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Chapter 2105 is a mask

In the face of this murderous, the three of them are also very calm.

At this time, Mu Qianxi opened her mouth. She said: "Two uncles, this guy introduced himself! Anyone who wants to know can go to him. This is Bai Ze, a refining pharmacist. This is heavier, he It is a refiner. They are all my friends and partners."

Sure enough, after Mu Qianyi spoke to Mu Fengling, Mu Fengling quickly succumbed to murder.

Bai Ze’s courtesy said: “Mu Daren is good!”

A figure appeared quietly in the room, and Mu Qian did not expect Qinglong to come.

"Blue Dragon Brother!" When I saw Qinglong, the most exciting thing was that he was very clear. He admired Qinglong!

After he had chosen something good, he also wanted to be a killer.

However, after the test, the father said that he is not suitable for being a killer, and that this proud refining talent can only be chosen as a refiner.

"Heavy Ming!" Looking at his brother, Qinglong’s pair of cold scorpions had a bit of warmth.

Mu Qianxi looked at them and said: "You are coming today, but it is quite right! But..."


Mu Qianxi swept through their faces and smiled directly. "You four plus two uncles have masks. People who don't know think that they are holding a fake banquet!"

This scene is a bit strange!

Suzaku is close to Mu Qianxuan: "If you want to see my grandiose face, I can show it to my nephew! I don't want to see it?"

Bai Zedao: "I am used to being cautious."

"I am very satisfied with my mask!"

Qinglong swept through the face of Mu Qianxi: "It seems that you are not wearing a fake face, and there are people who do not dare to see people in real face!"

He said: "What? Is this woman's face fake?"

Suzaku excitedly rushed to Qinglong Road: "Qinglong, I know your ability, you must know that the real look is right? Tell me quickly, hurry up..."

Suzaku’s heart is sour! Bai Ze knows that Qinglong knows why he doesn't know?

Qinglong said: "Why don't you let her show her face?"

"I won't be too strong!"

"You will make this happen!" Qinglong hates iron and does not become a steel road.

Mu Feng Ling cold channel: "Want to see my family's real look, no way! You don't show people in real face, even have more than two identities, presumably they are forced to hide in the dark."

"I am the same. I am not interested in what you grow up. Since you trust you and choose to join hands with you, then my choice of being a second uncle is a decision of my nephew."

"But if you dare to make a terrible thing, I will turn over the entire Xuantian world and will kill all of you."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "One face only, if you trust each other, you don't need to worry about it, right?"

The people in Xuantian world do not necessarily know that she is admired for thousands of miles, but many of the second uncles also know that once the appearance of the two uncles is exposed, they will be chased by the East Emperor’s empire at all costs without preconditions. kill.

As for her, Mulin is so similar to her, Mu Lin is hating her, and she is incomparable with the eternal sword, which in any case exposes this identity.

Bai Ze nodded: "Well! I believe in the Millennium. Qinglong, we have our reasons, and there are thousands."

"Oh, yes, Qinglong, this guy is very cautious, we ignore him! No matter what it looks like, I like it very much." Suzaku slyly smiled.

"You say it again!" Mu Fengling's gaze is like a knife sweeping to Suzaku.

Zhuque said: "I like it, like it!"

"Give me a shut up!"

"Two uncles are too overbearing, and the love between friends is not good? Oh, so good, I like it is not normal?" Zhuque said.

"Not allowed to call the second uncle!"

"That is called the admiration of many people! Or do you want to call Mu Ershu."

Qinglong’s face was tense. Before he was aggressive, he was beaten by this enchanting, and his words could not continue.

My own good brothers were tempted by this woman one by one, one by one.

Because of this, hey, the tit-for-tat atmosphere has become much more cheerful.

Mu Qian said: "You come to my ghost medical building today, is there anything to discuss?"

"Don't kill a group of disgusting women in Lin Yuezong. Shouldn't you celebrate? You have done a good thing this time. I am congratulating you on a special occasion! What's wrong? Not welcome?" Mu Qiandao said.

"Welcome! Of course welcome, it is time to celebrate." Mu Qianxiao smiled.

Bai Zedao: "The Qixing Zonglin Yuezong is insignificant to Mu Linyi, but they can also have fewer obstacles if they disappear."

"The guy in Qinglong is a treasure. He alone annihilated Lin Yuezong, but we can kill three of us and destroy the 琅星宗. I am very envious of hate, so I can comfort me. "Suzaku looked at Mu Qianxi with pity."

Hey, treasure? Is it really good to see a devil?

Qinglong’s miserable encounter is even his brother, and he did not tell, it is really difficult to speak.

He whispered: "Even if there is no such woman, even if Lin Yuezong is not destroyed, the gap between you and me is still very big. It is impossible to win me!"

"Qinglong, I am a lot stronger! I will fight with you later."

"Take you within ten strokes!"

"Oh, you are still so small."


One is very lively, one is very cold, and no one suffers from **** for tat.

Bai Zehe and Zhong Ming have long been eccentric, and it is estimated that they are also growing up together.

Ms. Qian said: "It’s a waste of time, otherwise the table I made will be cold."

"What? I personally did it, it seems that I really came in time!"

When I heard this, Suzaku had a heart to look at the Qinglong, and looked at the table dish with a gaze.

Bai Ze is very calm.

Re-visiting and looking suspiciously, this dish sells very good dishes. This woman will cook and eat?

As for Qinglong, he is naturally wondering if this woman has poisoned?

Mu Fengling is not happy. "Is this clearly made for me?"

"Two uncles, neither of us have finished eating, and you don't want my labor results to be wasted, right?" Mu Qianxi had no choice but to slap the second uncle and give dinner to the second uncle at night.

"What the nephew said is too!"

After eating it, Mu Fengling gave Mu Qiang a dish, and Suzaku also wanted to pick up the vegetables. He only looked at the chopsticks and murdered him. If he dared to do it, he would be forced to be pinched by Mu Er.

Mu Ershu is against him like a wolf. Is there such a good wolf?

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