
Metalizing genes?

Chen Mo was ecstatic. If he had feet, he would have jumped up. He realized what this meant.

As long as he collects more genes, he can have many extra abilities!

Chen Mo opened his genetic map.

Sure enough, in addition to the three evolutionary branches it originally had, there was another evolutionary branch, the [Metal] gene.

This one only sticks out a little, not long, but Chen Mo knows that he can spend evolution points at any time to strengthen this evolutionary tree.

He can use this [metal] gene at any time to turn the function on or off.

The gene bank is like a weapons arsenal. When you need to use it, you can take out the genes in it. When you don’t need it, just put it in it.

The evolution point is the energy needed to strengthen the weapon.

More weapons enrich Chen Mo’s abilities, and more evolution points make the weapons stronger and sharper!

Even Chen Mo can use this gene locally

“In this case, wouldn’t I be able to disguise myself as many different types of mushrooms?”

Chen Mo couldn’t help but think of this problem. As his size and number became more and more exaggerated, how to hide himself became a question that Chen Mo often thought about.

Low-key growth is the way to go!

Just do it.

One day later, the mushroom community , it doesn’t look like a unified species.

Chen Mo looked around and saw that there were at least three species in the largest mushroom community, which were easily distinguishable by the naked eye because they carried spores with different properties. , the appearance is different.

This is actually the appearance change caused by selective activation of genes.

In essence, they are the same. As long as Chen Mo is willing, they can activate the genes and transform into each other at any time.

Of course, this change is required. Time, measured in days, is not as magical as magic, but even so, it would be shocking if it were discovered by humans, not to mention Chen Mo himself. Colonial organisms.

Ants and bees, including the Zerg species that only exist in fantasy, all belong to the category of swarming organisms.

Their eggs are exactly the same from the beginning, and there is no gender distinction. Instead, they are based on the environment or the needs of the entire population. They transformed into various”tools”. In academic terms, this is called metamorphosis.

Chen Mo carefully recalled his high school biology textbook. It was funny that he was born as a human. At that time, this knowledge was not used, but when he became a mushroom, he regretted that he had learned too little at that time. Chen Mo had a feeling that if he had the level of a PhD in biology, he would definitely be able to do better and become better than he is now. Strong. But that’s all he can think about. He won’t feel sorry if he doesn’t become a child.

【Information]: You have obtained a 100% genetic map of the mutated coyote gene. By analyzing the genes, your understanding of wolves has deepened. Based on this research, your understanding of organic species branches and carbon-based organisms has also been deepened. Carbon-based organisms Knowledge +1, increase the efficiency of each action by 1%

【Information]: Your understanding of mutated creatures has deepened, and your understanding of the genetic changes caused by psychic energy has deepened. Mutation and racial talents are no longer completely mysterious to you. Your understanding of the effects of psychic energy has deepened. Knowledge of organic species increased, psionic knowledge +1.

Chen Mo glanced at the disappeared flesh and blood of the giant silver wolf. After the hyphae faded away, only a complete body of silver fur and dead bones remained.

Even these bones are sinking slowly.

The ground seemed to be alive, slowly squirming, and every moment, the skeleton moved lower.

The silver fur slowly moved towards the mushroom group.

This is Chen Mo’s first trophy.

The first mutated creature to be killed is worth remembering.

This fur is silver and shiny. If it were used in human society, it would definitely be the top fur, and its value is immeasurable.

Seeing that the bones had completely submerged into the ground, and the place looked harmonious and completely without danger, Chen Mo was slightly relieved.

Then, he had a thought

“Metal genes, call immediately!”

As soon as the words fell, the entire mushroom forest shook slightly.

There was a strange whooshing sound.


Immediately afterwards, there was a sound like ice condensing or glass breaking.

The sound sounded densely and sharply.

This attracted the attention of many animals, but after they discovered that the movement came from a strange mushroom, they lost interest.

This mushroom, which is becoming more and more common in the basin, keeps most animals at a distance.

They have evolved, and most animals, after seeing or having suffered from this mushroom themselves, know that such a place cannot be entered.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

What was even more unbelievable was what was to come. Even Chen Mo himself was caught off guard.

All the mushrooms are constantly expanding. It is impossible to say whether the speed is fast or slow.

For Chen Mo, it was just a matter of sleeping.


The first mushroom was as thick as a person could hug it!

PS:(⊙o⊙)…The data is so miserable. Please give me some flowers.

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