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Chapter 1721, I love you.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "But, I have to advance now, if I am comforted, I will forget it."

She is really going to advance, and a steady stream of spiritual power fills her body, and the entire phoenix pool is bubbling hot bubbles.

A bottleneck is broken, and the Emperor is fifth-order!

Next, it has overcome another bottleneck, the sixth order of the Emperor!

Most of the power is used to strengthen the blood, and the blood is strengthened to the extreme to upgrade the level.

Therefore, only two levels have been upgraded, and there is no greed for mutual acquiescence.

It has become an incredible thing to advance to the spirit of Emperor and she has become a sixth-order spirit.

After the completion of the admiration of Mu Qian, the blood pool has become very clear, and the power has been absorbed by Mu Qian.

"Oh!" Nine nights hugged Mu Qianji in the water, he said: "Hey, it should be ok now, let's go!"

After Admiral Mu Qiang's promotion, the small ink in the air also closed up the wings, and it also successfully advanced.

Invincible climbed out of that light, and then smirked and laughed: "Ha ha ha! That guy advanced to sleep until now, I have not yet woken up, I have been promoted directly, let the guy vomit blood!"

All of them have been successfully promoted, and the Phoenix God is also extremely happy.

I feel that there is not much left in the body, but now the young is still yelling at me, and it is too kind to disturb.

Phoenix God can only helplessly smile, continue to tell the story to the little ink.

Invincible: "Golden God, your story is too old, a little ink, you listen to me."


At this time, the world of Phoenix, the war has spread all continents.

Although Ziyou has sneaked into the Phoenix world, there are not many people.

At this time, the king of the gods kept moving the soldiers in the realm of the gods. When he heard that the people of the phoenix and nine nights were in trouble, the rescuers sent by the gods were absolutely powerful, and they were strong.

"The gods and phoenixes have orders, and it is necessary to conquer these uneasily phoenixes. The phoenix family, as a beastly family, should be a servant of the Protoss."

"As for the manpower under the nine nights, kill innocent! Must be extinguished, even if the phoenix world is destroyed, you can't let these embers stay."

The ice spirit issued by the gods, the blue dragon **** is absolutely strictly observed.

Most of the strong people committed crimes, and the Phoenix family was in danger. Even the vitality of the tree was weakened.

Purple secluded in the air against the enemy, facing the eyes of the eye-catching shards of purple: "Night, you come back soon. Otherwise I have to run."

Fighting against the Protoss in the Phoenix World is too bad for them.

But if you really leave, the Phoenix family really wants to be enslaved by the Protoss.

Phoenix nine nights got what he wanted, and Shen Huang suddenly came in.

"Small girl, you have almost the same benefits, is it going to do things for me?" Phoenix God opened the door.

Mu Qian said: "Grand God, please."

Huang Shendao: "I have been dying for a long time, but I also understand the situation of the Phoenix world. The Protoss is really shameless. Do you really think that our Phoenix family is bullied?"

"I want you to expel the Phoenix family."

Mu Qianxi said helplessly: "Shen Huang, this thing, I can't do it for a while. And nine nights because the curse has not been lifted, I can't exert all the power."

Shen Huangdao: "I really thought that I have left this world, there is no good thing? I will give you two things. If you can't do these two things, then I will blink. ”

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "It seems that Shenhuang adults have a killer to hand over to me, I will wait and see!"

A red-red flame token floated in the air, and Shen Huang said: "This is a military commander. Although my men are dead, they still have strength and warfare in this token. If you want to follow In the Protoss War, you summon them to be absolutely able to fight against the Protoss, but only once."

This is an army that was once led by Shen Huang, and how strong its combat power is, even Meng Qiu can not imagine.

Big killer!

Then Shenhuang took out a black ball again, and Mu Qian asked: "Is this?"

"The Protoss has done too much to seal things, and seal my phoenix family! Where can I seal the phoenix world? After the protoss are driven away, you can take out this one and break the seal! Break open Sealing, let my phoenix world's aura return to normal, but also can block the Protoss entry. This should be able to hold for hundreds of years."

"After a hundred years, I looked at this little guy!" Shenhuang touched the little ink.

Dark phoenix has a hundred years of growth time, with a enchanting side, how much it can grow, even he can not imagine.

Anyway, waiting for this little guy to grow up, the Protoss dare to provoke their Phoenix family, just wait for the bad luck!

"There are two kinds of things, little girl, should you agree?" Shen Huang asked.

"Don't be insulted!" Mu Qianhui replied.

"Then you should leave, I don't want others to see how I disappeared, so you have to go!"

After Mu Qianxi agreed to his request, Shenhuang was not ruthlessly rushing.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Good!"

Nine nights hugged Mu Qian said: "Hey, let's go!"

When they both disappeared completely into the sacred tomb of the phoenix, the entire sacred tomb of the phoenix was classified as tranquil.

The beautiful face of Shenhuang had a smile on his face, and he disappeared without a trace.

"Purple secluded adult!" Mei Daren has already had several deep visible bone scars, but he is more worried about the purple secluded besieged by several strong men in the air.

"Booming!" The protoss army is coming to the forefront, and the defense of Leihuang mainland is about to be broken.

The blue dragon **** sneer: "Why are you doing this! There are no objections to doing this useless struggle!"

"give up!"

The ink king and the blue phoenix queen are pale in their faces, and Lei Ba angered: "Come on! If the old man is dead, he will never give up!"

"It's really a group of difficult guys, except for the young people of Leifeng, all the other ones are killed for me, one is not left!" The king of the king ordered the patriarchs of the ice phoenix and the purple phoenix.

After leaving the cemetery of the phoenix, Mu Qianxi and nine nights first arrived in the mainland of Mexico.

But now the mainland of Mexico, has become a ruin.


The little ink is panic, and it is airborne for the body.

"Grandpa is on the other side, Grandpa is fine!"

The connection of the blood, let Xiaomo ink know that the ink king is still safe.

Mu Qian said: "That is the direction of Leihuang mainland, crystal Ying, immediately passed! Go to Leihuang mainland, fast..."

The Protoss started faster than they thought, and hoped that they would have time, and hoped that they and Ziyou could hold!

A traitor of the Phoenix, under the leadership of the Ice Phoenix patriarch, drove straight into the past and was about to level the entire Leihuang continent.

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