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Chapter 1670 is not dead

Qing Aotian was taken to the trial, and the special training began.

Soon, the purple instructor got an urgent notice.

"The masters of my predecessors and protoss have already tore the passage to the phoenix tomb. Next, the final selection will be made and ten people will be selected."

"Directly compare and test, then start grouping."

The comparison between the platform and the trial was carried out with great vigour.

To them, Mu Qianxi cooperated with Xiao Momo and won without any suspense.

They were also very surprised to see the growth of the little ink, how long the little guy was eating, and it was so embarrassing.

Those who are equally successful in winning a quota are still blue-minded, and the other eight are also cleared.

At this time, the Qingfeng family’s Qing Aotian was killed halfway.

"I want to be late!" After the trial of Qing Xiaotian, it was safe to come back.

The purple instructor's face sank, and he believed that what Mu Qiang said was true.

"It doesn't matter if you are late, it's good to beat one of them."

Not only the arrogant sky, but also the patriarch of the Qingfeng family.

At the same time, there is also a protoss contractor of the patriarch. He is one of the seven masters of the king of the gods, and he is an adult.

It is also this adult who dares to speak like this.

Purple teaches the official: "This is not in line with the rules?"

Ju Ju Da Ren said: "People who are qualified to enter the sacred tomb of Feng, naturally have strong strength and ability. If some people with insufficient strength go, it will be wasted our efforts when it is not harvested. Purple instructor, you can afford it. ?"

"So, this must be better than!"

Chrysanthemum has always been overbearing, and the purple instructor cannot control his decision.

He said: "Go than it!"

Juju adults selected a person from the Huangfeng family, and then the other party was defeated by Qing Xiaotian.

Qing Xiaotian carried his chin and proudly bowed to Mu Qian.

Really thought that the complaint, can you get him?

Mu Qiang's face is dull, a young and proud, he really thought that he could pick up the waves?

Juju adults laughed: "Good! Very good! If you got the baby in the phoenix tomb, this adult must return to you and reward you."

The patriarch of the Qingfeng family and the chrysanthemum were also busy people. After giving some warnings to the purple instructors, they left.

Purple instructor said: "You are ten people, take a rest this evening! Depart tomorrow."


On the night of the night, the rest of the rest was a purple instructor.

He personally went to Mu Qianxi, and the purple teacher said: "The Qingfeng people want to protect Qing Aotian and want to make meritorious deeds. I have not dealt with this matter fairly and fairly. I am sorry."

Mu Qian said: "Zi instructor, I believe you must try your best, so you don't need to apologize."

The purple teacher said: "The people of the Qingfeng family are too arrogant, and they completely succumb to the Protoss without any bite."

"Is the purple instructor training us, isn't it for the Protoss service?" Mu Qian asked.

"Of course not? What they want, it is best not to get it forever. We just want to use the hands of the Protoss to open the channel, the genius of my phoenix family, can be passed on, become stronger! Or create a miracle. ”

Ms. Qian said: "The purple instructor said this thing, is not afraid of others knowing."

"What we have to do, the Protoss can also think of it! Of course they are very disdainful, and they are complacent about their actions in controlling the Phoenix family. Opening the Phoenix Holy Tomb is a gamble of our Phoenix family. The chance of winning is really small, but it must be I can't gamble." The purple instructor clenched his fist.

"So, why did you tell me this?" asked Mu Qian.

"Your talent is the best I have ever seen. If it is only this, I will not come to you. I am confused about what happened in the mainland, let me admire your character and fearless spirit. I know that you and the Protoss Tianjiao is not the same." Purple teaches the official.

Ms. Qian’s faint saying: “The purple instructors are very visionary, I am different from them.”

"Our phoenix family lost to the Protoss, and some of them also opposed the actions of the King of God." Purple teaches the official.

"Starting tomorrow, the purple instructor visits late at night, there should be something to explain!"

Purple instructor said: "Yes! I hope that you can help the little guy to get the inheritance of Fengshen adults in the phoenix tomb. The little guy is very good in both understanding and talent. If it can get the inheritance of Fengshen adults, maybe After the millennium, our Phoenix family will have a peerless strongman who can compete with the Protoss, let us the Phoenix family get rid of this dilemma."

Mu Qian said: "Small ink is my contractor. Even if Zifeng does not say it, if I run into such a good thing, I will never treat it badly."

"The inheritance of the Fengshen adults in the sacred tomb of Feng is not dying! Fengyan is extremely powerful, but I don't know the specifics."

Mu Qian said: "Thanks to the purple instructor for providing information, I know."

"Beware of the Protoss, not just the blue whistling, even the genius of my Zifeng family also has the people they control. They are not good."


After the purple instructor finished speaking, he left.

The sound of knocking on the window came from the ground, and Lan Nian was away from the gentle road: "Mu girl, go to the phoenix tomb, please give me more advice."

His eyes are clear, but not as good as the first time, because there are hidden things.

Mu Qian said: "Blue son, you hate the curse!"

Lan Nian left the road: "Yes, I hate the curse, hate people who use the spell, but the girl is my savior, I will not put this hate on the surface, nor will you take the shot." ”

"I didn't expect you to be quite frank." Mu Qianxi smiled.

"Good night!" Blue is off the road.

"Hey!" The sound of nine nights came.

"Feng cemetery tomb, this gentleman can't get in, just tried this."

Admiring a thousand miles, said: "No injuries! You can do such a dangerous thing without saying anything."

That is a space sealed by the ancestors of the phoenix family! This guy has a big bomb in itself, and it’s still in chaos!

"This is all right, you can check!" Nine nights, looking deep into the Millennium, and then undressing.

Not only took off, but also dragged to the point where it was naked.

The dew is exposed, and it should not be exposed.

The perfect figure makes people look like blood.

Delicate and firm skin, attracting people to bite a few mouthfuls.

Mu Qian said: "Golden nine nights, you are too small to see this ghost doctor! I want to check if a person is not injured, but also need to be stripped?"

"Hey, check my body, it can be technically a little worse." Nine nights, I was close to Mu Qianxi, and I walked around and began to unravel the clothes.

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