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Chapter 2030 Darkness

"Who am I, can you still guess if you are so cunning?" Su Shi said coldly.

"But I just want you to say it out!" Mu Qianxiao smiled.

In fact, she is not sure, but Su Shiqing seems to look at her differently.

Su Shi Qing cold channel: "I am Qinglong."

Ms. Qian’s mouth twitched slightly and smiled. “So, the young dragon, please advise me!”

The cooperation between the Ghost Medical Building and the Dark Pavilion was opened, and with the help of the Qinglong Son, everything went smoothly.

For such results, Mu Qianxi is also extremely satisfied.

Su Shiqing clearly, this is not enough, that woman will never be so easy to meet.

As he expected, Mu Qianyi waved at him at this time: "Deep your baby, come over!"

The temperature of Su Shiqing’s body suddenly dropped by several tens of degrees. Whenever this woman called him like this, there was absolutely no good thing?

Mu Qianqi opened the door to the mountain: "The development of the Ghost Medical Building is very smooth. After all, the quality of our medicinal herbs and pharmacies has nothing to say, the price is fair, and of course, some people have lost their interests, and they have started to work on our ghost medical building. ""

"But it’s just that some shrimps and crabs will be enough. It’s not enough to fear, but Black Medicine and Lin Yuezong have already started."

She looked up and said to Su Shi: "Black medical door and Lin Yuezong? Qing Qing baby, do you say that we are better off? Which I said is to let them completely disappear, not a small fight."

Speaking of the back, Mu Qian’s murderousness is not suppressed.

Su Shiqing said calmly: "You woman is really a snake, and the black doctor only buys murderous people, but you have to destroy its full door, and a four-and-a-half-strength force is not so easy to be destroyed."

"And Lin Yuezong? You will want to destroy Lin Yuezong?" Su Xiaoqing's strange color is not false.

"I want Lin Yuezong to disappear. Is there anything weird? I am telling Suzaku Baize that they have destroyed the Xing Xing Zong. Others don't know, I don't believe you don't know."

"You have a face that is similar to that of Mu Lin, and to destroy her power, of course I will be surprised! I don't know what method you used, let Suzaku know that you are easy and still believe in you!" Examine the way.

Among them, the only ones who have seen her are only Qinglong and Baize. Bai Ze has been weak before, and it is estimated that she has not had the chance to see Mu Lin, so she is not surprised to see her.

Suzaku is not the same, Suzaku is the head of intelligence, even if I have never seen Mu Lin's true estimate, I have seen the portrait.

I don't know if I will see her real face, will it be difficult to accept with Qinglong?

"It looks good if you look like it. If I say that Mu Lin is my enemy, do you believe it?"

"If you say something, I don't believe a word! It's just being controlled by you and doing some things for you, but you can't stop it. Don't take it."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I thought that we would kill Lin Yuezong. We are a win-win situation and have a common enemy."

"Who knows if you will slap me in the back when you arrive."

"You are my slave, this is my command! You must obey! Black Doctor and Lin Yuezong, you must choose one."

Su Shiqing said: "Lin Yuezong is a four-star sect. Even if there is Mu Lin's support, the foundation is not stable, and it is better to deal with the four-and-a-half-thousand-thousand-thirty-thickness."

Persimmons naturally have to pick a soft pinch. He doesn't want to lose a lot of money to this man because of this woman.

Lin Yuezong and the black doctors are not able to accommodate one thousand, and the degree of tolerance is quite the same. She also agrees to eliminate the best-selling Lin Yuezong.

If the comet does not exist, Linyue should die, and Mu Lin’s minions can’t stay.

After the establishment of the Ghost Medical Building, Mu Qianxi still practiced in the dark cabinet. After all, there are many objects to join hands.

In the eyes of Su Shiqing, Mu Qianxi is a great time bomb for him. It is a very terrible time bomb.

On the other side of the site, she made a lot of news that made her very interested.

This news was from Su Shiqing’s men.

"Boss! In the East China Sea, there is a phantom of a black tower. The power of dark elements erupts at any time. Many people suspect that the Tower of Eternity is in the world."

On the edge of the eastern kingdom of the Eastern Empire, there is the endless East China Sea, above the East China Sea, there are many dangerous sea areas, all of which are human restricted areas.

Of course, among the vast East China Sea, many ancient treasures have also been discovered. But for the first time, there is such a legendary artifact as the Aion.

"Boss, although this news is only half possible! But it is also worth trying! It is an eternal artifact after all. If you can get an eternal artifact, the benefits are absolutely amazing."

Su Shiqing said: "Go! Of course!"

He wants to be far from the woman.

His younger brother is happy that the boss promised so refreshed, and Su Shiqing said again: "Wait, let me think again."

He promised to be refreshed, but he forgot that he is not a free body at the moment.

If you ran straight, you don’t know what kind of madness the woman and woman will do.

His younger brother’s mouth is slightly pumping, and the boss wants to find a girl!

Unexpectedly, the boss turned out to be a wife and a stricter.

Knowing this thing from the air of Su Shiqing, Mu Qianqi is a bit strange, and the news of the Aion is not good.

I don’t know if the nine-night side is right for the prisoner.

Mu Qianzhen really wants to say that he also goes. As a result, Su Shiqing said: "Your strength is good, but it is too risky to go to the East China Sea. Stay in the dark cabinet or go to your ghost medical building, whatever you want."

Obviously, he is very disgusted with the abundance of thousands of people, do not want to take the Millennium to play.

"A stop! I was despised." Mu Qianxi complained.

"There is a little man to accompany her, you even think that she is not strong enough! When it is dangerous, don't let her come to save."

His own contractor is only allowed to despise him. If other people dare to look down, Ah stop is not happy.

"I don't have enough strength, but it's enough to stop Ah! After all, you are not the opponent of our two players, but also become small..."

When Mu Qian’s words were not finished, Su Shiqing interrupted. “Good! You have to go! I will let people prepare.”

Su Shiqing left at the fastest speed, and did not seem to want to stay with Mu Qian.

After Su Shiqing left, Mu Qianxi looked at the stop in Azerbaijan: "A stop, do you think it is true or not?"

Ah stopped: "The distance is too far, I don't feel the dark breath, no matter how you run it! There are dark words to deal with the infernal unicorn grasp a lot, or you think that it is difficult to protect the Phoenix nine nights Can deal with that guy."

"The nine nights..." Mu Qian’s eyes flashed a worrying color.

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