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Mu Qianxi began to refine the medicine, and all the medicines used were collected in Yunluo Medicine Garden.

It's very fresh and the medicine is very effective, and her hands are already itchy.

There are not many opportunities for cooperation in refining medicine, but there is a tacit understanding. Mu Qianxi's movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water.

The hand fiddling with the elixir was very fast, and there was an afterimage.

The other alchemists were all focusing on their medicines, only the giant chicken kept staring at Mu Qianxi.

Fast and not chaotic, everything seems to be in control, success is inevitable.

This human refining pharmacist is like the whole person is shining, as if the thousands of rays of light in this world have gathered.

Such brilliance, it has only been seen in the memory of the master, that is when the master of refining medicine.

It felt that she would definitely win.

The giant bird just thought it was unbelievable, there was only so much time? It actually thought she would win!

One of the white-bearded pharmacists' dan cauldron radiates more and more incense, and it is about to become a dan.

"Hahaha! God King Pill, Heavenly Holy Pill! I succeeded."

This kind of medicine pill can enhance the understanding of one's own elements, and make one's own elemental spiritual power improve to a realm.

In the same realm, if the elemental spiritual power is stronger, it will have a great advantage in battle.

Mu Qianxi itself is a good example, but there are very few elixir to improve this aspect.

Even the alchemist in the Divine Cauldron Domain, who can refine this kind of medicine pill, is the phoenix feather water chestnut.

Therefore, he felt that he was sure to win, and he would definitely make the giant chicken look different.

A clear voice came, "Unfortunately, my elixir is finished!"

He looked at the woman not far away, and there was an elixir in the palm of his hand, which was shrouded in a layer of fog.

Mu Qianxi said again: "Giant chicken, your eyesight should be good, you should see who finished faster, right?"

The giant chicken replied: "You all finish at the same time!"

In fact, if it is more accurate, this human girl is faster.

It will not admit it!

The white-bearded pharmacist snorted coldly, "What kind of good medicine can be refined in such a short time? Even if it is completed at the same time, this old man will definitely win."

Even if he is refining the lowest level of medicinal herbs, it takes more than this time.

Mu Qianxi sneered coldly, "You're sure to win? It's too early to be happy."

Mu Qianxi blew away the layer of fog, revealing the true face of the medicine pill.

The medicinal power radiated by this medicinal pill made the one from Master Whitebeard look bleak.

"This...this breath...this is Brahma Holy Pill!"

"What? Brahma Holy Pill!"

Hearing these three words, some pharmacists even gave up refining the medicine and turned their attention to the medicinal pill in Mu Qianxi's hand.

The other alchemists couldn't calm down either, so they all looked over.

"Bang bang bang-"

The pills exploded a lot, which wasted a lot of medicinal materials and made their heartache.

But now I can't control that much anymore, that is Brahma Holy Pill!

Someone trembled: "It's really Brahma Holy Pill!"

Brahma Sacred Pill, in fact, is the same as Heaven Sacred Pill, it is only the level of God King Pill, and even the effect is similar.

But Heavenly Holy Pill can only improve the level of elemental spiritual power, while Brahma Holy Pill can make a person's elemental spiritual power have a qualitative leap and comprehend the profound meaning of element.

Since the master left, this kind of medicine pill has not appeared for a long time.

Pills that can help people comprehend the profound meanings of the elements are really attractive to many **** kings who are eager to understand the profound meanings.

Mu Qianxi always knew that there was this medicinal pill, not because she didn't want to take shortcuts when she understood the profound meanings, but because the medicinal materials were incomplete.

After coming to Yunluo Medicine Garden, there are too many herbs here, so she managed to get it together.

Brahma Holy Pill is so cute, right in front of them, but they find it unbelievable.

"My lord, this is fake! Is she cheating when refining the Hungry Brahma Holy Pill in such a short time!"

As senior pharmacists, they could see at a glance that this medicinal pill was just released, but they still didn't want to believe it.

The giant chicken said: "Do you think she can cheat under my nose?"

It looked at Mu Qianxi and said, "I underestimated you! I didn't expect the Five Elements Holy Cauldron to give you all the prescriptions of the Brahma Holy Pill!"

The corners of Mu Qianxi's mouth twitched slightly, "So, I won the medicine refining, right?"

"Yes, you won!" On this point, the giant chicken didn't reply.

All the alchemists were speechless, she finished so fast, and they estimated that they would not be able to keep up with the level of the medicinal pills they practised for hundreds of years.

Lost! Obviously it is the easiest game to win, and the loss is so miserable!

All the pharmacists had mixed feelings in their hearts, and some people still didn't want to believe the fact that they were defeated in front of them.

Someone is staring at Mu Qianxi, what kind of evildoer is this?

The white-bearded pharmacist said: "We haven't completely lost, we just have one more stinky boy, it is impossible to defeat all..."

"Bang bang bang—" Before he could finish his words, several disfigured guys who were beaten fell in front of him.

Ying Tianxia said with a hearty smile: "The girl won! Then I will also make a quick decision here!"

"Ah, ah -" A king master suffered heavy and miserable!

This person was brutal and violent, causing their bodies to be severely damaged, and their internal organs torn apart.

Those spiritual masters all fell down.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said, "Brother is amazing! Well done."

"Giant chicken, I won here too!" She looked at the giant chicken and said.

Giant God Chicken said: "You are really outstanding, they all lost, then they can't get the holy plant, these holy plants belong to you!"

Mu Qianxi smiled happily, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes!

"All Shengzhi is mine, which is great too!"

Mu Qianxi was so happy, the others were so frustrated and heartbroken.

If they can still fight, they must be desperate to grab it.

It's a pity that they were still defeated by Yingtianxia, ​​and they could only watch this little girl harvest so many holy plants that they could not ask for.

"However, those of you who have failed and let me down, Shengzhi does not belong to you, and you will also be retributed by Shengzhi!" The giant chicken said coldly.

You Shengzhi said: "I'm so angry that such a waste dares to covet us!"

"Yes! I don't even look at how much I weigh, and I want to get us!"


Their faces became even paler, they took all the healing pills, took out the super artifact to assist escape, and ran for their lives!

Now they can't stand the revenge of these holy plants!

"Ahhh-" Shengzhi, who was quiet before, showed his fangs at this time, and a terrifying revenge began.

The giant chicken said: "When they come back after revenge on those humans, it's yours! You've worked hard too, go into the house and so on!"

Mu Qianxi pointed to the cabin dragged by pink vines and asked, "Where are you going?"

"That's right! That's our master's residence. It's your honor to go in and rest!" The Giant Chicken replied.

"Isn't it just a fancy wooden house? I really think my sister is rare! Sister, if you like those holy plants, we will go and catch them now. This chicken is not safe, don't pay attention to it!"

Ying Tianxia stood behind Mu Qianxi like a guardian, looking at the giant chicken. He made a judgment based on his intuition. This giant chicken, which is not friendly to his sister, must have a bad idea. It is best to stay away from it.

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