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Chapter 1877 is betting on life

Mo Xuan was shocked: "Is it..."

In the face of the strongest killings that the North Palace broke out, Mu Qiang has withdrawn all defenses, and there is no dodge.

This is totally unintentional with suicide!

"Little baby, I want to be angry." I have to be vomited with blood by my envy.

"Boom!" The poor body was cut into a spider web by the wind.

However, this ancient savage beast is strong, his strength has recovered some, and can not let it fall completely.


The power of horror engulfed the purple figure, and Suzaku Mo Xuan was up and down in his heart.

Chu Li wants to rush but is blocked by people.

"The water dragon is coming!"

A blue dragon rushed out, and it washed away the dust and plucked the North Palace. A purple figure swept away.

When the North Palace broke out with such a strong force, Mu Qianxi was safe and sound.

Suzaku and Mo Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, nothing, nothing to do.

Mu Qianqi approached the North Palace, before the long attack, and now is a near attack.

Beigong sighs: "Hey, you won't be my opponent, why bother?"

"North Palace is absolutely, are you afraid?"

"Jokes, how can this palace be afraid?"

The North Palace will continue to shoot for Mu Qian, but there is no trick to kill.

These attacks have caused Mu Qian’s death to be hurt by the lore, and there is no danger of life, and the number of times of the absolute defense of Crystal Ying will not be wasted.

"The North Palace is absolutely, you have the ability to make me a little bit worse." Although some of the wounded are awkward, but Mu Qian is laughing.

The previous tricks of the North Palace, Mu Qiang, but learned and put into practice.

I have to be crazy in my life. When I solve this trouble, he must punish the little baby. It is really awkward.

Suzaku is not feeling well, "Hey... why do you want to do this?"

Mo Xuan said: "Why did the North Palace have to do that before? The Millennium is used for learning, but it is good to learn, but to learn bad, she is really..."

"The same as the North Palace, you have to force a person to come out? Who is it, so that you can sacrifice so much, regardless of danger." Suzaku is also angry and guilty.

The top artifact used by the North Palace was a silver gun. The quasi-artifact used to fight was burned to ash by the dragon.

The strength of the North Palace is very strong, and the shooting method is very powerful.

But everywhere, the not fatal attack is not what Mu Qianji wants.

She wants to anger the North Palace.

"The North Palace is absolutely, you are a despicable and shameless villain, you will never be better than nothing."

"The first refining pharmacist in Xuantian, is a joke in my life! With a copy of a rebel guy, do you think you can really go where?"

"You are tall and want to see Xiaobai dissatisfaction, unwilling to fate, even yell at you. But you are miscalculated, Xiaobai never cares about this, and still does not put you in the eyes..."

The refining technique and Gu Baiyi are the dead spots of the North Palace. At this time, the face of the North Palace is getting more and more ugly.

"Enough! Mu Qian, I think you really want to die."


The rifle of the North Palace has become a myriad of phantoms, and it is almost impossible to avoid the use of teleports.

The tip of the long gun stabbed the throat of Mu Qian.

Suzaku, they were so scared that their breathing would stop. Before she had nothing to do, there was a defensive measure. But this trick, the North Palace is still an artifact, what if it breaks the defense?

Before the North Palace wanted to send a death to make a bet on his own life, at this time, Mu Qianxi is the same choice.

Just when the rush to break through the throat of Mu Qianyan, a light blue light wrapped up Mu Qianji.

The gentle voice came, "Hey, are you afraid that I will complain with the nine nights? You must leave now, you must..."

Mu Qian said: "I have reached this step. Crystal Ying I am absolutely not willing, and the last time, if it is not the last time, I will never take risks."

"And, don't say it with nine nights, I am your master, he is not."

If it is nine nights to know that she is playing so big, the consequences must be unimaginable.

Crystal Ying helplessly said: "You know now that you are afraid? Then why make such a decision."

"I am worried about Xiaobai, I am very worried and worried! I have to make sure that he is still there. This method of Beigong is the most effective." Mu Qian said.

Crystal Ying is indulgent to her master. She said, "Okay, the last time is the last time! If you still refuse to go, I will directly throw you into the prison for one hundred and ten and nine nights to say that you are doing it. thing."

The absolute defense of Crystal Ying gave the North Palace a violent flight. The North Palace smiled and said: "Hey, what hope are you holding? The cold is impossible to come back."

"If you really want him, you can stay with me, we are all the same, right?" North Palace laughed.

Mu Qianshao said: "The North Palace is absolutely, what are you talking about? Is it all the same?"

"So, I will let you die! With such a strong absolute defense ability, I have to see how many times you can hold it?"


The two figures fought in the air, and the North Palace’s subordinates said: "This woman’s talent is terrible, and Princess Lin is far from her."

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to be ignorant. I am so mad that even the Prince of the Northern Palace dynasty does not want to be a man. That is the emperor of the North Palace."


Suzaku angered: "Nonsense!"

"Zhu Shu, if you don't shoot, I will hang himself and commit suicide." Suzaku is facing the air.

"The son, hanging suicide is very ugly, long tongue, do you want to die like this? Today's situation, even if we can not reverse the shot, the little girl's defense is very strong, it should not..."

"What is called something will not happen! 汐汐 This is a gambling life, and the next defense can't stop it..." Suzaku was so anxious that the whole person would explode.

In the crazy fight between the two, even if there are a lot of medicinal herbs in the body, the spiritual power in the body can't support such a crazy battle.

She took a deep breath, the last time, the last time...

The purple figure has turned into countless residual images, and it has been snaked to the North Palace. The Yanlong sword has been ruined, and the head of the North Palace has been taken.

When life was threatened, the North Palace slammed back and ran back.

The silver pike broke through the void and stabbed the heart of Mu Qian’s heart.

"Hey!" The sharp rifle has not yet arrived, and the horrible hurricane crossed the side of Mu Qian.

The powerful body defense can't stop it. There are countless blood marks on her body, and the whole person has become blood red.

Just as the pike was approaching Muqian, there was a cold sword around them suddenly.

Yes, it is Jianqi, but here are only two people, Mu Qianzhen and Beigong. Where does this sword come from?

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