This trip was very rewarding.

Chen Mo not only gained a lot of knowledge, but because of his research on mutant tardigrades, his adaptability finally exceeded 100!

The peak biological adaptability on Terra is about one hundred.

The mutated tardigrade goes one step further on this basis, reaching the age of early one hundred.

Chen Mo, on the other hand, has the advantage of gathering a large number of creatures and is making further progress.

His adaptability reached 116.6!

During this period, Chen Mo’s attribute data has undergone earth-shaking changes through his expansion in the Arctic continent and deep sea.

【Race]: Mutated Mushroom

【Evolution points]: 1245

【Gene Bank]: 100% mutant tardigrade, 100% mutant kelp, 100% mutant blue whale%……,

【Available genes]: Hallucinogen Type 5, Corruption X. Corrosion, Metal Type 8, Cavity Structure, Toxin Type 8, Neurotype 5, Regeneration Type 8

【Research bonus]: Carbon-based organisms +104″633″00, psychic knowledge +36, Gestalt thinking +4. Idealism +1, extraordinary body +1 organ attribute panel

【Mutated hyphae]: Nutrient absorption efficiency is 2.5 (will not reject anyone who comes, very powerful nutrient absorption ability)

【Spores]: Adaptability is 116.6 (powerful diffusion ability, extremely large number, incredible vitality, and tenacity that can lie dormant for thousands of years, this is a miracle in the history of planetary evolution!)

【Cap]: After maturity, it can start to produce spores. The number of each batch is 6-8 billion. The production cycle is 330 minutes, which requires a lot of nutrients.

【Overall evaluation]: The danger level is 35.3. You have far exceeded the danger level of ordinary creatures. Measuring your influence based on the degree of damage to the planet’s ecology is no longer enough. Your existence has exceeded the danger of ordinary planet creatures. Limit, this concept no longer applies to you. You have taken a key step to become a cosmic creature, which may cause incalculable harm to the entire galaxy.

【Evolution clues]: コEvolution clues, the current progress of Heart of the Swarm is 35%, evolution clues, the current progress of Idealism has reached 15%, evolution clues, the current progress of Transcendent Form is 20%

“A cosmic creature?”

Chen Mo smiled calmly. This step was the only way to go. He had already prepared for it, so he was not too excited.

On the contrary, he was very excited about what he had to do next. If he had the skills at this moment If so, he would rub his hands happily and feel as excited as opening a treasure chest.

When the scene turned, he had already arrived at the mysterious spaceship. This spaceship crashed on Terra probably very long ago.

Chen Mo learned from the experience of not understanding tardigrades last time.

He reviewed all the mainstream scientific knowledge of mankind and spread it to the entire world, including distributed neural networks in snowy mountains and deep seas, which was enough for Chen Mo to study in one day. He learned this knowledge in just one day, and it took him another day to sort it out by category.

With this knowledge and Chen Moxiang’s detector skills on various scientific instruments, he had already determined the age of the surrounding rocks. Judging from the various traces of the spacecraft embedded in the rocks

“At least it’s something from a billion years ago.”

In such a distant era, this thing was still able to send letters. This made Chen Mo feel very incredible.

“Perhaps even further back, before the birth of Terra’s life……It’s already here.”

Chen Mo sighed with emotion. This may be the first life on the entire planet.

He couldn’t help but feel the weight of history.

In the universe, life is really too small.

However, there will still be miracles!

This ship in front of me The spaceship clearly told Chen Mo what a miracle is, and how high intelligent life can reach.

This is a height that is unimaginable for ordinary humans.

After such a long time, it has been able to perform some functions, and the strength of the shell has become so high that no technology on Terra can break its shell.

At this moment, Chen Mo was inspired by his way of evolution. , sooner or later, he will be able to reach such a height!

Be immortal for billions of years, and even become more powerful!

“A billion-year-old treasure chest, let me see what you can bring me.”

Chen Mo whispered, and the evolutionary tree appeared in front of his eyes.

【Warning]: You are trying to use evolution points to recombine and evolve the corrosion gene, which may increase the corrosive ability of the acid, which has special effects on inorganic substances (99.99% probability). It is worth noting that this operation may lead to unknown consequences (0.01 % probability)! Please choose carefully.

Chen Mo didn’t hesitate at all and directly started investing a lot of attribute points. This time, he relied on having more evolution points to do it hard!

Of course, he also made other careful preparations. During this period of time, he had arranged for humans and collected a large number of genetic maps, especially regarding the corrosion gene.

Therefore, his accumulation has been very rich.

This can be seen from the thick corrupt branches on the evolutionary tree. It has spread until the corrosion, and has only shrunk a little. It can continue to extend for a long time!

After five failures, Chen Mo spent a total of 1,030 evolution points to finally reorganize and evolve the Corrosion Gene into its strongest form……..,

【Information]: You have obtained the Corrosive You cannot effectively store this acid at the moment, and the secreting cells will be disintegrated the moment it is synthesized. Gain Adaptability +1, Danger +5.

Very scary acid…..

Chen Mo tried to synthesize a drop, and then realized that things were getting serious.

His entire creep was gone.

Yes, although this kind of terrifying acid reacts more strongly to inorganic substances, at this level, fragile flesh and blood generally cannot withstand it!

This drop of acid, no, not even a drop, it was just an extremely small amount of acid that fell on the ground and instantly dissolved into a big pit.

The edge of the pit is extremely smooth, and its diameter reaches 10 meters!

The acid itself has almost no loss and is still eroding downwards.

This pit keeps getting deeper. hiss!

Chen Mo looked at the hundreds of meters deep cave that was dissolved and took a breath of cold air.

If there were enough of them, this thing could easily melt through the earth’s crust!

“Tsk tsk……It is truly terrifying to disintegrate matter from the atomic level.”

Chen Mo observed carefully and found that the toxin basically only acts as a catalyst, and then causes the disintegration of the surrounding material 5.3. It itself is not consumed.

This is why acidity is so terrifying.

Most acids will also participate in the reaction themselves and corrode naturally. The ability is limited.

But the strong acid created by Chen Mo is different. It participates in the corrosion process, but it will only be diluted. Yes, this acid will gradually spread like a drop.

The ink entered the sea and slowly disappeared.

An acid that cannot be neutralized can only be diluted.

This kind of acid cannot be effectively blocked by Chen Mo, a”level 2 civilization”. When he was still a planet creature, he dominated among level 1 civilized species, and his hallucinogens could not be effectively resisted by any creature.

“I am afraid that only civilizations above level 3 can resist the corrosion of this kind of acid.”

Chen Mo made a guess based on his own knowledge and combined with the human civilization system._Faloo reminds you: three things about reading – ∪ collection, recommendation, sharing!

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