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Sure enough, this guy has directly drawn countless thorns toward Mu Qianxi. It is a gesture of refusal to admire Qian Qian.

Mu Qianxi took out a pharmacy needle, and “咻!” fell on the **** thorns. The **** thorns did not feel pain, and they felt very comfortable.

It stopped the attack and the body seemed to ban general stiffness here.

Mu Qiang felt it a little hesitant, and then rushed to Mu Qian.

The size of the thumb is much smaller, and it is directly wrapped around the wrist of Mu Qian's wrist to form a thorn bracelet.

This little guy can hesitate to make Mu Qianqi very surprised!

Some of her **** thorns, the taste of the taste has long been rushed back, one by one put down the defense and ask for feeding, where will hesitate?

It seems that they are too stupid to be raised by the former Scarlet City owner. This little guy is not so deceived, it is the normal IQ model of **** thorns.

Others stunned, the first time I saw **** thorns so close to people!

She used the little fine needle to be a baby, and even tamed the fierce **** thorns.

Ms. Qian said: "Is there a place to rest? I am here, I need to find a place to take a break. Can you lead the way?"

"Can be!" They nodded.

It was a town that looked very rudimentary. In order to counter the savior of Mu Qian, they set a room in the best hotel in the town to stay in Muqian.

The trading currency here is **** jade, which is unique to the **** purgatory.

There is no spiritual power in the blood jade, but there is a **** atmosphere.

This kind of **** gas has a very good use, that is to use this overbearing force to quench the human body.

In this place where you can't use spiritual power, it's the only way to strengthen your body and make your body stronger.

Those people continued to seldom, and the cost of one night exhausted most of their **** jade.

After they sent Mu Qianxi to the inn, they left, and the **** thorns licked in her hand. What seemed to remind her?

Mu Qian said: "I understand that some people are warmly entertaining me, but they are not so kind. Thanks to these two words in the blood purgatory is pale, but do you think I will be afraid of them?"

Those people are too weak, and playing against the **** thorns is not really a fight.

If someone is not afraid of coming to her for trouble, she can just practice her hand, isn't she?

After listening to the words of Mu Qianxi, the **** thorns apparently did not worry, but still stuck to her.

"Hungry!" It wasn't the first day to get along with the **** thorns. Even if it didn't talk, Mu Qianxi could understand what it meant.

Mu Qiang took out a glass bowl with a size of ten inches. In this glass bowl, it was filled with potions. This kind of medicine is most suitable for one-star planting.

After all, she is a **** thorn in a city, but she still has a lot of experience.

This **** thorn felt the power of the potion, and was very excited to swim in the glass bowl while absorbing the potion that made it feel very comfortable.

After some guys sent Mu Qian to the inn, they walked toward an alley!

"We are not so good! That woman does not look ordinary."

"That woman is beautiful, and she also has a blood-stained thorn. Not only that, but she also has good things to control the **** thorns. So many good babies, even if we don't do it, we will be taken away by others later? "One of them is humane.

"Even if she was so powerful before? Without spiritual power, see how many people she can deal with. Zhang Daren, he has trained the **** body to the second level, and must be stronger than that little girl!"

Sure enough, they went to ventilate the letter and let the one who looks like a bear is very happy.

"I didn't think that there was such a powerful **** the site of Laozi, which is equivalent to sending the benefits directly to Laozi's mouth! You are doing very well. This time, if it is done, you will stay with me." Bloody jade is absolutely indispensable to you." Zhang Daren said.

"Thank you, adults!" They are grateful for the zero.

The other party is not an anxious person. After all, the whole town is his territory. As long as the little girl does not leave this town, she will never escape his palm.

Mu Qianxi was a quiet rest for a night, and she found that she put so many pharmacy, the **** thorns that had just been promoted to a different product were all absorbed, and there was no indigestion.

It rested on the pillow of Mu Qian, and found that Mu Qiang woke up and then stuck her.

Mu Qian said: "It seems that you are hungry again, you have to discuss things with me."

It digests faster than the **** thorns she knows. This is definitely a good thing. If it is fast, it means promotion, and it must be stronger.

This cage, which cannot escape, she knows that it is not easy to go out.

She doesn't want to be trapped here for too long, and she must be worried about being crazy for nine nights.

She is afraid that nine nights will get out of control because she is worried about her safety. In order to open the channel of blood prison without breaking the means, causing the curse to break out completely, it is not good.

The fear of Mu Qianxi is the same as that of the endless worry, so the endless has been letting nine nights fall asleep.

Purple secluded even if the Beidou smashed a meal, but the lack of destruction can not destroy the Ya Ya Tower to find nowhere to settle accounts, he can only go back to stay with nine nights.

He said: "Night, you wake up quickly! The guy who is boundless is really too bold. You wake up this time, you must thoroughly clean up him!"

Nine nights did not wake up, purple quiet can only continue to work hard.

While he was busy, he looked for ways to enter the **** purgatory and rummaged through all the information in the jail of the prison, but still could not find any way.

Unless you have a strong space, but in addition to the eternal guardian, this world can go where to find the power of space!

There is still a piece of eternal guardian in the night, maybe there is a way to wake up at night, maybe this is the reason why there is no limit to deliberately let the night fall asleep!

Purple irritability waited, after the blood two brought the news back to the **** thorny city, the blood four directly angered to find the revenge of those people.

The image of the wolf is very heavy, and is raised by the refining pharmacist of the Scarlet City.

The injuries are too heavy and they are helpless.

However, the physique of the greedy wolf is also very unusual, and such a heavy injury actually persists.

Mu Qianxi has saved a lot of medicinal herbs in the **** thorny city, and there are also ghost medical buildings. "The old man is incompetent, unable to keep the greedy wolf adults, ghost doctors do not know when to come back, we are afraid that we will not be able to return to the ghost doctors." Other refining pharmacists in the city said.

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