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Chapter 1857 is not a human race

Finally, a beautiful woman did not come in.

The wine and delicacies of Drunken Mengxuan are also a must, and the inflammation is especially accounted for, so the most delicious and exquisite is delivered.

Soon, the hot show of Drunk Mengxuan is about to begin.

A red figure floated out, and the maid of Drunk Mengxuan was whispering at this moment. "The Yan Daren is a little different today!"

"Yeah! Let me spend the most beautiful makeup, and wear the best looking clothes. Have she never been before?"

"Is it true that Yan Daren has a sweetheart?"

"Ring bells..." The crisp ringtones made them stop talking, and both men and women were attracted by the red-hot figure.

The accompaniment sounds, the red gauze falls from the sky, and the beauty looks back and screams.

The figure dances and dances.

Everyone who looked intently at the shadow of the figure seemed to have been taken away from the soul.

It seems that in a flash, the dance has ended, it has been a long time, but it still makes people feel unfinished.

"Hey!" Mu Qianqi clap the palm upstairs, this guy of the enchanting fairy really has a tempting capital.

Then, other people have come back to God to clap their hands.

Yan looked at the box of Mu Qianxi, revealing the most beautiful smile.

This smile makes the people present feel like drinking the wine, and the soul has this drunk.

The natural charm of Chu Li, Chu Li at this time faintly said: "Sister, this woman is not a human race!"

"It’s a demon!" I rushed to answer in my life.

"Not only the Yaozu, I am afraid it is still a real fox!" sighed in his life.

After a thousand sighs, he asked: "A lifetime, brother, are you sure? Have you not found it before?"

In my life, I replied: "Before this guy got a enchantment, but never exhaled a little enchanting atmosphere, it seems that someone has specifically helped him hide it. Today, this guy is like a courting peacock. I belong to the power of the demon instinct, and we naturally feel it."

“Do other people notice?” Mu Qian said.

"Who do you think I am a grown-up person? I can find that other people don't have this eyesight. This fox is very well-hidden." He returned in his life.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, I am coming!"

"Since it is here, come in directly. Isn't this your own site?" The familiar voice made Mu Qianji know that Suzaku was coming.

The door was pushed open and walked in with a man in a red robes.

Three pairs of eyes brushed and looked at the figure, Suzaku smiled and said: "Hey, look at me like this, do you miss me too?"

Mu Qian said: "No, just the feeling that you give me now is a bit like the inflammation of the previous performance. You are not a relative?"

This is an intuition, a white figure swept out. "In fact, I want to know that it is very simple. It is good to take this guy's mask off."

In the face of a lifelong sneak attack, Suzaku hurriedly avoided, and several powerful breaths in the dark were just around the corner.

Mu Qian said: "In a lifetime, Suzaku doesn't want to take off the mask, don't force it."

"Listen to the little baby!" No longer in his life.

Suzaku sat down and asked, "Hey, how do you feel about the show of inflammation? Isn't the inflammation very beautiful?"

Suzaku looked at Mu Qiang with his eyes bright. At this time, a white figure came in. He said, "I am coming!"

When the people arrived, Suzaku waved and the door was closed.

The surroundings have been kept by Suzaku's men, and no one can get close.

Mu Qian said: "Suzaku, I don't care about your personal affairs. Or talk about business! I am very dissatisfied with the information you bought, and how do you deal with me?"

Suzaku smiled and said: "Want to think about it, is it good to give you a warm bed?"

Mu Qianxi slammed into his mouth directly, and Suzaku hurriedly shunned toward Mo Xuan’s side and said, “Oh, I have tried my best. I have asked my people to ask everywhere, even I will not let go of a little clue."

"This is not the same as what you promised before, so do something else to compensate!"

"This is a good thing, as long as I can do it, I will do it!"

Ms. Qian said: "Join with Mo Xuan and let the Ghost Medical Building develop in the South, it is not difficult for you!"

"Why is it a ghost medical building, we are a life and death, you are too eccentric, I am much better than Bai Ze, I am..."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "This problem is very simple, because I am a ghost doctor!"

"Well! You also said a lot of bad things about me, I still remember!"

Suzaku only felt like a blue sky. He took Mo Xuandao: "I must have heard it wrong, it must be..."

Mo Xuan said: "She is a ghost doctor!"

As soon as she thought of the bad things about so many ghost doctors, Suzaku felt that she was going to die.

"How can I be a ghost doctor? I thought that a ghost doctor is an old monster who has lived for a few years..."

Mu Qian said: "I have known Mo Xuan long ago. It is a cooperative relationship. The project of cooperation is the Ghost Medical Building. My refining technique must be clear to you."

"The cooperation between the two parties, the Ghost Medical Building can also provide convenience for you. After all, the drug is particularly important, and..."

Mu Qianxi is analyzing the benefits of cooperation, while Suzaku is in a state of perseverance.

"Hey! Hey, if you want to abandon Xuan and cooperate with me! I will rely on you anything, definitely better than Xuan to be obedient..."

Suzaku knows that Mo Xuan has the help of Ghost Medical Building. With the help of 汐汐, it is absolutely like a **** help, you can play a beautiful turn over, and they will be miserable.

"Where I want to pay attention to the first come, I am very satisfied with Mo Xuan and do not want to change people in the middle."

Mu Qian’s answer made Suzaku’s heart as gray.

She was still full of confidence in Shang Mo Xuan Suzaku, but with the help of Suzaku, Suzaku felt that his future was paralyzed, and he was very aware of how perverted the woman was.

Mo Xuan said: "Suzaku, let me talk to you! It is not so simple to win with your strength. Joining with you can give you an edge. And..."

Suzaku naturally knows a lot of benefits, but...

"You are the most profitable, I am dying of you, why not I first encountered cockroaches." Suzaku is crazy.

"Your character, even if I met you at the beginning, it is estimated that I will not venture to cooperate with you!" Mu Qian said.

Suzaku is a little depressed, and there are a lot of benefits for him, and he is the boss of the ghost medical building, and he has the principle of not cooperating.

The two sides talked about the conditions, and Mo Xuan signed the contract under the watchful eyes of Suzaku’s red eyes.

Ms. Qian said: "I finally got it. Afterwards, I would like to ask the Suzaku son to take care of the matter."

Suzaku smiled and said: "Hey, don't worry! It's really amazing. You turned out to be a ghost doctor in the rumor. I was so surprised..."

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