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The two ghost monarchs and the secluded two are unable to talk, so the two of them have been standing still.

Purple secluded is more difficult, this time the horrible soul force shrouded the tower.

Mu Qianxi stood in front of the nine nights: "Nine nights, give it to me here! Go and help the purple."

The body of the purple secluded is very large, and the wounds also look very horrible and bloody.

"You have done a lot, I can get it!" Mu Qianxi smiled at the nine nights.

The black figure flashed, and nine nights stood on the back of the purple secluded, and the mysterious dark force suddenly slammed into two beasts.

"There is no thing for you here, you go to protect you!"

"Yes!" Purple sings into the human form, plunging into the Millennium.

The ghost of the hundred ghosts is a bit strange. "That is the body of the purple revered master. He is so strong."

The purple human figure is weaker. The main monarch is hard to be his opponent. The blood prison is stronger than their imagination.

Mu Qianxi used a powerful soul to compete with the sub-tower. Finally, she took out the small sub-tower that she had previously obtained. The small sub-tower was suspended in front of Mu Qianxi.

Yuji was shocked: "What is that little tower? What is the power of a woman who has not reached the level of the lord?"

The nine-night monarch took out his hand to deal with the two great beasts. It was not the purple lord who took over the eternal tower, but the woman who was as strong as an ant.

Compared with the dark elements in nine nights, it is hard to use this soul with the soul.

Under the double suppression, the power of this sub-tower was weakened a lot.

Seeing that Mu Qian must win the Tower of Eternity, Yu Ji could not believe it. "How is this possible?"

"You must stop that woman." The ghost of the hundred ghosts is gloomy.

At this time, there is only one purple sorcerer who is injured and hung up. They are sure to solve the problem.

Seeing these people who didn’t know how to live and die, there was a cold flash in the purple eyes. "I’ve figured it out. I thought you were going to hide your head and tails?"

"Purple Respected Lord, you hurt so much, dare to fight with us?"

"The injury is not too heavy, and it is completely more than enough for you."

This sub-tower is not as good as the one before, and Mu Qian must fight it with it.

She is sure that the ultimate loss will be it.

If you can't even get a small tower, then you can get the real Tower of Eternity and then get the unicorn.

Ziyou is very difficult for the two monarchs. Now his strength is not enough to support it as a body, and the injury is still aggravating.

There is a cold smile on the face of Yu Ji. The purple secluded master can't support it anymore, so who can protect that woman.

She simply let the one hundred ghosts and monarchs deal with the purple secluded, and they want to run over to clean up the millennium.

Purple is naturally aware of the thoughts of this woman, the dark green figure flashed to stop Yuji, "When are you dead? Dare to start with the little beauty."

"Hey!" The hundred ghosts took the opportunity to attack, and the horrible attack fell on the purple secluded body, making the purple face look even more ugly.

"Booming!" On the other side, the battle between the nine nights and the two fierce beasts was fierce.

Mu Qianxi did not order the Lord. He dared not act rashly: "What are you doing? Come over and give me protection."

There is an order on the Lord, and the order of Wang Xi is his command.

They have long wanted to fight, even if they are killed, they have no hesitation.

"Subordinate to obey!"

Mu Qiang can order these confidants of the nine-night monarch, so that Yuki and the ghosts of the ghosts are also very surprised.

They also know clearly that there are many weights in the heart of the nine-night monarch.

Must catch this woman! That is equal to grasping the soft underbelly of the nine-night monarch!

"Too naive, the nine-night monarch is now lacking skills, you want to rely on these guys to stop us, dream!"

Mu Qian said: "No matter what you do, don't let them approach me."

Mu Qianxi took a part of the soul to compete with the sub-tower, another soul, she is ready to use medicine.

The eternal soul Ding was taken out by Mu Qian, and the purple sorrow was too urgent to be treated. To continue to drag down, only the prisoners and ghost prisoners could be defeated.

"What? What is she doing?"

For Mu Qian’s practice, Yu Ji and Bai Guijun could not believe their eyes.

While dealing with the Tower of Eternity, she actually wants to refine her medicine. She is not afraid that her soul will completely collapse and she will die.

This is really crazy and bold. They have lived for so many years and have never seen anyone dare to take such an adventure.

"Wang Hao!" Even these nine subordinates were scared.

Only purple is very calm, just to refine the medicine, what can the little beauty still do?

Mu Qian’s soul power is enough to use, while the sub-tower is absolutely sufficient for refining medicine, and absolutely not afraid of being countered.

Mu Qianxi also knew that the spiritual power of Ziyou could not be supported for a long time, so the medicine was quickly refining, and the fragrance made all the injured people stunned, and they felt that their body became more comfortable.

"What kind of thing did this woman refine?"

Not a remedy, but some liquid!

Mu Qiang put the medicine on it, and with a wave of his hand, countless medicine needles flew out, and the goal was purple.

Purple is very cooperative, Xiaomei is specifically treating him!

The Hundred Ghost Monarch realized that something was wrong and ruined it.

The aroma of the liquid is too special. Even if he is not a refining pharmacist, he knows that this liquid has a strong self-healing power.

No matter how strong this self-healing power is, if the purple sorrower restores some strength, it is very unfavorable to them.

Yu Ji and the Bai Guijun were the ones who broke the pots, but the smaller needles in the needles attacked them.

"Oh!" At the same time, the broken needle also spewed out some potions, disturbing their sight and making them itchy.

These pharmacies have no self-healing power, but they make people feel dangerous.

Ms. Qian said: "I am treating patients. If they are in the way, there is no good fruit to eat."

"Hey!" Several needles fell smoothly on the purple body.

They have the power of the monarchs and the general poison can't cope with them, but they can also cause them a little trouble and get time for Ziyou.

The medicinal agent is healing the purple body, although it is only temporary, it makes the purple quilt very excited.

Purple secluded once again into the ontology, rushing to the main road of Yu Ji and Bai Guijun: "Now you two are unlucky." In the purple counterattack, the tower of the Aion has also changed, it began to change Small...

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