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Chapter 1657 hits the face

This is not a concern, but the meaning of the forced ink king.

The ink king’s face sank. “What do you mean in the end?”

"We care about our body!"

"Give me away!"


"Boom!" For the person who rebelled against himself, the ink king directly started.

Some of these people also know that the ink king is weak and not afraid of it. It is not a problem to leave him.

The mad king is now doing very important things, and definitely can't let the ink king go down and disturb.


However, they never imagined that the ink king had avoided them and their imprisonment.

"Bold!" The ink king waved his hand and flew them directly.

"Give me a roll!"

At this time, the ink king is full of gas and full of momentum. It is not like a seriously ill person. They are all stunned. Is this the ink king returning to the light?

The phoenix rushed out to the place where the blood came from, and the people of the mad kings in the palace naturally blocked it.

Although the strength of the ink king has not recovered to its peak level, it is more than enough for some of them.

"Give me away!"


Mu Qianxi was besieged, and nine nights still couldn’t stand it, ready to start.

The dark power of terror has quietly filled the entire city of Mo Huang, and Mu Qiang is also preparing to release invincible and Xiaohong, and do a great job!

At this time, a figure appeared in front of them instantly.

A majestic voice came, "Give me a hand!"

"Mu Liu crazy, what is it, let you do so."

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

"His Majesty……"

"Participate in your majesty!"

"Your Majesty has come."

Mo Liu mad fist clenched, thinking about how to get the ink king away.

He said: "Your Majesty, I was also forced by the situation. This matter is long. When I take Mu Qianxi, I am explaining to you!"

"Grandpa, they bully a little ink! Oh!"

The appearance of the ink king, the little ink ink felt a close feeling.

This did not quickly fly to the front of the ink king, spoiled to sell Meng to complain.

"Hey! They still play the master, grandpa, you must teach them well."

Such a small point, the tender voice, the **** connection, at this time, the ink king saw a little ink, the whole heart will be melted.

The onlookers are also stunned, this... What is going on here?

This little guy who has the blood of the king is not the daughter of the mad king who has been lost for many years? How did they become the granddaughter of their majesty?

Mo Wang saw Mu Qian, some strange!

It turned out to be this little girl!

She is the owner of this little guy.

Ink King said: "I found the blood of the king, but did not report to the king, but also in the glory of the king of the phoenix, the ink will be crazy, you tell me, what do you want to do?"

The mad king was arrested for a current situation. He bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, this man is forced to have a **** contract with the blood of the king. I have already verified it with blood. Little ink is my daughter, but Muqian But I have to force a little ink to leave, I am in a hurry, so..."

"He is your daughter?" The ink king was angry.

This little cute, he instinctively feels close, this one of the ink willows dare to say that it is his daughter, it is just blink of an eye.

"Yes! In the blood phoenix temple, the blood has been certified, absolutely right!"

Mu Qianxi sneered: "I have also passed the certification. Is it that my ink is not my daughter?"

Ink King said: "I have a piece of phoenix stone here. Since you said that this little cute is your daughter, then in front of me, I will authenticate again."

"If it is really your daughter, then I will handle this matter fairly and fairly."

"Mu Wang!" Mu Qiang's dawn is heavy, and the ink king will not want to confuse with the mad king!

Madshire King: "This time in front of these many people, accurate, no need to come to the second time!"

"I don't think you are doing it!"

The ink king said that he would overcharge it, and an ink-colored phoenix feather rushed away!

When the mad king responded, it was already a little late. The feather of the phoenix crossed his arm and blood flowed out.

"You..." The ink king was so resolute, and the mad king was a bit strange.

And his power!


Two drops of blood fell on the phoenix stone, no light at all.

Ink King said: "There is absolutely no problem with this king of the phoenix stone. It seems that the phoenix stone of the Temple of the Mohuang has been changed! You must not confess your daughter to the mad king."

The face of the mad king has become iron blue!

"In the past, the phoenix stone of the Temple of the Mohuang has never been broken, so why is it bad today!"

"Don't the mad king of the king deliberately falsify in order to have a daughter of the king's blood."


The mad king was in front of everyone, his face was slammed a few slaps.

The ink king loves to look at the small ink ink: "Little cute, you are willing or not, verify it with me."

In fact, he already has an answer in his heart.

It is unreal to dream like a dream, he wants to be completely sure.

Xiaomo ink did not answer, and looked at Mu Qianxi and shouted: "Master, can you?"

Ms. Qian said: "Yes!"

The ink king has always opposed the contract between the Mohuang and the human race. At the beginning, the king of the mad king was contracted with the man, and the king of the king almost ejected him from the Mohuang family.

Because she was afraid that the ink king would oppose her contract with the ink ink, she never said it!

However, she can't stop Xiao Momo from finding her loved ones.

The blood of the ink king and the small ink ink dripped onto the phoenix stone. Two kinds of blood with the same roots blended together, and an ink column of light rushed to the sky.

The crowd exclaimed: "Look!"

"A strong king is bloody."


It was not worth mentioning at the beginning of the madness of the king of the mad king!

This light seems to symbolize the rise of the Mohuang royal family, and the ink king is delighted.

He looked at Mu Qian and said: "Small girl, can you talk to me back to the palace?"

Mu Qian said: "No problem!"

The ink king chilled to the mad king, cold channel: "You better give me how to explain to me!"

"Hey!" The words fell, and the ink king slaps a slap in the face.

When the ink king was slap in the street, the whole face was swollen and blood was left from the mouth.

His face was gloomy, and the king of ink did not give him face.

Mu Qiang and Mo Wang came to the palace, and Mo Wang asked: "Where is the mother of this child?"

Mu Qian said: "It is no longer in this world."

In the eyes of the king of ink, the color of sorrow flashed. "Our phoenix beasts, the more pure the blood, the less fertility, I have only one daughter. I saw this little cute as if I saw my daughter."

"The war was not yet opened, and our phoenix family was not imprisoned. She just went out to go shopping, but did not think of the difference, but it was farewell."

"I thank you, bring this little guy to the mainland of Mexico."

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