Evolution from mushrooms

225 Is This Fucking Impulsive? Get The Prophet's Corpse! (2 More)

The Nether Dragon didn't just pass by at random.

He came prepared!

For two purposes.

The first one is to chat with the Star Alliance and see what tricks the other party has.

The second, by coincidence, got the Prophet's body!

And the cool thing is, it just so happens that the first objective can provide cover for the second!

Coupled with the double cover of the spacecraft's active provocation.

Steady concealment, no!

Between the dark universes, Chen Mo immediately exerted a deeper influence on the psykers.

In terms of changing consciousness with matter, he has already gained enough experience with the Void Dragon, a level 2 cosmic creature.

Although S-level psykers are powerful and pay attention to the situation of consciousness, after such a long time, the infiltration cells have already slowly penetrated deeply.

By coincidence, the S-level psyker flew towards the Nether Dragon.

He felt uneasy.

However, soon, two battleships behind them exploded with hot engines, and at the same time, the space fighters on them rushed towards them at an even faster speed.

"There is an ambush!"

The psychic's eyes narrowed, and he felt more and more that the ghostly thought just now had saved his area.

"Is that you? Daughter, are you protecting me?"

He murmured, and rushed towards the Nether Dragon with a firm face.

At the same time, a thought flashed in his mind, didn't Cole say that his battleship is coming?


Could it be that.....…

No, it shouldn't be possible.

He didn't know why he rushed towards the Nether Dragon, but a strong thought in his heart told 313 to give it a try.

This is near, the only variable.

The Nether Dragon is powerful enough to compete with an entire fleet!

The warships that were chasing up from behind started to recharge their weapons after bursting out with engine light.

"Quick! Chase!"

In a hurry, the captain ordered immediately!

I don't know what happened, but it was discovered!

Logically, it shouldn't be!

The engines of their battleships are all turned off. Could it be that some bastard fighter didn't turn off the engines?

And at this time, their detection system has just started to activate.

The entire ship was in a silent state just now, so except for some optical detection capabilities, the detection capabilities are extremely weak.

At this moment, start the battleship and use active detection.


In a burst of earth-shattering sirens, everyone on the battleship was frightened.

"Wait! Are you sure it's a small one-man spaceship we're ambushing?"

Some crew members looked at the detection data and shivered.

At this time, the orders of their head were also inserted.

"Bastard! Stop!"

"Aren't you idiots!"

"Don't charge your weapon!"

Is this fucking impulsive?

I'm afraid everyone will suffer if they charge again!

The quick-response mercenary turned around and ran towards Xinggang at this time.

Much faster than when it came.

As a man with flexible combat skills, many Lone Rangers were scared to pee and turned back immediately.

Because obviously, such a move is enough to attract the attention of the Nether Dragon.

Imagine that you are walking on the road, and suddenly someone suddenly appears on the side, pulling the bolt of the gun, raising the gun to aim.

How will you react.

Then what would be the reaction of the Nether Dragon at this moment.

Originally, Chen Mo was still pondering whether to directly engage these people outrageously and unreasonably, or to let it go.

This actually came up by itself.

Then he was impolite, and the Void Dragon was furious immediately, and "swallowed" the little battleship that came over in one gulp.

Then he gave a shot to a battleship that was too late to run away.

This shot is very in line with the temper of the void dragon.

Coincidentally, according to the information, he suffered a big loss again.

This will definitely make you feel bad.

So waiting for these mercenaries was like beating them fiercely.

But inside the body of the Nether Dragon, a warship with a slightly melted outer shell, the psyker inside is still alive.

Countless creeps spread over.

Wrapping his body tightly, piercing into his body.

The psyker opened his eyes wide, as if fighting against something invisible.

He tried to activate the nuke.

But here it is, even with the nuke right behind him.

The signal can't be sent either.

While the psyker was stunned, the nuclear bomb was rolled by a tentacle growing from the flesh wall, and it was directly turned into a pile of powder.

At this point, the psyker understands.

A warship, it turned out to be real!

Cole didn't lie to him.

He even told the truth.

"My battleship is a bit special."

"Well, my battleship has a criminal record, and I have offended many more people than you."

These words flashed through the mind of the psyker.

"Void Dragon! So you are the mastermind behind the scenes!"

"Me? I'm not qualified yet."

A voice sounded in his head.

Immediately, the psyker was taken aback.

As for the Void Dragon, he also understood why that person took so much trouble. (cafa) turned out to be the body of a prophet!

Even if it's just the body, the value is huge!

What's more, this one doesn't seem to be polluted, but the consciousness in it just disappeared.

In the specific situation, he dared not do more detection.

This, is not something he can bang.

Void Dragon focused on what he should do, his performance was not over yet.

And in its huge mouth.

The creeping blanket spread and extended into the metal vessel.

This thing Chen Mo looked like a coffin at the beginning, but he didn't expect it to be a coffin.

Inside lay an alien girl quietly.

"O Prophet!"

"Now, you belong to me!"

Chen Mo couldn't help being excited.

However, he immediately reacted, and hurriedly peeed twice.

It's too perverted to say such a thing to a corpse.

[Event]: You absorbed the flesh and blood of the Prophet from the 'Chromium' clan, and obtained 100% of the Prophet's gene, and you extracted the unique psionic gene from it. You integrated these genes into your own genetic map, and your 'Light Path' gene got Partial enhancement, you have a new idea for the construction of the optical neural network, which can speed up the operation speed of the 'world laboratory', and your adaptability +0.5.

[Information]: Your gene bank data has been updated, and you have obtained a completeness of 99% of the 'chrome' family genes. By analyzing the genes, your understanding of the Luo family has deepened, and the efficiency of various actions for the 'chrome' family has increased by 99%.

[Information]: You have obtained 100% genetic map of individuals with prophetic talent. After careful research and comparison with the genetic map of their immediate relatives, you found that the influence of prophetic talent on the material level, compared with other talents, can be It is extremely slight, even almost imperceptible, but the rich knowledge of carbon-based biology still allows you to investigate a trace of clues. You firmly believe that as long as there is a change, there are traces to follow. The investigation at the genetic level has a rough understanding of the influence of the prophet's talent on the genetic level, as well as the conditions for the birth of the prophet, and your understanding of the prophet has deepened. Your carbon-based biological knowledge +600, psionic knowledge +5.

[Information]: The research on the Prophet has given you a deeper understanding on the road of spiritual knowledge. Your 'Evolution Clue, Illusory Creep' research progress has reached 60%, 'Evolution Clue, Creator' Research progress reaches 50%.

"Collecting the complete genetic map of the chromium family is more conducive to my search for the characteristics of the prophet at the material level."

"Hehe, plus the clues I collected on that prophesy planet soon, maybe combined, there will be a major breakthrough!"

Matter, consciousness, and the two levels, Chen Mo carefully "up and down".

Both hands must be grasped, and both hands must be hard.

"I still don't believe you might be able to handle you, a prophet!"

Chen Mo took a look, 99% genetic integrity.

It seems that the genetic diversity of the chromium family is quite rich.

One or two people cannot represent the genes of a race. Chen Mo wants to collect all the genetic data of this race, which requires a large number of individual samples.

It's not realistic, nor necessary.

If it is required to be lower, limit the number of sample surveys to the thousand level.

It is operationally feasible.

Based on Chen Mo's rich experience in plundering racial genes, he speculates that this can increase the genetic integrity of his "chromium" ethnic group to 99.98%.

This degree of completeness can fully satisfy the comparative research on the evolution of the entire race and the genetic map.

One thousand people, this order of magnitude, happens to be the number of people on a standard medium-sized warship. .

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