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" are the little girl in the ghost medical building."

"How come you are here?"


These refining pharmacists can appear here, and they are all extremely trustworthy people. Naturally, they know that Mou Qiang has seen them on the Lord.

They are more curious about the strength of ghost doctors, but they still stop.

"Mu Shantou, you don't know, every time the situation on the Lord is particularly thrilling, I am afraid that if you are not careful... you are still coming, it is not clear about the situation on the Lord, so I am not at ease."

"The old man is not a young man, but the Lord is too important for us. There must be no mistakes."

Mu Qiandao said: "I can understand the mood of the masters. I will not be good at it. I try to suppress the power of the curse, so that the masters can think about other methods."

The power of the curse disturbs the investigation of the soul, and only the force of the curse is suppressed.

"What? You can suppress the curse!"

What did Mu Qianxi explain? Nowadays time is tight, and Mu Qian directly uses the power of the curse.

When this power appeared, it was very painful but indifferent to people who were close to the eyes and raised their eyes.

The pair of scorpions became cold, like a sharp blade sweeping toward Mu Qian.

This is a curse of people!

Mu Qianxi also felt his defense and said: "Can you believe me?"

This voice seems to calm the killing in his heart, he can't control his heart, choose to believe her.

Obviously, you should not believe in a curse.

After removing the defense, the power of Mu Qiang is easy to approach, and the power of a strong curse. The person who uses this spell is definitely not the kind of person she encountered before.

She has already seen what the spell is, and she has the curse that she doesn't know.

This spell is not as terrible as the nine nights, but the destructive power and danger are also in front of the curse.

Running the soul, Mu Qiang tried to suppress it, although it was difficult, but she could do it.

At this time, the power in his body that even she could not see through had changed. In a moment, Mu Qian felt the head blank!

"Hey!" Mu Qianyi stepped back a few steps, and the curse rebelled so that Mu Qiang suffered a minor injury.

"Hey!" And he followed Mu Qian at the same time vomiting blood.

Mu Qianshao vomiting blood can't kill, but he is different...



At this time they were afraid that the Lord would sleep like this, and they were all panicked.

"Thousands!" Qingying supported Mu Qianxi, and Mu Qiang noticed that the person lying there was about to be far away from him.

Absolutely... absolutely not!

"Blue Shadow! Please, the power of your life may be able to save him back. This is the only way now." Mu Qianxi seized the blue shadow.

"Okay, I will do it! Thousands!"

Qingying’s smashed out, and some flustered people did not stop him.

He grabbed the man's wrist, and the fragile one seemed to be broken.

You... what are you doing? "They changed their faces and were prepared for the blue shadow."

As a result, they found that it wasn’t just that the admiration of the Lord was okay, and that the person’s touch on the Lord was fine.

The light blue light wrapped up the blue shadow and the Lord lying on the bed, and some refining pharmacists excitedly said: "This... this is the power of life!"

"The power of a pure life, the Lord is saved."

"The Lord must have passed this time."

They are also very familiar with the power of life, because in order to persist in the Lord, they have tried every means to collect the treasures with the power of life.

They are so pure and powerful, they are the first to see.

Mu Qianxi wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and slowly walked over.

In addition to the nine-night curse that broke out completely, she was forced to do so for the first time.

What is that power? Even help the curse to help you abuse!

These refining pharmacists were surprised to find that under this vitality, their situation on the Lord has stabilized.

Mu Qian said: "Blue Shadow, enough, his body has reached a critical point."

The power of life is definitely a good thing to save lives, but not as much as possible, but also to see if its own body can withstand it.

Qingying took back his strength and returned to the side of Mu Qianxi.

The people around me are very grateful to the millennium, even if the identity of this little girl is unknown, but she saved the life of the Lord in such a dangerous situation.

After the completion of the follow-up, Mu Qiang went out and looked at them coldly: "Who did it? Or, who did it?"

At this time, Mu Qianxi could not control the anger in his heart, and his eyes swept over them coldly.

They were a little surprised one by one. This little girl who didn’t have a fraction of her age broke out like this. They felt like the Lord.

"This, we don't know anything about the Lord, but some of the dark wounds we know are the emperors of the East Emperor and the Eastern Emperor. We know this."

They were stunned by the momentum of the little girl and told her everything they knew.

"You just said that you can't touch him at all, so even if he is sick, no one can take care of him. Can I stay here to take care of her before I find a cure?" Mu Qian asked.

"If you can't do the Lord, find someone who might be the Lord to reply to me!"

The white man was a glimpse. She was also playing this idea, but at this time he did not dare to make a promise.

I heard that only the talents of the cursing family have the power of cursing. This little girl can use that kind of power. It is very likely that it is a person of the cursing family. Is it really good to have such a woman with a different power to take care of the Lord?

"When the Lord wakes up, I will ask the Lord what it means. If the Lord promises, then there is no problem!"

"Good! He will wake up late at night, and he will be awakened. You are ready to go to the commonly used painkillers." Mu Qianxi told the refining pharmacists.

I will wake up when I am a child. How did this little girl see it?

Some of these refining pharmacists are puzzled, but since she said so, they should be prepared to prepare.

After leaving here, Mu Qianxi went to Xuanwu and Suzaku to go.

Xuanwu They are now anxious like a group of ants on a hot pot. Every time the righteous father is in poor health, they are worried. The frequency of attacks is getting higher and higher.

"How is the righteous father?" they asked.

"For the time being, it’s only temporary!" She clenched her fist. "I didn't think that my ghost doctor had encountered a second problem in the treatment of the disease." Looking at the uncomfortable look of the man, Mu Qianxi can't wait to treat other patients in general, one needle is fixed, the speed is solved, but there is such a simple?

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