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Everyone began to absorb the power of life stars, but there was no reaction at the end.

"Hey!" Suzaku looked at Mu Qian.

Ms. Qian said: "I have collected so many life stars that I can't be the first. I hope to leave me to the end! You will first absorb the stars of life, and I will protect you from the law, so that no one will bother you."

Not fighting does not mean that you can't mess!

Suzaku nodded and said, "Okay!"

If you can't absorb this and some life stars, then there is no reason at all!

In the South China Sea, the stars twinkled in the sky, turning into a stream of light, rushing into a personal body.

All the stars of life captured by the team of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty were handed over to Mu Lin.

Although they missed such a good opportunity to improve, they were unwilling, but they ordered the orders of their Highness.

The total number of life stars that the entire team has gained is still considerable. Even if they are not comparable to the number of stars they have received, they are second only to the four of them.

When the starry light broke into the body of Mu Lin, Mu Lin felt that her strength was rapidly increasing.

It is clear that she has not been promoted for a long time, because she has gained strength in the ancestors of Mujia.

However, now, she has successfully advanced to the first stage. Is this the power of life stars?

Lingsheng above is very difficult to advance, so can be so smooth and so fast to advance to the first level, Mu Linyi is exceptionally satisfied, and some of the people around her can only envy.

Mulin said: "Reassure, this princess will never let you suffer. After I go back, I will let the father and the emperor reward you well. You will have a certain future in the East Dynasty."

However, even the grace of His Majesty the Emperor is far worse than the baby who has been in trouble for 100,000 years! They are secret in their hearts.

"Go and see what other people are doing!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Many people get a lot of life stars, if they just reached the peak of the bottleneck, the absorption of life stars will allow them to break through to the next level.

If it is low-order, the number of stars in life can help them break through to high-level or great perfection.

If you collect less, you can only go from low to high.

Mu Lin looked at it, and her mouth twitched with a smile.

The effect of these people is far worse than her, but she has upgraded a whole level.

Mu Lin, who has the most stars in the sky, looks glaring at first glance.

She can guess who is on the other side, must be Mu Yan and the three men.

Mulin is not reconciled, she said: "How much life is collected by Mu Yu? The blood is ordinary, even if it is estimated that there is no more of the Princess's promotion, I will go to see the good show."

I didn’t dare to provoke the Millennium before, and I was afraid that I wouldn’t care about the rules set by the **** of life.

Now she has upgraded a step, who is afraid of who is still uncertain?

However, when Mu Lin came to the other side, she found that Mu Qian did not absorb the power of life stars.

It’s just the life stars collected by the three of them, and the number is so terrible!

The ray of light descended from the sky as a meteor shower and entered the bodies of their three people.

Mu Lin sneered, Mu Yan could not absorb the stars of life, can only blink here, really laughed at the Princess.

"His Royal Highness, Mu Yu's opportunistic acquisition of life stars, must be retribution, and was punished by the stars of life." A guardian around him.

Originally, he himself captured some of the stars of life, and all of them were handed over to Mu Lin, who could only watch others advance, and his heart was not very happy.

Now, even if Ms. Mu has collected a lot of life stars, there is still no chance to absorb their strength and enhance their strength. His heart is finally balanced.

They are very bad luck with the audience, but isn't it more bad luck?

The first to be promoted is Bai Ze. When his body was repaired, he had the strength of a first-class spirit.

Spiritual strength is difficult to improve. He is not eager to achieve success in order to stabilize his strength. He has not made progress. Now he has taken advantage of the power of this life star to explode.

First-order spiritual holy, second-order spiritual holy, third-order spiritual holy, fourth-order...

Bai Ze has continuously improved the third-order strength at an amazing speed. It is exactly three times that of Mulin. Miao Lin looked at the biting lips and the fingernails were buckled into the meat. You still don't know the pain.

"The third order... amazingly advanced to the third order..."

Before Mu Lin was stronger than others, she was still smug, and now she is completely stimulated by Bai Ze. She absorbs the power of life and stars to enhance her strength. It is not the blood that she is proud of, but the potential of her talent. There is a lot of power collected.

But even if I look at the blood, the blood of her Mourin is not as noble.

The movement on this side is too big, because there are enough stars in life and the speed is much slower, so many people come to watch the grand occasion after they finish the promotion.

"God! Mo Xuan Gongzi has advanced to the third order, and Ling Sheng can even advance so fast, it is enviable!" They were shocked. Look up and still have stars all over the sky, Wan Hao and Suzaku did not absorb, "Life stars can make people so easy to advance, if it is not the life of the gods have provisions, I want to directly rush to the air to put those lives The stars are robbed and reabsorbed once, maybe I can improve the whole

A grade. ”

"No! Really want to rob!"

Soon, the spiritual strength of Suzaku's body has also changed, and the number of stars in life has made Suzaku become the fourth-order spiritual sacred, and it can be a fifth-order spiritual sac.

Mu Lin’s face was pale, and this man could catch up with her only one step away.

She is the princess of the Eastern Emperor Mu's family. How can her cultivation talent make these monks catch up, hateful!

Mulin is used to being high, and her status talent is far faster than her peers. Once she finds that she has a higher talent than her cultivation, she can’t stand it anymore and wants to destroy it!

After the completion of Suzaku's promotion, it was natural to turn to Xuanwu.

Don't look at Xuanwu obsessed with making money, but his cultivation time is several years longer than Suzaku and Bai Ze. With the third-order spiritual strength, he directly crossed the three levels and became the sixth-order spiritual holy!

The sixth-order spiritual sage, such a young six-year-old spiritual sage that has not yet reached the age of thirty, appeared, and everyone looked at Xuanwu with a stunned look.

"God! Sixth-order, this is the youngest sixth-order spiritual sage I have ever seen."

“The talent of Wanshao’s family is too shocking.”


Xuanwu's promotion is enviable.

Mulin is now very jealous. She has been promoted to a fourth-order spiritual sac because she has gained a lot of strength in her ancestors, and she has already brought these people to the forefront.

But now this time these people absorb the stars of life, help these people catch up with her cultivation speed, and one person has surpassed her.

Wan Hao is the sixth-order spiritual holy! She is only a fifth-order spiritual sanctuary now! The bonfire is burning the heart of Mu Lin.

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