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Chapter 1976 Snakes

Dream Palace main road: "Good! I try, but the situation of Chu Ligongzi now, I can not know if I can Chu Li."

So the dream palace took the initiative, and his face became pale.

She stepped back a few steps, the weak way: "I can't do it..."

The corners of the mouth overflowed with blood, and it looked very uncomfortable. Many people had a heart of pity and jade.

"I don't know who Chu Ligong was concealed. The people who started it are very strong, and I am helpless!" The main face of the dream palace apologized.

"Mu Wei, the dream palace is like this, you don't bother her."

"She has tried her best!"

"The Chuli son is such an accident, it should not be done by the Dream Soul."

Mu Qianxi and Suzaku looked at each other. This woman’s acting is better than you, and you have to go down the wind.

Suzaku blinked and didn't dare to compare it!

Mu Qianshao is a shameless mother and daughter who dreams of laughing and dreaming, and does not admit it! Don't recognize it!

Ok, they are coming slowly!

"Hey!" At this time, the painful fainting of the past laughed and woke up.

"Ah! Xia Houzi, Xia Houzi... How are you still alive? Don't come over, don't come over..."

After waking up, the dream is light, but it is like a ghost. He grabbed his mother's thigh and shouted.

The Xiahou family owner heard the dream and laughed at the name of his daughter, and also looked over.

At this time, the dream laughed and said: "Don't come to me, it's Mu Mu, it's all that Mu Yu killed you, it's not my business."

The owner of Xiahou angered: "Mu Wei, it is really you who killed my daughter, you still don't recognize it."

Mu Qianxi is calm and self-sufficient: "Xiahou's owner, you should continue listening."

Then Meng Xiaoguang said: "If it is not too difficult to deal with, you will not kill you with your blood sacrifices."

"You are looking for her!"

The Xiahou family could not believe their ears at all.

"Hey!" The dream palace master slaps the past and wants to wake her up.

But even if her face was swollen into a small mountain, Meng Xiaoguang still did not wake up.

"Ha ha ha! How about I inserted your dagger into your heart? Why do you squat with me like this idiot? In fact, I had a way to deal with Muxi at that time, but I can kill you and marry me." You will die very valuable, shouldn't you thank me?"

All the people are stunned, this... this is the truth!

Meng Xiao light told everyone that Mu Hao killed Xia Houzi, even she was planted and blamed.

They can hardly imagine that such a gentle and pleasant woman would do such a thing. If this matter is said, they will definitely think that Mu Yu is shirking responsibility and blaming her.

But by myself, I have to believe.

The eyes of Xiahou’s family were red, and he was turned by a small girl to the group. He lost so many masters of the family, but he found the wrong person to take revenge.

"Damn slut, I want you to pay for your life." Xiahou's family face the fierce light, and a palm slammed into the dream.

"Hey!" At this time, the dream of the Lord's savage shot, blocked the attack of the Xiahou family.

At this time, the dream of the Lord's spiritual power is not so thick, it is not like the recent stunned and weak, and everyone can't help but scream.

These women in the Dream Soul Palace really deceive one more than one! It’s terrible.

The Xiahou family said: "The dream palace owner, she herself admitted that she killed my daughter, you give me away."

The main character of the Dream Palace replied: "The owner of Xiahou must be my daughter before the admiration, so that my daughter can't tell the truth, my daughter can never kill your family."

"I don't believe it!" Xiahou's owner shouted.

The dream palace owner let other masters protect the dream and laugh, she looked at Mu Qiandao: "Mu girl, what did you do to my daughter?"

"What did you do? Isn't it something that your dreams are better at?" You use this thing to deal with my master Chu. Isn't it allowed me to give her back to the dream, this is a new wedding for her." Millennial sneer.

She looked at the Xiahou family and said: "I just gave a dream and a dream beast. She said that she dreamed of what she had done and wanted to do. I didn't have that ability to fiction."

Meng Xiao light kept breaking the news, and the 15th and 10th broke the news how she killed Xia Houzi, how to frame the Muqian, and then how to dissatisfaction with Xia Houzi, how can I look down on Xia Houzi and so on...

"Boom!" Her own baby daughter can tolerate this snake-hearted monk smashed, the Xiahou family ordered, their family members started.

"In any case, you have to kill this monk, and the Lord will not care who is the place."

"Protect Missy!"

The dream soul shrine was originally handed over to the Xiahou family, but at this time it was shot and not dead.

And Meng Xiaofei broke the news and seemed to be dissatisfied at all. She continued: "Ha ha ha! You are all going to die, you have to die, and immediately our dream soul temple will become a five-star force. Even if it is passed down for ten thousand years. What about the imperial dynasty? The same will be crushed underground, I will become the only princess in the East Emperor."

Everyone looks at each other, and this Missy Dream is too daydreaming.

The dynasty that has been passed down for thousands of years can be shaken by a four-star force.

The main face of the dream palace is getting more and more ugly. In the end, she started to work and put the dream beast out. It is impossible to let this girl continue to talk nonsense and break her good deeds.

It’s really something that is not enough to make a difference!

Everyone saw that the dream beast was stunned. "It’s really a dream beast. It seems that the words that have been said before the dream is light are all true."

"This dream is so deep and faint! If the girl is smart and uses this dream beast, I am afraid she has never been able to make herself innocent. The Xiahou family will never find the murderer who killed her daughter."

Ms. Qian said: "Dream Palace Lord, I have finished the work of the Dream Soul Palace this time. I can’t match my brother in this way. My brother will never marry her, so I will bring it. My brother is gone."

Mu Qianxi walked over and took Chu Li and said: "Go!"

There is a storm in the eyes of the dream palace, staring at Muhammad.

"Mu girl, you have made such a big thing, let us lose our face in the dream of the Soul, and also destroy the wedding of the little girl, just want to easily retreat, you are too naive!" The yin and yang strange road.

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "What's wrong? The Dream Palace Lord wants to stop me? If you stop, you can't make a **** road!"

"Your daughter framed me to kill Xia Houzi, let me be chased by Xiahou's family! I caught my master and forced my brother to marry your daughter. Even if you are a shame, you are looking for it!"

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