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The thirteen digits of the blood-colored thorny city are different, and the blood, blood, blood, blood and blood are the strongest.

Others are not so strong because of their avatars.

Now blood seven and blood eight face a hard battle, blood seven: "kill! We can not lose in the hands of the enemy, lose face to the master, kill!"

"Ha ha ha! It's a group of lambs that we are free to slaughter! You don't have to do some useless struggles, you die under our hands!" A groaning voice came.

The soldiers of the Scarlet City did not lose to the madmen who were released from prison, but their number was a bad one.


The killing sound spread throughout the wilderness, and at this time they felt the sky dark.

The familiar flames fell from the sky, and everyone’s face was smiling.

"It's the city owner! The Lord of the City came to support us."

The darkness is immortal and the phoenix is ​​lowered from the air. A saint looks at the air and says: "Oh! It is not the power of the whole city to deal with us. Who is your urban master?"

His gaze fell on the demon moon and the blood four, because only these two people gave them a very powerful feeling, others are no different from the ants.

Ms. Qian said: "I am the owner of the **** thorny city in the southern part of the restricted area. I welcome you to the blood prison. Give up the resistance and not kill, but kill it!"

Mu Qianxi apparently discovered that this time the hunting was not normal, and their **** thorny city lost.

If it is better to be able to compile these people to enhance their side, she changed her strategy.

"Master!" Demon Moon looked at Mu Qianxi with horror.

You must know that any **** hunting has no courage to compile these guys. They have climbed out of the Shura field. Everyone has a very dark heart. Even if they surrender on the surface, they may turn around and lick their knives.

They have not left the prison and are used to the prison. This group of people is too dangerous. There is no such thing as a city owner who will do this self-immolation because there are many lessons from the past.

So every hunting, not you die or I die.

Ms. Qian said: "Demonia, don't forget, I am a refining pharmacist, I am a ghost doctor! Even a wolf that is difficult to tame can become a sheep."

"Ha ha ha! Surrender! In Lao Tzu's cognition, surrender is a waste of style, surrender is representative of death, do you think we will surrender?" The one of the saints laughed.

The cruel survival rule of the prison, there is no surrender of these two words.

Mu Qianjun ordered: "Kill! Quick battle!"

Support is timely, and now they have enough to admit defeat, plus four honors, naturally these people have a headache.


A melee, a fight, blood filled the land, Mu Qian and her contract beast also joined the killing.

A figure pierced the void, and Mu Qian’s face sank, and the running transient avoided the attack of the other side.

As soon as the hair was cut, the soul of Mu Qiang locked the person who attacked her.

Really a good assassin!

Once an action failed, he once again concealed himself.

Little ink and Xiaohong rushed over. "The **** boy, dare to attack our master."

These prisoners did not expect that this woman who did not reach the level of the lord would be the city leader who led a group of people.

Even if they are incredible, they know that killing this woman can suppress the morale of these people, and they want to count on them.

However, this woman is a nightmare of all assassins. The reaction is very sensitive and the speed is extremely fast. Even if the assassin who is much stronger than her strength, she eats again and again in front of her, not to mention that she has two beside her. A bad beast.

"Hey!" Blood four personally solved a sage and crushed his heart.

The remaining one of the sages is faced with a pair of four. He does not want to die, so he chooses to escape.

Countless thorns blocked his way, and every place was sealed. The man’s face was white. “ are not human at all, it’s a different plant, it’s a different plant!”

Few humans can tame different plants, and the ferocious **** thorns are as difficult to tame as the beasts, and in front of him, there are three.

Blood four and blood seven, they started to sizzle, recruited.

Demon Moon said: "You are not measured by the hands, or handed over to the slaves! I think the owner should have a lot of things to ask. Before letting the masters save, I should thank the master!"

In the face of the siege of the four strong men, this person's mind has been chaotic, just when the demon moon casts a charm, this time succeeded.

"Hey!" Under the charm of the demon month, he himself broke the meridian and became a waste man.

The people on the other side either die to death or fight to escape and lose, and no one surrenders.

They won, and the **** soldiers in the city were covered in blood, and they were delighted by the victory of this hunting.

"Your Majesty!" When Mu Qiang came over, the demon month was against that humanity.

Mu Qianxi looked at the person who was deceived by the demon moon in front of him and asked: "What do you want to do from prisoners who have rushed out of the prison of blood?"

"I don't know the other places, but the prisoners in the prisons of our very southern restricted area are all connected. Every prison has more than two sages, and we will kill all the hunters in the restricted area. Try to control the extreme south restricted area of ​​the blood prison." He replied.

There is a connection between the prisons, and every prison can run so many sages. It is definitely a bad news for the major cities that participate in hunting.

This kind of hunting generally requires the city owners of the major cities to invite the Sayādaw to help, but the prisoners who have always ran out are the lords, and many of the sages do not bother to participate, but this time...

Other cities may not have such a strong lineup of **** thorny cities, or they will not be led by Mu Qianxi, who have been scared to resist.

As long as a prison is running out of a sage, for most of the city, it is a disaster!

Mu Qian’s face flashed a dignified color. This is not normal. It’s too abnormal. It seems that there is a hidden dark hand in the dark, manipulating all this.

Mu Qian said: "Someone deliberately directed you to do it? Who is that person?"

"I don't know, I only know that the hunters in this extremely restricted area will definitely be wiped out! We will not only be free, but at least become the master of a city." He said.

Mu Qianxi has already understood the seriousness of this hunting. Mu Qian said: "The demon moon, kill people! Let's go to some of our other places to see, the other cities and towns can not control, but definitely not Let us have a terrible loss in the Scarlet City!"

"Yes!" The demon moon nodded.

At this time, the eyes of this individual became clear. He laughed wildly: "Ah haha! You can control me, I know I can't escape, but I can pull you to die!"

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