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"Cough and cough!" His face became pale, and at this moment, he thought of a lot of things.

The instinct and feelings that can’t be controlled at all have an explanation, but...

"Yifu!" Qinglong was scared, and he felt that his father was greatly stimulated.

The hoarse voice came out, "Retreat, all retreat..."

Everyone is very worried, and they can only retreat.

But let the master who has no fighting power confront the man who is bursting with this fighting power. This is too dangerous, they are not at ease.

However, they saw the unbearable eyes of their masters, and Qinglong said: "Yes, righteous father!"

The righteous father seems to know the uncle of the uncle, and the relationship is very shallow, otherwise the righteous father will not be so ruined today.


They all are far away!

Mu Fengling looked at the man in front of him, he could not believe his eyes.

He thought that all this is fake, fake...

A faint sigh came, "Come with me!"

He slowly walked to the main courtyard, and the slow pace made Mu Lingling want to hold him to take him to the destination quickly, but he did not do that.

Looking at the back of the strong pride, Mu Fengling knows that he can't!

He knows him and understands his temper!

He calmly walked into the yard and sat down on the chair. The corner of his mouth evoked a helpless smile. "I saw that I had seen it for a long time. If the second brother didn't show up, I would have dared to think about it. The body is weak and the power is zero. I didn't think of my eyes." It’s not good, the second brother, you said, will you be lost to his father?

hope. ”

God knows how much the news has caused in his heart, but he has to control his own calm...

"Big Brother..." Mu Fengling’s voice shouted.

He once thought that if he saw the big brother, he would have a lot of words to say.

However, at this time, the scorpion seems to be blocked.

This is his loved one who is connected to his relatives. His big brother, seeing his body, he knows what he is facing in these years.

The scorpion became hoarse, and the hard heart was now torn by the blood.

This is the older brother of his brother and father!

"What about children? Isn't she here at the big brother?" Mu Fengling smiled bitterly.

Mu Fengyun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Not long ago, my nephew and the nine-night monarch ran away to the prison, and abandoned my father, who he could not recognize! But I also deserved it, I could not recognize it. My own daughter."

Mu Fengling was shocked: "What? The child was actually turned away by that stinky boy, no, I will bring the nephew back."

Mu Fengling wants to rush out of the prison to catch people.

"Wind, sit down!" Mu Fengyun said.

"Big brother... Big brother, you also want to see you!"

Deaf disguise has always been perfect, because her identity is special, naturally can not let people know her identity, the same is true for Big Brother.

This led her to spend so many days with her older brother, and did not find each other's identity.

Big Brother now looks calm, but he knows that Big Brother must be very sorry and lost now, and wants to recognize the child immediately, instead of letting the child be abducted by the kid.

Mu Fengyun’s bottom flashed a trace of darkness. How did he not want to?

It turned out that her daughter had been guarding him, helping him to heal, chatting with him, learning with him, and remembering all the previous things. Mu Fengyun felt that his empty heart had filled up for many years.

Although he loved it at the beginning, he controlled his feelings and told himself that he was absolutely the most important in his heart, so he did not put all his feelings into it.

Now that she is known to be a nephew, Mu Fengyun feels that she is too confusing.

Moreover, he actually let the phoenix nine nights in front of his face to abduct his daughter, he was so angry that he rushed to the prison and fight with the nine-night monarch for three hundred rounds.

However, in order not to disappoint the care of his nephew, he must not let the body deteriorate because of anger, and can only suppress all kinds of emotions.

"What is the situation of the nine-night monarch, how much do you know?" Mu Fengyun transferred the topic.

"I don't know much, but that guy..."

Big Brother wants to listen, Mu Fengling tells Mu Fengyun what he knows.

Phoenix nine nights have high strength, and there is such a powerful force as the **** prison. The appearance is also the best in the world. It is also very good for the children. These advantages, Mu Fengling had to admit!

This person is really dangerous, and he really can't bear the treasure of their family. Naturally, it is very uncomfortable to look at the one who wants to take away the nephew.

Mu Fengyun listened to these words and also confirmed a point.

The heart of his baby daughter has fallen on the body of the nine-night monarch. He is not around his nephew and people are abducted.

Mu Fengling said: "Big brother, it's all bad for me! If I didn't want to come to you, I didn't stay with my nephew, and my nephew might not run into that guy."

Mu Fengyun’s heart is sour and helpless. “There are some reasons, not everyone can stop it.”

"Big Brother, your body?" Mu Feng Lingdao.

At first, their family fled to the Quartet, and the big brother did not have to repair them in order to protect them from serious injuries, but it did not become like this. Mu Fengyun said: "The Eastern Emperor Dynasty, the Holy Land, the cursed family, and the one **** do not allow me to exist. I can persist until now, I can see my nephew, it is my luck. I have gained a lot of treasures in the Temple of Life. My life has been temporarily saved by my children.

Keep it, you don't have to worry. ”

Mu Fengling is naturally proud of Mu Qian’s medical skills. He smiled and said: "Well! Your child's medical skills are really amazing!"

"No! I have to go to the prison in person, I have to tell my nephew..."

"do not go!"

"Big Brother, why? You know that when you come to Xuan Tianjie, you are trying to find you. The prison is dangerous, but what will happen with my current strength?"

"I know!"

When he knew that it was his daughter, he knew it.

The origin of the name of Mu Xi, isn't it the combination of scorn and nephew's name?

She became the first genius of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, no matter which corner of the East Emperor Dynasty, will know this name.

And he didn't think about it at the other end. When he left the Quartet, he was not sure that he would come to Xuantian.

There is a lack of spiritual power in the Quartet. He simply did not expect that the deaf children could have to enter the Xuantian world in just a few years. The child he taught himself is very clear. She must have worked hard to get the trust of the six of them.

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