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Mu Lin's people started to kill because the strength of their masters has won the upper hand, but they don't look at the place here. The **** of life is on the top, and she continues to provide this alienated person with endless The power of life.

How can this thing not kill, and it can be resurrected, and the noble Princess who is proud of her character is now caught in it, and is entangled in this strange tree, and the problem is getting out.


Mulin also didn't think that it would be the result. At this time, it is too late to retreat. After all, she is like a savior. Now I can't get rid of this alien tree and want to escape. It will be criticized.

"Booming!" Seeing that Mu Lin was dying to fight against the alien tree, Mu Qianzhen was in a good mood. Mu Lin told her that she wanted to give her the opportunity to give her the chance.


Those who are wrapped around the East Emperor dynasty are getting tighter and tighter. If they are not afraid of being wrapped up by it, Mu Qian is ready to let her people go to the back of the knife.

"This thing is so terrible, the people brought by His Royal Highness are not their opponents!"

"Let's hurry and retreat!"


Before saying that Mu Qianxi did not help those people, now I saw that Mu Lin was unsafe on their side, and hurriedly ran, not helping Mu Lin.

"His Highness, I will cover you back first! You can't spend it here. It's a constant source of vitality to supplement it. It will only kill us."

"it is good!"

This time I want to retreat, it is already late!


Seeing that the layer of defense that protects Muxi was quickly broken, Mu Qiang felt the familiar power fluctuations, and took him for nine nights and stood in front of him and leaned on him.

"The people of the cursing family have come, but also, their old patriarchs have a lot of research on the **** of life, and they are certainly very interested in the life **** wood."

The people who discovered the cursing family also came to join in the fun, and Mu Qianxi did not feel the mood of watching the movie at this time, and became alert.

A few of them appeared like black lightning, and they used the power of the curse to bind it in the four directions of the alien tree.

The power of life and the power of the curse contend, and eventually the alien tree is defeated. After all, it is far from the strength of the life **** wood, just a small gadget made by the **** of life.

"Hey!" All of its branches are broken and slowly become smaller.

This... It’s all too fast to solve, it’s incredible!

"This...what is this power? There are still a group of such powerful and mysterious people in the East Emperor Dynasty. Is it a five-star force?"

"It's too strong! I feel that it is hard to surpass this life."

"You said that they can solve this strange tree by Qin Song. Does it mean that they can also be close to the temple of life and open the door to life?"


Others are prepared to wait and see, and once someone has the ability to open the door to life, they may be able to mix in and maybe.

"Booming!" The tree was instantly destroyed by the spell, and the smoke was gone.

Mu Lin took a sigh of relief and walked forward: "Thank you for your help."

"We promised the East Emperor to help, naturally, will not let Princess Lynch you are in danger, the Temple of Life is about to disappear, although I don't have much confidence, I am ready to try it! After all, the Temple of Life is difficult to live in the world for hundreds of thousands of years. "The head of an old man with a cane."

He took the crutches not because he was too old and inconvenient, but because the crutches were powerful artifacts of his spells.

Mulin smiled and said: "The strength of each adult is extraordinary, others can't do it, adults can do it! Lin Biao is waiting for the good news of adults."

She is not reconciled to this life **** wood to run like this, the father said that her body because of the strength is too fast after all, some damage, but if you can get the leaves of the **** of life, these damages can be fully restored, she can further enhance .

As long as there is enough life to repair her body, then she has not been raised to the spiritual respect is not a problem, when Mu Yan even gave her shoes are not worthy.

"You are here waiting for the good news of this adult!" They looked up at the increasingly transparent Temple of Life, with a smile on their faces.

"Hey!" They plunged into the air, and they rushed past the death line.

Originally, everyone thought that they would see the previous tragedy once again, but did not expect that these adults have not changed, and they are still safe.

They exclaimed: "These adults in the East Emperor Dynasty are really powerful. They have changed since they were close. They are fine!"

"Look, they are approaching the door of life!"


Everyone is excited, and once that door is opened, they have a chance to approach the **** of life.

"Hey!" Suzaku Baize and Xuanwu, they came over.

"Some people, are the people of the cursed family?" Suzaku bowed to the humanity that was getting closer to the door of life in the air.

Mu Qiang nodded. "Well! It is a man of the curse family. It is not brought to me by the **** of life, or both."

Xuanwudao: "Can you let them succeed?"

Xuanwu thought of the curse on their righteous father. It was also the handwriting of the cursers of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty. He hated these people very much. Mu Qian said: "Let's watch it first! Let them explore the road. The power of the curse is very dark and the opposite force of life. They use this power to wrap themselves, and the power of life cannot enter their body. Among them, so they are not like the life of some people before.

Force bursting body variability. ”

"But even if you can get close to the door of life, whether they can push it away is a problem."

Sure enough, when the man of the curse arrived at the door of life, he hit the force to push the door open, but the flashing wooden door did not respond at all.

"Come back!"

At this point everyone's attention is on them.

Zhuque said: "I just got the news, the people in the North Palace mainland are late, and the North Palace dynasty also sent people?"

"Is the North Palace absolutely coming?" Mu Qian asked.

The major forces of the North Palace mainland, her unfamiliar, so only one person cares.

"The North Palace has never come. The person who came here is an uncle of the North Palace, called the North Palace. Before the North Palace became famous, he was the man of the North Palace dynasty. There was not much news about him. But this is a very dangerous person."

"Boom!" There was a loud noise in the sky. The people of the cursing family used the brute force and failed, and they were finally bombarded by the door of life.

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