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Chapter 1632 Quick fix

In this kind of competition, the blood of the king is really similar to the opening of the plug, absolutely suppressing the opponent.

Those who do not have the blood of the king do not dare to compete with the Chihuang family.

If there is a blood of the king, don’t bully the soft persimmons to bully the Mohuang people. This is definitely a pit.

So, on the side of the red phoenix, no one can fight for it.

When the Mohuang family went to occupy the third position, the black phoenix family also chose this position.

"This door, we are going to be black and phoenix! Let's hurry!"

Now the leader of the Black Phoenix family is not the one who defeated the Black City, but another person.

When he plunged over, the king’s blood pressure broke out.

He is the black stream of the black phoenix who has the blood of the king.

When the king’s blood came out, it was particularly uncomfortable for the ink to dance.

Ink danced and shouted: "Mu Qianxi."

"Small ink, come out!"

Mu Qianxi shouted out the small ink ink, and the small ink ink also broke out the blood pressure of the king.

This powerful and terrible, Mu Qianlong continues to supply its powerful soul, which makes the people present are threatened.

Even if it is as strong as a red rain, it is still shocked by such pressure.

A lot of people brushed and looked at the small and cute little phoenix. "This... this pressure is the explosion of this little one."

"Is there something wrong!"

"It's so strong."

When the ink fell into the rain, she said: "The Mohuang family actually gave birth to a small phoenix with the blood of the king. No one knows about it."

This pressure is not weaker than her!

Red Dream also stunned. "No one knows about this news! What happened! It seems that the luck of the Mohuang family is very good. When the phoenix of the king's blood is completely gone, a small phoenix is ​​ran out. ”

Another woman from the Chihuang family, Chiqin said: "Don't worry about falling rain sister! Even if the little Phoenix is ​​strong, fight, the Mohuang family is definitely not the opponent of the Black Phoenix family."

The black-eyed eyes flashed an unpleasant color, so the blood pressure of a king of a small phoenix was almost the same as that of him, which made people depressed to the extreme.

Mu Qian said: "Small ink, you are careful, I will clean them up!"

"Master, come on!"

The purple figure passed over the past, and the opponent chosen by Mu Qianjun was the black stream!

"Human, it is you who are coming to deal with me! Let the ink dance over." The black stream saw Mu Qian, the disdainful way.

"How? Are you afraid?" Mu Qianqi raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know what to do, how can I be afraid of you?" The black flow is angry.


Ink dances one person alone, and the other two deal with one.

The black phoenix family does not have a contractor, so Bai often does not shoot, and only the first few shots.

After all, Mu Qian’s contract beast is just a cub, and the shot is very reasonable.

However, she expressed great helplessness to this rule of the Phoenix family. If there is no such rule, the group can kill them!

Black runner: "Quick speed!"

The opening of this door has time.

The people of the Chihuang family have already rushed in at this time, and they can't waste too much time at the beginning.

Mu Qian said: "Yes! Quick decision."

The black stream quickly became an ontology, and then the whole body broke out with the power of darkness. A long sword appeared, and if it was thundering, it would be stabbed by Mu Qian.

"Black feather thorn!"

Because I want to solve the problem of killing thousands of times, this shot is extremely hot.

Although he is the same as the ink dance, he is a seven-level holy beast, but he has to be stronger than the ink dance.

Just when this thorn is about to take a chance, Mu Qiang does not hide from the direct attack of his next.


There is nothing wrong with the ground vibration.

The gaze of the black stream became cold. "You, a human being, have a merit, and you have such a powerful defense!"

And Mu Qianxi has shot!

"Red Lotus!"

"Shu Luoyan is extinguished!"

The overwhelming fire element erupted, and this power is more than just the power of the fire element artifact.

Bai often wanted to see Mu Qian’s serious injury, but did not expect to see this scene.

"Fire... Fire Elementalist!"

In addition, she is very likely to be a Lei Shi spiritual master, does not mean that she has three lines.

In the previous battle, Mu Qianxi did not reveal that he was a fire spirit, and this opponent is more difficult now, so of course he does not keep the card.

"Ice Dragons!"


The black stream is dangerously squatting, "Do you have a double-decker snack?"

"Even if you are a dual system, the strength is too weak, still vulnerable!"

The strength of the four-level holy beast, even if it is a means, is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

Then, the attack of the long sword became more and more fierce, and the blood did not stop.

Mu Qianxi also responded with a very sensitive counterattack, and was not deterred by his fierce attack.

"The secluded print!"

"Booming!" The two men struggled, and the speed and defense of Mu Qian’s face made the black stream’s face more and more gloomy.

"Human, let me die!"

"I think it will be you who will die."


Numerous silver needles fly out, and Bai Chang’s pupils are slightly shrunk, which is another hidden weapon.

After a few rounds with the black stream, Mu Qian also touched the weakness of his body.

What about the Phoenix body?

Her ghost doctor is poisonous.

"The water dragon is broken!"

When the needles were flying out, Mu Qian’s spiritual attack was used as a cover.

The Phoenix family has absolute confidence, confident that they will not be hurt by a small hidden weapon, will not be poisoned!


The needle was rubbed on the black stream, and a small blood mark was directly flowed out.

With such a little wound, he couldn’t feel it at all. In the blink of an eye, the wound disappeared directly.

The phoenix family has a strong self-healing ability. The black runner said: "Do you humans like to make these gadgets? Such a small hidden weapon, I still want to hurt me."

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The hidden weapon is not strong, it has nothing to do with the size, as long as the effect is the best."

"But... you..."

His words have not been finished, and he found that his body is not right.


The body disappeared instantly, and he was forced to become a human form. The king’s pressure could not be exerted, and the soul was sealed.

"This... what the **** is going on?"

The poisons of the refining of the Phoenix family were carried out in the ink when they were practicing, and the results were not bad.

The pressure of ink flow is gone, then...

"Small ink ink! Increase the pressure control on them!"

"it is good!"

There is no check and balance of the blood of the king of the black stream, and the black city is extremely difficult.

The color of the figure flew out, and it was a pharmacy needle flying out. Its goal was to be in the Black City where the ink was dancing.

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