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Chapter 1908 The Biggest Joke

The solitary wave was shocked and hurried back!

Once again, the bandits appeared, and they barely blocked the mad attacks of these vines.

However, the earthen wall also became pitted and cracked.

Others were also stunned, and there was such an incredible reversal.

The original defeated Mu Yan, even with the spirit of the variegated wind element, so that the solitary waves were attacked and counterattacked, so that the solitary waves were caught unprepared.

"Hey!" Some of the vines were blocked and instantly fell apart.

"Hey!" Some of the venoms completely eroded the bandits of the solitary waves, and some of them floated on him, and he couldn’t help but dodge.

However, the solitary wave is not worried, and his own strength will never hurt his own, and regardless of these venoms.

He is extremely angry now, staring at Mu Qiandao: "Mu Wei, you are very good, I was calculated by you! Next time, you are not so lucky!"

The bandits disappeared, and in a moment, a blocking wall sealed Mu Qianxi in a small space, and the ghosts of the wooden elements changed into a ghost vine attacking her.

The surrounding soil has blocked the wind and eaten a loss. The solitary wave will never let her use it again.

"The combination of earth elemental spirit and wood elemental skill is simply the nemesis of the wind element!"

"Mu Yu was restrained, I am afraid there is no way to reverse it as before."


However, the solitary wave waved his big knife and smashed down from the air toward Mu Qian.

"Death kill!"

"Mu, you can go to hell!"

Mu Qiang’s face stood calmly, no dodging, no defense, but a faint smile on his face.

"Mu Yan will not be scared!"

"Do she want to give up like this?"


As soon as he thought that Mu Xi would soon be split into two halves by Du Gulang, Xia Houzi felt very relieved.

She ridiculed the words: "Nan Chen, you are so good, so soon he will..."

Xia Houzi’s words have not been finished yet, and he saw that the solitary wave that violently launched a powerful killer suddenly fell into the air, and then fell straight to the ground.

"Hey!" The knife fell on the platform and pulled out the big pit.

"Hey!" The solitary wave is not listening to the blood, and it is still bleeding black blood.

The beautiful face also became dark, and he twitched in pain, staring at Muqian: "Mu, you...what did you do to me?"

"You actually counted me and poisoned me! Damn!"

Mu Hao escaped a catastrophe, so Xia Houzi was very angry. She looked at the judges: "Elders, this time the genius event has always been banned from using the means that can't be seen, such as poisoning! Even if she is poisoned by the big brother, she must be expelled from the assembly and severely punished."

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "I have no poison!"

"You don't even admit that you elders, grab her up!" Xia Houqi was angry.

"Wait!" At this time, the ‘Suzuki son’ stood up.

He smiled and said: "This time, the refining pharmacists of the Ghost Medical Building came to watch the game and let them give a look at the Solitary Wave. What happened? They are all holy pharmacists."

The speech of Suzaku's son, the other elders have no opinion.

Xia Houzi was very angry, and Suzaku even helped this woman to speak.

Soon, the refining pharmacist of the Ghost Medical Building went to the ring to see the body of the solitary wave, no matter what the result? They are definitely on the side of the adults.

It was easy to check it out, and one of the refining pharmacists said: "The solitary son is poisoned."

Everyone was amazed, "Mu Yu poisoned the solitary waves!"

"When is it, we have not seen it!"


It is not a simple matter to poison the face of so many people in the contest.

Xia Houzi said: "Some people are not strong enough to win with this insidious means, win the battle, but also genius ranked first, people like you, ranked first, not qualified."

The faces of some of the refining pharmacists in Ghost Medical Building were sinking. They said: "We said that the solitary son was poisoned, but did not say that it was poisoned by the girl!"

Xia Houzi said: "Who isn't Murray? Is there a third person in this game?"

"The poison in the solitary son is the poison of the ghost vine that he himself displayed. This poison is his own, and we have no way to solve it. You should have a way to detoxify the solitary son! Then I will go back first."

Whether they can save the Solitary Wave, they will not shoot.

Others don't know that Mu Daren is very important to the ghost medical building. Are they old guys still unclear?

Although the girl is very low-key, but they have some guesses, she should be a disciple of the ghost doctor.

"What? I have my own poison!" The solitary wave that the painful face had to be distorted learned of such a result, and the face was once again distorted.

Such a must-kill trick, although he learned but never used it himself, naturally he can accurately know whether there will be something in the middle of the move?

However, he has always been conceited and naturally feels that there will be no problems.

Everyone also remembered the beautiful reversal of Muyu before, and the solitary wave was the venom that he had come up with.

Seeing that the solitary waves are not on the mind, they thought that the poison was useless to him. He did not think of the evil consequences of his own middle and lower, let himself be jealous, and gave himself to the pit!

That's horrible!

Xia Houzi’s face became iron blue, how could this be?

Duo Lang, an idiot, actually poisoned himself.

Du Gulang never thought that he would be hurt by his own tricks. At this time, he had no clues about poisoning, and he was vomiting blood.


"How are you doing with your brother?"

The people of Xing Xingzong hurriedly took the Solitary Wave away and went to the refining pharmacist to detoxify.

If this matter is passed on, the solitary wave is estimated to be the biggest joke at this genius event.

After the breakthrough, Mu Qianxi returned to the ninth floor to sit down, and no one dared to challenge Mu Qian.

A person who defeated the top four of the eighth floor, even an eighth-order spirit, they did not dare to die.

The second day of the genius event passed, the third day will be the last ten rankings, the eighth floor will compete for the fourth to tenth ranking, and the ninth floor will also compete for the top three rankings. .

"Next, Mu Yan to Yan Lian Ji!"

"The confrontation between the two great beauty is about to begin." When both figures fell on the ring at the same time, everyone was excited.

"The strength of Yan Lian Ji is unfathomable. I think Yan Lian Ji will win!"

"This is not necessarily the case, but the list of Suzaku's sons is the first girl, and the girl may have any amazing cards!"

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