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At this time in another place in Wanxuefeng, a sharp knife slid down from the face of a beautiful woman, and wanted to peel off her entire face. The woman was terrified: "Don't... …Do not kill me……"

The two people in front of me were extremely good and their strength was amazing. She had wanted to go and did not think that the black boy suddenly shot, she had no room for a hand, and then it was.

"This one is not, but there are more than a dozen women in this blood peak. If you look for one, you can't find it."

The two men disappeared in front of the woman, and the woman was so scared that her legs fell softly on the floor. She knew that the two were looking for a woman.

I blame that a woman is tired of her!

Ziwei and the broken army both destroyed the flowers in the hot hands, and Mu Qianyi beat this group of people who are ranked tenth in the regular flight.

"Boss! Boss, you are our boss, I didn't have long eyes before!"

"Boss! I will follow you later. You said that I will never go west in the east."


They were scared by Mu Qiang, and Mu Qiang raised his hand and several medicine needles flew out.

"Oh!" a few shots, the needles pierced into their skin.

"What is this?" they asked.

"It's poison!" Mu Qianhui replied.

"So you are best to obey, otherwise it will definitely be better than death." Mu Qianshao cold channel.

"Boss, we must be very obedient. You want **** spirits, how much I will collect for you." Their dog's legs.

Mu Qian took out a picture and said: "These two people are above the southwestern mountain of the **** peak. Your task is to ignite a lot of people to besiege them, and then show me how high their strength is. ""

"It's just two kids. Where is the need for such trouble. Let's help the boss directly to solve the problem!" They feel that these two people are just not able to see it, not at all.

Mu Qian said: "You didn't have enough to eat a lesson, but you still want to die."

They listened to the words of Mu Qian, and they were very cold and sweaty. Is it true that these two people are also very powerful?

Also, if it is not powerful, the boss will not let them first test the strength of the two people, but directly.

"Good!" We will do it right away.

They wanted to smash the wind to deal with Ziwei and the broken army, and found that they did not need to do it at all. There was a group of people who came to find them and settled their accounts.

"You two are still not men! Even bullying women, but also ruining women's tolerance." Because they were two hands to destroy flowers, causing public anger.

"There are people like this..."

"The two dog breeds were slaughtered."

The resentment of the people made the faces of Ziwei and the broken army cold to the extreme.

Breaking the army and angered: "You a bunch of miscellaneous things are too much trouble, all kill, kill it."

"Ziwei, killing other miscellaneous pieces, that woman may not be able to hide, isn't it?" The face of the broken army showed a bloodthirsty smile.

"Also, maybe our direction is wrong. That woman may pretend to be a man. Maybe the most effective way is to kill everyone in Wanfeng Peak. If she is, she will definitely run into it."

The indiscriminate massacre is only to find a person.

I would rather kill 10,000 and never miss one.

Everyone listened to their bleak conversations, all over the body, "a big tone! Just two of you, dare to kill us, dream!"

When they started, there was a scream of screams.


"Puff puff!"

The blood splattered and stained this hillside.

They feel that the two men are not two humans at all, but two humanoid weapons.

The two people carried out the massacre with a faint wind, and Chang Fei was also scared to a cold sweat.

These two people are too horrible, he trembled: "Come on, fast..."

Fortunately, the boss reminded them, otherwise they stupidly rushed to the two to start, it is estimated that it will die very badly.

When I was near the top of the mountain, many people encountered big trouble!


There are many different plants hidden around, one of which is dandelion.

The flower seeds they fly out can parasitize on the human body, and then use their flesh and blood as soil and nutrients to grow new ones.

This is also one of the most fiercely different plants, white funeral flowers!



“Why is this 10,000-year-old blood peak with such a brutal alien plant like white funeral flowers?”

For a time, the whole **** phoenix mourns all over the wild. Of course, many people who react very fast can avoid the parasitism of white fungus seeds.

There are some patches of flowers around the sea. The white ones are like a layer of white snow on the ground, but they have ruined many people's lives.

The little blood entangled in the wrist of Mu Qiang’s wrist, and saw the ignorant white funeral flower attacking its small follow-up.

He was angry and said: "Master, the strength of this stuff is good, I will give you a fight!"

"There are a lot of different plants here, I can barely become my younger brother. I will solve them and accept them."

"Go! Be careful." Mu Qian said.

The small blood pressure roots don't need to be careful, and they are violently disabled.

In addition to the snow funeral flowers, there are other, small blood can sense the location of the entire 10,000 blood peaks.

Mu Qianyi followed it all the way, watching it sweeping around, the small blood can be described as very prestige.

In the face of these defeated prisoners, Mu Qiang has not taken out the pharmacy, they have since surrendered to the little blood.

I don't know if I was afraid of it or what happened? Not at all murderous.

Mu Qian said: "Small blood, I did not expect them to listen to you so much."

Xiaoxue proudly said: "That is natural, I am amazing, and when my strength is upgraded, it will be even more powerful."

When Mu Qiang took out the pharmacy for these different plants, these different plants were even more devastating to them. After all, these medicinal agents are super good for them to improve their strength. They have never seen such a good thing. . In the **** peak to collect all kinds of fighting power, I have never forgotten the business, she said: "Small blood, there is no target, there is no worthy of the difference, we have to grab Bloody spirits, that may be something to help you improve your strength, you can't miss it, a lot

Good fortune. ”

The small blood felt the movement of the whole Wanshan Mountain. After discovering that there was no strong smell, I nodded. "Well! No, let's grab the **** spirit! I have my brother and I are all robbing. There is no problem coming over."

"Go! We go to the top of the mountain." When Mu Qianqi was near the top of the mountain, he smelled a strong **** smell. She saw a familiar figure, and escaped like running down the top of the mountain: "Boss! Go away, the people you said are completely mad, they want to kill everyone. Now they have killed nine out of ten. ,too terrifying."

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