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Even if he is on the right track, Mu Qianxi still does not see a half-personal shadow.

After Mu Qianxi and the little guy walked for a while, there was a figure in front.

Mu Qiang felt someone, naturally curious, even if someone had no map, she would arrive here earlier than her.

However, it seems that the citrus to the little guy seems to be almost fainting.

It was timid, and when they first met, they were scared to run away. It is now excusable.

Getting closer and closer, just a back, this person gave her a very clean, no dangerous feeling.

Once as a ghost doctor, walking in the dark world on the sword wave, her feelings have been fairly accurate.

The person who gave her this feeling is estimated to be someone who has never been bloodied.

Even so, Mu Qianxi does not dare to take it lightly. Those who can come here are not ordinary people.

With the approach of Mu Qianxi, the person in front of him also sensed the existence of Mu Qian.

He turned his head and the Fanghua in the moment seemed to silence everything around him.

He looks like he is only in his early twenties, his appearance is exquisite and perfect, and it is certainly not as amazing as the nine nights and the stop.

However, his detached and extraordinary appearance, but the shocking soul.

That pair of clear scorpions, clean and non-scaling, seems to wash all the dust in this world, and all the people.

Such a dusty man, even if he does not report his identity and origin, Mu Qian has already determined who she is.

The Son of the Sacred Heart of the Sacred Heart of the Western Kingdom Fanyin Kingdom is so dusty.

The entire Quartet has made this biography a god, and Mu Qian felt very exaggerated.

Now that this person is standing in front of her, she knows that the rumor is not exaggerated.

Heart, bone, eye, and even the soul make people feel a sense of being washed.

This kind of love, holiness is incomparably pure, and it is simply incomparable with the white lotus flower of the white smoke.

This person can let people put down all the guards, people believe her, but Mu Qiang is alert, and she believes Xiaobai more than this strange son.

Xiaobai said that this person is the most dangerous.

She also doubts that in this world, there is really such a clean, so heart-warming, thinking about the people who bless the people?

The little things seem to feel his breath too, not so scared.

This seems to be not a bad person!

Although I thought about it like this, I still couldn't help but be afraid.

The sound of the dust is looking at the girl who is approaching him. There is no trace of the pure nephew, just like other people.

Everyone’s life, in his eyes, there is no difference between ugliness and beauty.

Mu Qianxi didn't want to have any contact with him, so he went straight.

The sound of the dust said: "Girl!"

The sound of the Sanskrit is pleasant, with a touch of sandalwood.

Mu Qianyu stopped and said, "Is there anything?"

The Fanyin Kingdom respects the Buddha, but as the voice of the Son, unlike other people, there is no need for shaving.

The black hair of the ink slipped down his ankles along the pale yellow scorpion, and the holy dirt was like a real Buddha.

Being stared at by such a pair of eyes seems to be able to put down all the sins of killing.

Mu Qiang asked calmly: "Do you have something?"

"The girl's trip will be extremely dangerous. Please ask the girl to leave here. Barren can send you away."

The goodwill on his face is not meant to be a fake.

Even if she reads countless people, she can't see any clues. If it wasn't for Xiao Bai who said this person first, she would really believe it.

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "The people who come here are for the treasure. You are not the same. Now that the treasure has not been seen, you let me go?"

"Even if you have a beautiful **** like you, this girl can't be a Chinese-American man!"

As the footsteps moved, Mu Qianqi was close to the sound.

His skin is as white as porcelain, delicate and perfect.

The sound of the dust felt the strange atmosphere close, and a hot air sprayed on his face.

Even so, his face still looks like a gentle and holy look.

Mu Qiang reached out and picked up his ink, his hair was like silk, with a touch of sandalwood.

She would like to see this monk, how long can it be installed?

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "But if you pay a price, maybe I will listen to you and leave here!"

Xiao Bai was beaten by the players at the beginning, but she had to look at it.

The woman in front of her eyes is like a flower, and the most beautiful scenery in the world is no different.

A holy man like a water, an evil woman like a bully, the two are close together.

The sound is calm and calm: "The girl is joking with the poor."

"Monk!" Mu Qiang gently touched his delicate hair. "If you are a monk, what is this! Isn't it a wig?"

Although the strength of Mu Qiang is not heavy, it hurts a little.

If the sound is very dusty, it is completely lifeless, but it is very gentle. "Poverty is a practice."

"I found you really look good."

The sound is not the kind of person who is so fascinated at first sight, but the more people look at the moon, the more people can't open their eyes.

The sound of the dust seems to admire thousands of things without saying anything. "Girl, this is extremely dangerous, why don't you listen to me."

"I don't know you, why do you have to do more business."

"Barren just don't want this world, more than one kill."

The beauty is not a beauty, and the sigh is so beautiful.

If the sound is not as bad as being the Sacred Heart of the Buddha, even sigh, with compassion for the people.

Mu Qianxi thinks that this monk is too boring, and Xiaobai, who has no desire and no desire, will have a little emotional swing, but he has nothing.

She feels that she can't find anything at all. So don't waste time with him.

Running the spiritual power, the purple figure flashed, and Mu Qian quickly reached a dozen meters away. ’

She smiled and said: "If the voice is dusty, this girl is very big, but it is not so easy to die here. You are being manipulated. If the Buddha of the Sanskrit God of the Buddha's Heart is dead here, I am afraid this world. There must be one less peerless task."

"Well! There is also a peerless big man."

After testing the Son, Mu Qianhao ran at the fastest speed.

Hearing the words of Mu Qianzhen, his voice, the sound of the calm, no trace of the face, flashed a strange color.

She knows his identity, but dares to tease him, she is alone.

The little guy came out of Mu Qian’s sleeves and looked up to Mu Qian.

She seems to like the beautiful man very much, if it can be adult, he will love it.

However, let's talk about it now! It’s not a time to think about adulthood.

Originally, the sound is not intended to continue to persuade Mu Qian, even if Mu Qian is the first time to tease her woman, for him there is no difference with other people.

But when the little guy climbed out, his pair of pure scorpions flashed a little and then chased them up.

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