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Chapter 1947 Soul Threat

After reading Suzaku's reply, there is still no news of the man who is a blood-stained man.

Re-emphasizing: "Strengthen defense, no one can enter the fortress, especially Suzaku! Stop me and let him where to go? Don't bother me."

"Yes! Son."

“How about the refining of the hidden weapon that can be mass-produced?” asked clearly.

"There has been refining, and the success rate is very high. Please rest assured."

Even if you re-think the defense, you can't help the Suzaku who wants to come in.

After Suzaku sneaked in, he did not go directly to the heavy, but rushed to the residence of Mu Qian.

"Hey, I am coming to see you!"


When Suzaku opened the door, he was blasted out by a horrible force, and the five internal organs that were almost smashed were broken.

Fortunately, there was a mask on his face, no injuries on his face, and bright red blood slammed down from the corner of his mouth.

The door that opened, he saw a **** red figure inside.

"Hey!" In an instant, that door was noticed.

The man was in a blood coat, and his body was full of bloodthirsty and murderous smell, just like a humanoid killer.

I heard that he was saved by a strong man. He thought that his life would come back, but this person is definitely not a lifetime.

The soul of the soul, the Suzaku was beaten, and the re-emergence soon came.

"I didn't say hello to me when I came, I was beaten to live!"

"You are still gloating! I haven't found you yet!" Suzaku thought of a few punches to greet the past.

"I want to do it to me, wait until you have a good injury and say it!"

"What is this little injury? I have a healing medicine that my family refines..."

As a result, Suzaku took out the medicinal herbs and the bottle of medicinal herbs was confiscated.

"Hey! Change my remedy back!"

"Shut up! Noisy!" The cold voice came from the murderous murderous, and Suzaku knew that this person was not irritating.

He said: "It doesn't matter, I also brought the medicine of the Ghost Medical Building."

Do not believe this is still grab!

He clearly said: "If you don't want to be killed, just follow me."

"But I want to see you!" Suzaku is not dying!

"Her injury has recovered very quickly."

When it came to a clear site, the horrible atmosphere was far from himself. Suzaku asked: "That man is too arrogant. Who is he?"

"You have known that woman for a long time than I did. You don't know if you still ask me. Have you seen it?"

"He is not a lifetime!"

"His name, it should be called the soul! The whole Xuantian, is there such a person? His danger is that the bloodthirsty murderous, even if the corpse is not so powerful." Heavy brows slightly.

Zhuque said: "No matter who? He still wants to thank him for saving his life."

Recalling: "Now you want to thank, I am afraid it is too early!"

After the two met and talked about the things of Mu Qianxi, they re-emphasized: "Give me the information of the Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce and Shimen, which actually caused me to come up. I think it would be better for them to disappear earlier."

If no one ventilates the Xiahou family and the Xing Xing, then the woman will not suffer.

Suzaku enchanted and smiled: "Small nephew, we really have a heart! I am thinking of this, I dare to hurt my family so badly, they are simply looking for a dead end."

The reason why Suzaku personally came over, the first reason is naturally worried about Mu Qian,


The second thing! Naturally, we must eradicate the two forces.

He clearly said: "If we deal with it, we can all relax!"

"I want to help me! As long as you promised you, I will help you." Suzaku smiled.

Re-emphasizing the brow, said: "Suzaku, you know that you are so dangerous now, for a woman, you can do this!"

"There is no way for this! Who makes me like it."

Suzaku’s look is like a slap in the face, so that he can’t wait to kill him.

He said: "I will not promise her some requirements, I can't do it! Even if you don't help, deal with the two big four-star forces, do you think I will be afraid?"

"Our family has a sigh of relief, and my brother appreciates you." Suzaku smiled.

"You give me a shut up!"

The Xing Xingzong and Xiahou families got the news of failure. A living mouth did not come back. Even the bodies could not be found. They didn’t know how the people they sent out died!

Three people died in a row, and they were also badly hurt.

"It must be that a big man who is nosy, **** it!"

"Homeowners, I heard that the black cloud merchants and Shimen are cooperating to deal with the one who is re-emphasizing, or if we cooperate with them, the Quartet will join hands to destroy the people who have re-emphasized the son of the Ming Dynasty, and it is entirely hand-picked to catch the little girl. Someone suggested.

"Good! Contact them! Let's get rid of that guy who is nosy."


Mu Qianxi was very hurt and could move freely. He learned that Suzaku was also here.

Suzaku worried: "Hey, are you still uncomfortable? I sent you a lot of elixir to see if you can use it?"

The soul of the soul did not give Suzaku a chance to approach, a pair of bloodthirsty nephews stared at him.

"Hey, you are in my way!"

弑 道 : : " Cat owner, you do not like the Phoenix nine night? When do you change your appetite to see this guy who is not male or female?"

Suzaku's little face is stiff. If he can't beat this guy, he must be awkward. He doesn't know his face.

Mu Qian said: "Suzaku, you are here! The news of the Black Cloud Chamber of Commerce and the news of Shimen."

"You want to do it to them?" Suzaku asked.

"Hey, the guy is particularly dead-headed. He doesn't agree with my request. I will remove the obstacle for him. If he still doesn't agree, I should leave. Cooperation will continue!" Mu Qianhui replied.

"You guy, it's so envious and hateful!" Suzaku looked at the envious envy and hate!

A sword suddenly appeared in the hands of the soul, and the sword was placed on the neck of the heavy. "The cat owner, you are too worn, you don't need such trouble!"

The pair of blood-red scorpions looked sharply: "What do you need to say directly, if they don't agree, they will kill all the people here and leave them alone."

During the speech, the clear bloodthirsty killings broke out.

Everyone in this refining bastion was stunned by this killing, and it felt like Death was about to wave the knife in front of them and let them die.

Suzaku is also a big change, this person is ten thousand times more dangerous than he imagined.

The fist is clenched and the death is approaching, but he will never compromise so easily.

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