether Dragon flew ahead.

Behind, there will be a huge fleet following covertly at super-light speed!

The size of this fleet far exceeds that of the Star Alliance!.

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