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Mu Qianqi asked: "Nine nights, do you still have the magic crystal?"

"And, give it to me. For me, these things are useless."

With this good thing, Mu Qian can make a lot of pharmacy, which can make people below the level of the Lord improve their strength.

Mu Qianzhen asked Ye Qingdao: "Is the prisoner locked in the cell still safe?"

Ye Qingdao: "They have only a little strength left now. They don't want to be restless, except anger and anger. They want to see you."

Seeing how grievous they are, Ye Qing does not mention how happy they are. They also have today.

Mu Qian said: "It’s been a long time to dry them, lead the way, go see them!"

"Yes! Master of the city."

The prisoners who became prisoners became darker than the bottom of the pot, and they heard the footsteps. They said coldly: "Look at our jokes again? Even if we are locked up now, it is better than you used to be, you Some evil prisoners are under us, pigs and dogs are not as good as?"

"Oh! The meaning of these guys is that my **** thorny city's cell environment is too good, I want to change to a worse environment. You are more looking forward to the life of pigs and dogs?" Mu Qian's voice passed.

These prisons were stunned, and they looked at the girl in front of her mouth with a smile.

They were shocked: "It is you, the city owner of the Scarlet City, you are finally here."

"Well! I am coming, I heard that you want to see me!"

"Let us leave immediately, we are prisoners of jail. You have been guilty of a sin by a one-city lord who arbitrarily detained us." They angered.

"I am not alone to shut you down! The owner of the blood prison also wants to see you, so..." "The nine-night monarch is a monarch in the prison, and he was not a prisoner in prison." I advise you not to be afraid of having him support. When our prisoner leaves the customs and finds that his prisoner has ran, our prisoner will never let him go. You know each other now.

We are better, we can still keep your life. "One of them is proud.

"Prison master! Who are you talking about?" asked Mu Qian. "Our prisoner is the master of blood prison, the real master, the monarch of the seven prisons is not worth mentioning in front of our prisoners. He has all the jail and has a very powerful force. His name is dark. The demon prisoner, many people in the prison world do not know his existence, but they

It is the **** of our prison. "There is a burning color in their eyes.

"Then you just said that the nine-night monarch is the prisoner of the dark demon prisoner. What the **** is going on?" There are many mysteries in the nine nights.

He did not say that she did not ask much.

Because she knows that even if she knows that today's strength can't control anything, the thing she wants to do most now is to help him lift the curse.

However, some people have said something about her, and she naturally has to ask by the way. "The nine-night monarch is not born in the prison, but the person who later appeared on behalf of him is also a prisoner who escaped from prison. And the prison he is waiting for is the prison of the prisoner, the dark imprisonment The Dark Lord is in prison for some super dangerous characters, the nine-night monarch

It is the only one who escaped from prison, but he is also in prison with the prisoner, otherwise he will never escape. ”

Mu Qianxi was silent. How many dangerous things did he experience in nine nights?

Before he became a **** monarch and was not cursed by the strongest darkness, what he experienced was definitely no better than the latter.

Mu Qiang’s incomparable distress, thinking that she had annoyed him before, and drove him away, but now she can’t control her.

In the future, she will accompany him, and the former enemies will start to report together, and the debt will be recovered thousands of times.

They saw that Mu Qiang was silent and said: "Is it scared now? We are not so good off prisoners." They ended up with a pair of cold eyes, and Ms. Qian opened her mouth. "You guys Some people are really very angry with me! No matter what dark demon prisoner, how strong and how great you feel, if I let him know that he had been injured for nine nights, I am absolutely immortal.

Will not let him go. ”

There are angry flames in the twins that are like stars, and these prisons are completely stunned. Is this completely different from what they think?

And this woman actually said that to be an enemy of the Dark Demon Prison, it is simply too self-sufficient.

The prisoner can use his fingers to pinch a woman who is not tall and thick.

"Hey!" Mu Qian's hand moved, and countless needles were thrown out by her.

They simply can't avoid it. They said, "You...what are you poisoning us?"

"Let you look good poison!" Mu Qianxi sneered.

Next, they felt that they had suffered the catastrophe, and they screamed in pain. They didn’t know much about the prisoner, and Mu Qian couldn’t ask for anything extra.

So Mu Qianzhen asked about other things. She said: "There are not so many powerful prisoners in the restricted area. Only the southern restricted area is like this! Are you deliberate, or are the jails of the southern prisons all catering? ”

Rice barrels, they are not rice buckets!

The anger of these guys!

"I want to hear the truth!" Mu Qian said. "It was deliberate! We deliberately did this. We asked the other people to send the prisoners to the joints, inciting them, and then asking us to deliberately release the water, so that they would kill them in the southern restricted area and cause confusion. We also Just to act on the order, then grab the person back

Going also did not want those prisoners to disclose these things, which would damage the reputation of our prison. ”

“Who is the person who told you?” asked Mu Qian.

"Prisons are also divided into many levels. Our level is not high, so...we don't know! Ah! Antidote, give us an antidote..."

These people confessed one by one, and then mourned with pain.

Ye Qingdao: "The lord of the city, who is guilty, was also incited by people."

"You are trapped in jail, lost your freedom, and it is easy to be incited. As long as you don't betray me in the future, I will naturally not be like you?" Mu Qian said.

"Thank you for being an urban master."

I have to say that Ye Qing was scared by the practices of the former prisoner who was treated by Mu Qian.

It’s easy to deal with prisoners like this. It’s easy for the adults of the city to kill them.

"The subordinates must swear allegiance to the city, never betray!"

After Mu Qiang gave them poison, they left them aside.

She asked Crystal Ying to send Mu Qian to the nine-night side, and the result was just sent to the nine-night bath in the bath.

The whole person was loaded with a nine-night body that did not wear a trace of the slightest, and the people were stunned for nine nights.

She said in a hoarse voice: "Do you know that I am bathing, do you want to send a hug?" Mu Qianhui replied: "Yes! The nine-night monarch still does not wash in vain to sleep!"

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