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Chapter 1713 will eat you

"Boom!" A loud bang came, and the power of the horrible curse spread indiscriminately here.

The power of this curse, even the king of God is extremely taboo, not afraid to come close.

"Back! All give me back!"

The Leifeng patriarchs also retreated, and the power of this curse was something they had never seen before.

Dip, there is no good end.

Among the people who were present, the only ones who did not retreat were the cursing people.

Not only did they not retreat, but they also rushed up.

"The curse of the curse, the curse of Daquan, we finally found it."

"God to curse the family."

"Hey!" They rushed over with excitement. Among the layers of the black curse of intelligence, the Wan Man Daquan finally revealed the true colors of the mountains.

It was a very old scroll, this one scroll, and it was a **** hurricane in all walks of life.

Lei Badao: "After all, let this thing run out, my phoenix family, still can't keep it."

The cursers of the family are going to grab the curse, and the millennium is faster than them.

God King said: "This little girl is crazy, she is not going to die."

"Little girl, you are looking for death!"


No matter how they fight, how to grab, this mantra is finally in the hands of the Phoenix nine nights.

After a wave of nine nights, the attacks that swept toward the Millennium were all blocked.

"Hey! I am finally waiting for you."

In the Wan Man Daquan, a strange voice came out.

"My strongest embarrassment."

The icy voice of nine nights came. "Do you have that qualification?"

"At this point, you still want to resist, then..."

In an instant, the phoenix nine nights were covered by a black mantra.

Some of the people of the cursed family were shocked: "This... what is this spell, so complicated... so..."


The mask on the face of the phoenix nine nights was directly cracked by the power of this incomparable curse.

When the glamorous, flawless face appeared in front of everyone, the face of the **** of the king showed a dull color.

"Nine Nights His Royal Highness!"

"How did I not think that it would be His Highness of the Nine Nights, the power of such a powerful spell..." The singer also muttered to himself.

The pair of ice blue scorpions became even more terrible.

The power of the curse flooded, and at the moment of the nine-night plucking out, it was exhausted all the control to fly the one-man curse.

"You can't get rid of even if you lose me! The curse on you, no one can keep reason!"


"Kill it! Let's kill it! This little killing is just our appetizer."

"Hey!" It said that it was doing its best, but it was pinched in the hands of people.

Mu Qianxi looked down at it and said to him: "You are very happy!"

"Although you are a little weaker, I can feel that my embarrassment cares about you and makes you feel good."

In an instant, Wan Man Daquan broke out with a powerful curse that wanted to invade the sea of ​​souls.

It wants to pollute, wants to erode, and finds that everything it does is just in vain.


"The soul of the destiny!" Wan Man Daquan laughed.

"No wonder you are so bold, I can't help you, but my embarrassment is different." It has no sense of crisis, so stay in the hands of Mu Qian.

"Hey!" At this time, the gods and their group of people were seriously injured.

The tooth is big and human: "God king, hurry up! The curse in the temple of the nine nights, you don't know, we are very clear! The most dangerous is the horrible and most violent curse. Once you can't control it, then he will start. Endless killings."

"His strength, who can be his opponent!"

"Do you want to give up like this?" Such a great opportunity to make meritorious deeds is in front of him.

"If you want to die here, you can go to play under the nine nights."

The **** king looks at the powerful unmatched guy, such a terrible nine-night grown-up, only the gods can fight one!

"Hey!" The seven masters under the throne of God directly lost more than half.

The cursers of the family have also been pinched to death.

The power of overbearing, who can contend!

Lei Huang patriarchs also scared a big jump, which is too strong!

Mu Qiandao said: "Lei Huang chief, hurry to retreat! Now that you have time, you must leave."

Next, it is very likely that there is no difference in obliteration.

"Thousands of little girls, what about you?" The ink king was anxious.

"I have a way, you will withdraw!"

The nine nights deal with the gods, so others can easily retreat.

Purple and Mei Daren suddenly appeared behind Mu Qianxi, purple smiled and said: "Little beauty, let me go!"

Mu Qianqi slightly raised his eyebrows: "Is it nine nights, are they telling you?"

"No, this is my own decision!"

Mu Qian said: "Let's go! Hurry up, the control of the nine nights is getting stronger and stronger, and when you can get rid of you by the six parents."

Mei Daren cold channel: "I am not afraid!"

"You are not afraid, nine nights don't want to, so leave me now."

"But, little beauty, you..."

"If I want to escape, there is a way, let's go!"

Purple and helpless, with people quickly retreating.

"Oh!" This time, the most miserable thing is the gods and their adults.

In this battle of destruction, the entire mausoleum of the Phoenix God’s sky was directly collapsed.

In fact, they want to escape, but it is not so easy, it is because Phoenix did not go after them.

Because, Mu Qiang opened his mouth.

"Nine nights, come over!"

They stopped killing them in nine nights and let them breathe a sigh of relief.

Wan Man Daquan is not convinced, "It is my embarrassment, how can this guy still be obedient to you?"

If it was before, nine nights were obedient, and now it is not obedient.

It is the voice of Mu Qian, and it awakens his strong obsession with killing.

In the blink of an eye, nine hours of appearance in front of Mu Qianxi.

Wan Man Daquan gloated in the road: "You... you shouted him, he will eat you, and there is nothing left to eat you..."

"Hey!" Maybe this guy is too noisy. After a wave of nine nights, the Mantra is directly flung out.

This guy can't run, and won't run! Because it can't be found at all, there is even better than the man in front of you.

With him coming to the world together, it does not believe, can not conquer this piece of heaven and earth.

"Oh!" After the Wan Man Daquan was thrown away, the nine nights did not say anything.

The delicious is right in front of him, he wants to eat in thousands of ways.

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