Evolution from mushrooms

269 ​​Super-Light Speed, Here It Is! Destroy Superintelligence (2 More)

It was quite a struggle to get in.

Chen Mo couldn't help sighing.

Although he was able to control the spores and let them make way, the battleship no longer dared to drive too fast.

Even if the 'corrosion' gene is not activated, the spores floating in space are not much different from a nuclear bomb under high-speed impact.

"I need an assistant."

"a lot of."

"And there's a ton of equipment."

"The most advanced kind."

"Great existence, these necessary conditions do not seem to exist here.

In the Spore Nebula.

Dr. Halsey after hearing the voice in his head.

replied carefully.

Even in the face of the frightening existence in the legend, she will not be distracted when it comes to work.

And it is very serious thinking.

Then answer carefully.

This made Chen Mo give her a high look.

Dr. Halsey carefully listed the required instruments, and looked at the surrounding environment with great interest. There are a lot of strange nebulae everywhere?

Or some kind of large cosmic life?

This kind of luster, color, doesn't look like ordinary nebula matter emitting glow.

"Small things."

Chen Mo whispered.

This voice rang in everyone's ears.

The faces of the surviving Star Alliance and the Blue Race all changed.

With this whisper, the surrounding creepers began to surge, and creatures walked out of it.

"They also have wisdom, how do you do it?"

Seeing these obviously grown creatures, they were able to move immediately.

Dr. Halsey was shocked.

What's more, there are machines growing out.

This is outrageous!

Can organisms grow into machines?

Looking at those warships again, everyone thought about it, could it be that they also grew out?

How many warships does the opponent have?

Thinking of this question, everyone couldn't help feeling cold.

"With the wisdom of Dr. Halsey, it is difficult to understand."

"The doctor is joking again."

On the contrary, artificial intelligence has vaguely discovered some of the principles.

And try to show your abilities.

This is an extremely covert behavior.

Only Chen Mo can detect it.

She's trying to show her worth.

"Interesting artificial intelligence is no different from real life.

"Her intelligence is probably close to the level of a third-level life.

"But can it figure out my thoughts?"

Chen Mo is very interested in this artificial intelligence called 'sister'.

But he didn't even need to predict, but he could know that this artificial intelligence had a tendency to rebel.

In Chen Mo's view, this kind of strange "life form" that cannot be controlled by oneself should not exist.

The reason is simple, you don't try to listen to a monkey.

Even though this monkey is likely to be your creator.

The intelligence of artificial intelligence cannot be explained by the current level of technology.

If the intelligence of dogs is 1, that of monkeys is 4, and that of humans is 10, then complete and mature artificial intelligence, that is, superintelligence, their intelligence level will not be 15 or 100, but there is a high probability , will grow exponentially at an incredible speed.

It will be thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of millions of times that of human beings.

They have and means, simply unpredictable.

Just like their computing power has grown over the past hundred years.

It started smoothly. From a bunch of huge transistors to being able to calculate the same power as humans, it took fifty or sixty years for the "ancestor" of artificial intelligence.

But it only took a few years to surpass human beings hundreds of millions of times.

The further back, the more terrifying the artificial intelligence is, and it cannot be contained.

They will soon destroy the Creator and rise to a higher civilization.

Chen Mo guessed so.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the probability of super intelligence being born is so high, but they have not seen them rampant.

Because they have already traveled to another "world".

The same universe, completely different cognition.

It's like living in two completely different worlds.

Obviously, the 'sister' has the potential to become a superintelligence.

Even in the "blue" civilization, which is open to the convenience of artificial intelligence, this kind of intelligence is also a very special existence.

There are such efficient tools, plus her creator Dr. Halsey.

Simply perfect.

Don't use it, I'm sorry for myself.

But when is the risky retention of artificial intelligence?

If it was before, Chen Mo would not hesitate to act.

But now, through prophecy, he decided to take a break.

Cooperate with AI and Dr. Halsey for research.

Just one day.

Chen Mo obtained the information of the curvature engine.

Among them, there is still half a day, which is used to create handy materials, and to deploy suitable personnel from Terra to carry out the so-called consciousness transmission, a secret experiment.

Yes, there is no need for people to come, Chen Mo is here, and the exact same body can be cloned.

The construction of the curvature engine laboratory is faster than any civilization.

From equipment to researchers, everything is grown simultaneously.

"It worked, unbelievable."

Dr. Halsey was thrilled.

"I would like to stay here and keep doing this kind of research."

she said firmly.

Even, there are some manias.

Great existence, can you promise me?"

"I request."

Seeing that Chen Mo didn't agree, she continued.

Chen Mo looked at this man with interest.

What a mad scientist.

Any intelligent life of civilization, after realizing its existence, is basically confused and then fearful.

But this one is curious, and then wants to use his powerful power to conduct more research.

Obviously, the research conditions that Chen Mo can provide.

It is her own civilization, which can provide much better.

The rest of the staff looked gloomy. If Dr. Halsey said so, then their chances of gaining freedom are obviously close to no.

They consider themselves to be of little worth.

However, Chen Mo doesn't think so, any life has its existence value.

There is no such thing as worthless, it just depends on how it is used.

Chen Mo will arrange them to different star ports to act as his eyeliner.

Of course, this arrangement is based on the way of consciousness imprisonment.

The body (Zhao Liaohao) in the distance is just their remote control body.

"All the data are here."

"In addition, Ms. 'Sister' accidentally discovered that the relic of the level 3 civilization also has some clues.

Halsey said.

This is the benefit of having artificial intelligence. Many things, even if they are neglected by themselves, can be unearthed from the most subtle clues.

Although the "sister" is not as creative as her, but after self-study, it is quite helpful in this kind of delicate experiment.

"Very well, well done."

"You and artificial intelligence are both good.

Chen Mo said with a smile, brother.

This is the truth.

But well...

A tentacle grew out of the creep, gently pulling out the artificial intelligence chip.

Sitting on a disc, the artificial intelligence projected its own image, a flash of fear flashed, and the image disappeared.


Chips were crushed to pieces.

It was the first time to unload the mill and kill the donkey. .

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