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Chapter 1945 kills you.

An flaming dragon rushed out of the Yanlong sorcerer's sword, and the sorcerer waved his hand. Yanlong instantly turned into a small Zhengtai who was only able to reach his waist.

The blood-red scorpion, which is exactly the same as the sorcerer, is not as cold and bloodthirsty as the soul, but rather ignorant and cute.

The five senses are also the same as the soul, a model carved out, this is completely a reduced version of the soul.

"I... I... sorrow, you made me a human figure, ah!"

The soul of the soul is cold: "Idiot, shut up!"

Yan Long’s body trembled, and even if he was excited, he would not dare to speak.

Seeing this guy with such a stupid expression on his face that is very similar to him, the dawn of the soul is even more dangerous, and I can’t wait to tear the guy’s face away.

Yan Long’s heart was even more embarrassing. In the end, the soul felt that this idiot was still useful, and he did not hold it.

He said: "Protect the kittens, I will go with this waste to play."

After that, I am too lazy to look at Yanlong again. The soul is like killing God and coming to the world, and rushing to those people.

"Who is the deity, you are not qualified to know, because you are about to become a dead person."

The overwhelming bloodthirsty murderousness made them breathless. They stared at this man who looked like a perfect, unspoken man. How many people did he kill? Only have such a terrible breath.

"hurry up!"

They are afraid if they don't play.

They don't feel the strength of this individual. Spiritual or spiritual, the only thing that can be felt is that this person is definitely not his opponent.

Yan Longjian broke out with horrible murderousness, and the souls dealt with them with extremely cruel means. It is a luxury to want to run.

"My family's kittens can only be bullied! Just because some of your ants can dare to let her bleed, even if you devour all your blood, you can't compensate for one in ten thousand!"

"Ah!" The scream of screaming came.

Yan Long’s small body is guarded by Mu Qian, and he is very cautious.

"Hey! Master, are you hurting, but it doesn't matter, the soul will give you revenge."

Yan Long stared at the seemingly similar face, but cried like a small elk, so that Mu Qianyi had a very strange feeling.

Mu Qianxu thought, if the soul is crying like this...

Can't help but shudder, the picture is too broken, hard to imagine!

Mu Qian said: "Yan Long, don't worry! I am fine, I can't die, I have already taken the medicine! What are the bad luck?"

But the injury is really heavy! It is estimated that it will take a while to get a group of spirits.

He was rushing with the fire, but when they approached, they felt that something was wrong, and the blood smell was too strong and too strong.

That dangerous murderous spread spreads, and it is creepy.

Someone stopped the heavy road: "The son, there is a problem in front, do you want to go to the past? I am afraid there will be danger."

As a refiner, the soul is much stronger than the average person. He can feel the horror of trepidation from the depths of his soul.

Even so, he can't manage so much, he has to go.

"What danger can we have? Is that a woman who is in danger? If that woman is dead, Suzaku will come to me with desperation, can you stop it?"

"The son!" They can't stop, but they can't let the son take risks.

"Give me away, you are my men, I have the final say! If you don't listen, let me go back!"

The resounding temper came up, and rushed out insanely, and they couldn’t stop him.

He plunged forward as fast as he could, and the front turned into an endless sea of ​​fire.

A clear glimpse, "This flame is very familiar, it is the flame of that woman, but with her strength, how could it be such a powerful flame?"

The **** smell of this piece of sea of ​​fire is very very rich, making people feel like they are in the blood.

A scream came, "Adult, forgive me! I am wrong, the little is really wrong, spare me!"

The soul smashes these people as fast as they can. Now there is only the last person left, and he is also devastated.

Seeing one by one companion tragic death, blood splashing, the fear of the behemoth to engulf him, more cruel than killing him directly.

He clearly saw a blood-stained man in the flame. There was a blood man in his front who had no longer existed in his limbs. Isn’t that man’s hand holding the sword of that woman?

This is an artifact with a sword spirit, it will never be used by others unless... unless...

How could that woman die?

"Hey!" Numerous swords made the body of the person fall apart, and the soul was swallowed up.

"Hey!" At this time, countless Daoli arrows rushed to the soul, and the shadows rushed past like lightning.

Re-emphasizing: "She!"

"The son!" Some of the people who chased up almost scared the soul, and the man in the blood coat was strong and fierce to the extreme.

The son is now rushing to start, just like a small sheep sent to the tiger's mouth, will be directly torn, dangerous!

"Hey!" The hidden hidden weapon was blocked by the soul.

"She!" The soul looked at the man in front of him, and the beautiful curved eyebrows picked up slightly.

The blood-red scorpion, like a ruby, exudes bloodthirsty killings, making people feel cold.

"Of course, it was killed by the deity! What's wrong? If you want to avenge her, it's not enough for you." The soul of the soul evokes a sneer.

"It's not enough, it's not that you have the final say." The heavy anger is skyrocketing.

His flame broke out, but his flame was facing the sea of ​​fire, like a cluster of small flames, not worth mentioning.

The soul of the soul smiled and said: "Oh! Really dare to do it! I will kill you!"

Others are also ready to do it, and in no case can this man kill the son, and their backs are sweating.

The heavy body is also shaking, the pressure of this person is terrible, but he will not be weak.

At this time, a tender voice came, "Don't play, the master fainted! Hey!"

"the host……"

The soul of the soul sank, and instantly disappeared in front of the heavy, his power converges, and the flame of the mountain disappears instantly.

They also saw that a man in a **** coat was holding a coma in his arms. The one who was injured was a thousand babies, and his breath was weak. Fortunately, his life was still there.

The soul looked at Muqian: "The cat owner, I did not go through my permission, I am really angry! You said how can I punish you!"

At this time, the breath of the soul is very dangerous, even more dangerous than when some people were killed before!

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