Evolution from mushrooms

247 Nebula Level Weapons! Conception~ (2 More)

What is a planetary weapon?

This is a nebula-level weapon!

In terms of size, it is much larger than an entire star system.

Of course, if you grasp it into a ball with force, you will find that it is actually only the size of one or two planets.

Severely shrunk.

But it doesn't matter, it cannot be said that clouds and water are the same substance.

I feel like they work the same.

Because of the difference in shape, the three functions can play a huge difference.

The most important thing is that within such a huge nebula, it is completely Chen Mo's territory.

What horrible things you do in it will not be discovered by other civilizations.

More importantly, even a huge nebula of one light-year is not too big on the scale of the entire universe.

Not impressive at all!

The probability of being found is extremely small.

Even if it is discovered, other civilizations will only think that it is an ordinary nebula.

As far as the investigation of "783" is concerned, this is not an ordinary nebula, and that's okay, they will think it is some kind of strange cosmic life.

It has nothing to do with Chen Mo Hui.

People grow in the void silently, and they can't get anything from anyone.

No civilization meddles in its own business.

At most, only some adventurers will try to enter the interior of the nebula to find out.

But inside the nebula, the speed can't be raised.

It is completely impossible for them to reach the center and find the Creep Continent there.

The only one who might discover the secrets of the Creep Continent and the Planetary Spore Maker.

It can only be a prophet.

But so what?

Chen Mo now has a good understanding of the Prophet.

There is no direct clue, these things can only point to the Zerg, and at most point to the planet Terra.

Because Chen Mo is invisible.

Yes, he has no concrete form.

Prophecy, can only show his external characteristics.

It's like the wind blowing across the water and passing over the mountain tops. With your naked eyes, you can only see the water ripples and the treetops swaying.

Prophecy, only to be able to see: planets, Zerg, humans, and even some adventurers, alien races.

He is not afraid of the prophet's prophecy!

At least not afraid of the prophecies of level 2 prophets.

Because they can't parse what they see!

Any analysis by them will only be guided to the Terra civilization.

Just like this, it is still almost impossible to happen.

Without civilization, the prophecies of the prophets will be placed on irrelevant matters, just to inquire about other civilizations.

Except for Chen Mo.

He can protect the prophet and shield the damage from the strange space.

And he is directly connected to the Prophet in consciousness.

Ability to use Prophet directly.

The degree of convenience, the degree of mutual trust with the Prophet, and the degree of security far exceed other civilizations.

To describe it more accurately, other civilizations are quite primitive, using a species called prophets, which is no different from primitive tribes.

As for Chen Mo, there is just an extra "observation" organ called a prophet.

It is fundamentally different from other civilizations.

Of course, this kind of organ is not something that Chen Mo can directly manufacture.

This requires a precious resource, the 'prophet'

This thing is a psychic world, and it is extremely rare that one can be born under extremely lucky circumstances.

Even though Chen Mo has greatly increased the probability of producing prophets, he has to admit that even with his current means, producing prophets already mostly depends on luck.

"The current probability is calculated to be about 7%."

In other words, Chen Mo needs to create about a hundred laboratories to obtain about 7 prophets.

"It shouldn't be a big problem when the brain in the Spore Nebula is completed."

Enough to support so many "world laboratories"


"Hehe, what should be worried at that time is whether the evolution point is enough or not."

Chen Mo looked at the ever-expanding spore nebula, and couldn't help looking forward to the future.

Let's grow, spread, spread to the entire universe!

"It would be great if the entire spore nebula could move, floating like a cloud, who would be upset, even the civilization and the star system would be swallowed up.

Or develop a weapon that can match the Spore Nebula?"

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking about it comfortably.

Back then, he was just growing up on one planet, but now he has started a galaxy-level project.

Compared with this big project, under the eyes of other civilizations, sneaking up one or two creeps to pretend to absorb the energy of stars seems to be meaningless.

However, Chen Mo is still very concerned about transporting planets back to the Terra star system.

This is the base camp, and it must be managed well.

And Chen Mo will continue to strengthen the defense.

He wants to build the home planet Terra into a heaven-like world.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo had a thought, and went to the humans again. 0

Now, the development here is quite good.

The first psionic spaceship successfully flew today!

Of course, because there is no psionic computer, the technology of photonic computer is still used.

But even so, the performance of this spaceship is still very good.

Reached the level of most Tier 2 Civilization light battleships.

In particular, part of the anti-gravity technology is used in it, and the psionic spaceship has a strong advantage in terms of startup speed and flexibility.

Human beings have unique advantages in the use of spiritual energy.

And very good at research.

The task assigned to them by Chen Mo to analyze the 'microcomputer' family 'unmanned aerial vehicle swarm tactical software' has been easily completed.

And according to the requirements submitted by the Zerg, humans have rewritten a new tactical system.

[Information]: You have obtained the research results of human beings in the recent period. The research of human beings on psionic computers and psionic battleships is progressing rapidly. There are also preliminary clues to the research on psionic leap and psionic shields . By checking these detailed information, your psychic knowledge +5, your idealism +1, your 'evolution clues, tactical core' research progress has reached 50%, and the 'evolution clues, illusory creep' research progress has reached 75% .

"Yes, great potential."

Every time I come to check the information, I can gain something new. The feeling of planting a civilization and harvesting a pile of knowledge is really great.

Chen Mo manipulated Liu Ru's body and looked at the computer. The huge database information in it had already begun to take shape as a level 2 civilization should have.

Today, the first generation of consciousness - 0.1 - neural network interface, has begun to become popular.

This is the second technological revolution of mankind after the photonic computer.

Consciousness revolution.

This non-contact interface can quickly share information.

It made Chen Mo no longer need to insert Liu Ru's or Ali's fingers into the computer interface.

Like the level 3 civilization Kota, the consciousness directly manipulates the machine.

A real "dumb" manipulation.

This also provides material possibilities for spiritual power armor and various weird weapons.

Imagine that when you are still trying to evolve more tentacles or program because the manipulation is not convenient and fast enough, people have already done it in one step and directly manipulated it consciously.

Communication and operation are all carried out through consciousness.

In some respects, this efficiency is on par with level 3 civilization. .

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