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"This matter, don't bother!" Grandpa.

Who dares to provoke the Ghost Medical Building when the Ghost Medical Building is in full swing, it is definitely enough to abandon yourself.

And Mu Qianxi went to see her patient. Just after the medicine was finished, the East Pole Temple was killed. I have not had time to go to Feng Yunxiu.

This time, Mu Qianxi was not easy to resist but was facing his own face.

Hearing footsteps, Feng Yun repaired: "Ghost doctors..."

His words have not been finished, they found that the door is a purple girl, not a boy like a fairy.

The girl walked in from the door against the light, and the golden sun gave her a golden glow.

Although the stunning face is in the shadows, the pair of scorpions are still like a galaxy, dazzling and fascinating.

"Millennium!" Feng Yunxiu spit out her name in a dull manner.

Mu Qian said: "I don't look for me because my body is so bad. Don't you believe in my medical skills?"

Feng Yunxiu replied: "I have never doubted your ability, but I dare not see you."

"Then I dare to see you, oh, cure, don't think too much! You have enough power to do what you want."

"it is good!"

Feng Yunxiu asked: "It’s okay outside?"

A green boy suddenly came in. "There is a little man, you think that you have some cats and dogs in the East Pole Hall! Can you get us?"

The beauty of a young child is also extremely proud!

Feng Yun Xiu's eyelashes like a fan fan flashed slightly, and the pair of amber scorpions looked at the eyes of the young boy and flashed a trace of doubt.

He has seen this boy twice today, but the feeling given to him is very different.

Mu Qianxi and Ah stop have a life contract, although the appearance can be perfected in disguise, but the core inside is completely different.

Mu Qian said: "You give me aside, I want to save people."

"This guy is a group with some people today, what have you saved?"

"This is not the same thing!"

"You don't want him to die, I can turn him into a baby. You wash his memory again. When you play it, you will still be a beautiful man after you raise it. How do you think this idea?"

Mu Qian is full of black lines. "The idea is a good ghost! What kind of cultivation, who do you listen to?"

"The guy who has done it in a lifetime, you are quite close to the old ghost! One likes beauty, one likes beautiful men, despise you!"

"Despise me, you will give me a roll away!" Mu Qianxi directly smashed the past.

The protagonist of the discussion, Feng Yunxiu, listened to the corner of his mouth and twitched.

Xuan Yi’s face is black, and this ghost doctor is not a group with Mu Qian’s, and the words are not surprisingly endless.

Mu Qian said: "Yun Xiu, don't listen to him, or treat you!"

"Hey!" Several needles fell across his body, and the potion began to nourish his body.

Feng Yunxiu felt a cool feeling in the body, very comfortable.

Mu Qianxi took back the medicine needle and handed a bottle of medicinal medicine to his hand. "One time to eat one, Xuanyi remember reminder!"

Mu Qian said: "This time your body is very bad, at least half a month in the Ghost Medical Building. You are better to be safe. Don't run anywhere. If you dare to run, I will stop. Turn you into a baby and see where you are going!"

Mu Qianxi feels that the ability to stop the enemy is good, and the patient who is not obedient is also very good.

Feng Yun Xiudao: "I won't run!"

Mu Qian said: "Although it is cured, but your secret law should not be used. Once again, even if I am a little capable, you will be tossed to death."

Feng Yun repaired the light and said: "I know."

The work of condensing fat was very fast, and Tian Lingzong’s two-and-a-half-sector force was completely removed from the Quartet.

A two-and-a-half-sector force has disappeared in this way, and other major forces are also frightened and afraid to provoke the ghost building.

A series of turmoil caused by the Eternal Sword was temporarily suppressed after the stop of the show.

It’s just that this is calm, I don’t know how long it will last.

Mu Qianxi was in the ghost medical building. As the owner of the North Han Temple, Gu Baiyi did not wait for the business.

However, at this time, there was a news that people had to pay attention to. The sound of the Buddha's Sacred Heart of the Sanskrit God Kingdom came to the North Han Temple.

Mu Qianxi thought of the man who did not dye the filth of the mortal, this is a super difficult guy.

“What do you do with the sound?” Mu Qian’s brows are slightly stunned.

Gu Baiyi said: "I will stay in the ghost medical building, I will go back and see."

Mu Qian said: "If the goal of this guy is me, it is the sword of eternal, it is useless to stay in the ghost medical building, simply let me take the initiative."

Mu Qianguang was dark and said: "And the Son of the Sanskrit God Kingdom is coming. Shouldn’t this Shaodian Hall be entertained?"

Gu Baiyi helpless, how he forgot that the nephew has another identity.

So I admire the thousand 汐 and Gu Baiyi back to the North Han Temple, and the North Han Temple holy son Murong thousands of nights, naturally also out.

The Son of the Sanskrit God Kingdom is more mysterious than that of Bai Baiyi. It rarely appears in front of everyone, and rarely leaves the sanctuary of the Fanyin Kingdom.

Now the Son has come to the North Han Hall personally, and the North Han Temple is also very polite.

The great elders, Yu Bingqing and the young masters of the North Han Temple also came.

Although the appearance of Murong's thousands of nights, the light on them has become dim, and the identity is still there.

The sound is elegant and elegant, and the ink hangs down. He sits quietly there, like a holy Buddha statue, clearing all the filth in this world.

The people present, whether good or evil, were infected by him.

The Buddha's Sacred Heart is not casually spoken. He has a magical power around him that can infect everyone around him.

At this time, someone said: "The temple owner, the temple is not!"

Two white shadows appeared in front of everyone.

"The Lord! Little Hall!"

The sound of the dust slightly looked at them, and the pair of dark scorpions were soft and not offensive.

"Gu Dianzhu!"

"Thousands of nights!"

This person is perfect and kind, so that no one can be hostile to him.

However, Gu Baiyi is different. After seeing him, he is very vigilant.

Gu Baiyi did not say anything, but Mu Qianxi spoke up. "The Sanskrit Son, long-awaited. I thought that the Sanskrit Son is a bald head! I didn't think that being handsome is not as good as this Shaodian Hall, I really surprised me! ”

When everyone listened to the words of Mu Qian, they almost fainted!

They are so arrogant that they are in the nest, so it is so unreasonable to face the Son of the Sanskrit.

It is a crazy worship to know that some people in the Sanskrit Kingdom are incomparably worshipping the Son of Sanskrit.

If this is passed out, it is estimated that they will all want to fight with the North Han Temple!

The temple is too noisy!

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