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"Xinghe reversal!"

Mu Lin’s swordsmanship, with waterfalls flowing down from the heights of the sky, fiercely rushed toward Mu Qian.

Mu Qianyi opened the wind and zero lupins, with a strong wind elemental spirit, to tear the swords and waterfalls that came straight.


The Jianqi Waterfall was broken, and Mu Lin said coldly: "You are not too happy to be too early."

In the next moment of being broken, the horrible swordsmanship continued to come, one after another.


Mu Qiang’s body quickly avoided the danger and retreated to the edge of the test bench.

Even avoiding it, Mu Lin’s face was cold and cold, and the soft sword appeared in a serpentine shape toward Mu Qian.

The speed is so fast that it is hard to avoid, and Mu Qian is the fastest speed to avoid.


The harder than the floor of the test bench, there was a crack.

Everyone was shocked. "It’s not a daddy, it’s an artifact. It’s terrible!”

"Mu is dangerous, I don't know if she can hold thirty strokes."


"Mu Wei, I see when you can hide?" The sharp swordsmanship, along with the spiritual power of Mu Lin's scorpion, cut towards the past.

Every sword, Mu Linyi is murderous with horror.

The wind has split the air, and one after another is overwhelming.


Most of the time, Mu Qianxi was dodging. Occasionally, counterattacks did not affect Mullin. It didn’t take long for the two to have passed more than 20 strokes.

"Mu Yan is very tenacious, can support it now, not easy!"

"She is a person who can be defeated by the Lord and is of course strong."

"The spirit of Lin's Highness is strong, the spirit is strong, and the exercises are also very powerful. The advantage of Mu Xi is now only speed and defense, she must not win."

Once and for all, let Mu Xiao avoid, Mu Lin's murder is getting more and more terrible, her momentum is constantly climbing.

Mu Qianguang was slightly sinking. The last time she fought with her in the tomb of Guangming Shenglong, she took advantage of the environmental advantages and the strength of her partners to make her not have good fruit to eat.

This time, the genius of the Eastern Emperor Dynasty, Mu Linyi can be said to have made sufficient preparations, and broke through the spiritual order, it is difficult to deal with a lot.

"Wind, broken star!"

No matter how difficult it is to deal with Mu Lin, she will defeat her, and the wind and the feather fan will sweep away.

A blow, the fan fan breaks down, and the surprise attack!

"Just the speed is a little faster, the change is a little more, for me, it is very weak!" Mu Lin stunned the way, blocking the attack of Mu Qianxi.

Then she showed another powerful trick.

"Colorful Phoenix nine days!"

The red robes are dazzling, and the colorful phoenix shadows are extremely dazzling.

Then a behemoth that has been transformed by the majestic elements is awe-inspiring.

The airflow in the air has changed, and the power of terror has rushed toward Muqian from all directions.

This blow is enough to defeat a low-level spiritual sac, not to mention a peak spirit.

"It's so strong, this...this is one of the top spirits of the five-star power!"

"Only the powerful spirit of the Eastern Emperor's family can be cultivated, and I did not expect that I could have the honor to see it!"

"Too beautiful, too gorgeous!"

Mu Qian’s pupil suddenly shrinks. She knows the inheritance of the eternal artifact. The spiritual skill has a strong power and can fight at a big level.

Although Mulin’s spiritual skill can’t be so exaggerated, the more three or four levels can be achieved. After all, there are artifact blessings.

"The wind is the shield!"

Mu Qiang broke the defense of the wind to the maximum, of course, it is her physical defense.


Mu Lin's power, easily broke through the defense of Mu Qianxi, directly hit the body of Mu Qianxi.

The figure of Mu Qianxi flew out, and when everyone thought that Mu Qianyi was going to fly out of the test bench, she flipped in the air, and the ticket fell on the edge of the contest, and did not let herself fall.

She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and it was a genius that was given by various resources by the five-star forces.

Although Mulin's ability to perform in that changeable environment is a little worse, but on such a test bench, her strength is fully exerted, not to be underestimated, not as much as she imagined.

"What kind of refining exercises have been cultivated in the end, why is it too perverted! The powerful spiritual skills of His Highness, Her Majesty the Emperor, she was only slightly hurt!"

"Yes! Changed to a general low-level spiritual spirit, today is estimated to be on this test bench."

"Really strong!"

Yan’s eyes have always fallen on Mu Qian’s body, and the strength that Mu Lin’s shows is not good.

If you reveal the three elements of the spirit, you can handle it, but until now, it is useless.

"Look at how many times you can block!"

The artifact is lifted, and Mourin condenses the spirit and shoots again.

"Colorful Phoenix Eighteen!"

A horrible spiritual light ball appeared, and eighteen sword feathers broke out in an instant. The speed has exceeded the fastest speed of Mu Qianhao not using teleportation.

The crowd exclaimed: "This is a stronger move by His Highness, and can her defense be blocked?"

Mu Lin’s move is stronger than a move, just to test the limits of Mu Qian’s body defense.

Mu Qian’s figure flashed, and everyone saw a few phantoms on the test bench, but still could not completely avoid it.


This time, it was heavier than the last injury, and Mu Qian’s brow was slight.

The big red figure swayed, and Mourin squatted close to Mu Qian, and once again made a move.

The end of the millennium flashed a dark light, just right!

The danger came, and when Mu Lin was closer, she felt a strong dangerous feeling in an instant.

For a moment, the power of the horrible fire element broke out.

"burning the sky!"

"Boom!" A loud noise, four colors of fire, Mu Lin 琅 The whole person was wrapped in a horrible flame, and flew out.

"Hey!" Mu Lin rushed out of the flames, and it seemed that she was not calm before, and the delicate robes were burnt and ruined.

"The wind and fire dual elemental spirits!" Mu Lin stunned and stared at the thousands of words spit out these words.

Other people are also incredible, "My mother-in-law! Mu Yan turned out to be a two-line elemental master!"

"Where am I! What am I doing? I am not mistaken! Double, no one has ever said that Mu is a double system!"

"In the last game, she didn't expose the Lord and the Lord, and it was so deep!"

Originally, Muxi has been suppressed and will not last long.

However, I did not think that the peak circuit turned, Mu Yan turned out to be a two-line elemental spirit teacher, and unexpectedly let Linyi's Highness ate a big loss. Mu Qianqi pinched the wind and zero feather fan, but unfortunately this fire-fighting element is not used by the Yanlong Sword, otherwise Mulin is not as good as it is now.

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