Could it be that middle-aged man is the ultimate mastermind behind the scenes?

Jiang Dao frowned tightly, his heart became more and more irritable, his anger was raging, and it was difficult to contain it.

He didn't come to play hide-and-seek after a night of hard work.

He needs to fight with fists to the flesh!

Instead of guessing puzzles!

Jiang Dao suddenly took a deep breath, and his inflated body slowly returned to its original shape again, forcing himself to calm down.

He took the bronze mirror and walked out of the temple.

Downhill area.

Guo Dutian, Qi Rongfa and others waited anxiously, and soon saw the figure of Jiang Dao on the mountainside appearing again.

Boss, how is the situation?

Guo Dutian asked.

Qi Rongfa, have you seen this bronze mirror?

Jiang Dao handed the pinched and deformed bronze mirror to Qi Rongfa, and asked.

Qi Rongfa took the bronze mirror, observed it carefully, and said, Back to the leader, I haven't seen it, but there are many skilled craftsmen in Qingluo City, maybe they can know the origin.

Get someone to appraise it after you go back, and be sure to find out the source of the bronze mirror!

Jiang Dao opened his mouth.

Yes, boss!

Qi Rong nodded.

Give me the clothes, ready to go back!

Jiang Dao opened his mouth.

Guo Dutian on the side hurriedly handed a new suit of clothes to Jiang Dao, and asked cautiously, Master, what about the ancient temple.

The ancient temple should not be restored again...

Jiang Dao casually put a brand new overcoat on his body, looked towards the temple, and suddenly remembered something, and asked, Qi Rongfa, go back and check, who has come to sacrifice recently!


Qi Rongfa nodded again.

Jiang Dao stepped on the horse.

A group of people left here quickly.

Deep courtyard.

In a dark room.

A middle-aged man with a pale complexion suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and with a bang, the entire wall was quickly corroded.

His eyes were sunken, cold, and full of horror, staring closely at a bronze mirror in front of him.

Jiang Dao's figure was originally reflected in the bronze mirror, but it suddenly became blurred, hissing and disappearing completely.

Damn it, what kind of monster is this... It actually destroyed the sinister place I worked so hard to arrange...

His voice was sharp and harsh, as if his fingernails had been scratched on the iron sheet, making people feel uncomfortable for a while.

There are still four people left, and I will absorb four more people at the end, and I will be able to reach the [Peak of Extinct Level]. At that time, no one in Qingluo City will be able to leave alive, no one...

His voice whispered.

The temperature in the entire room plummeted, and it was frighteningly cold.

It was getting brighter.

Early in the morning, Qi Rongfa led a group of people to investigate quickly throughout Qingluo City.


It was not until noon that there was finally a result.

Boss, the matter has been investigated.

Panting heavily, Qi Rongfa rushed over, and said, I found many people to look at this bronze mirror carefully, and it actually came from the Fang family in Qingluo City... But this Fang family was wiped out three years ago. Everyone died tragically...

The Fang family?

Jiang Dao frowned, What kind of family is this? How did it get wiped out?

The Fang family was originally a family of medical practitioners. The head of the family, Fang Zhongze, is said to have always enjoyed prestige in Qingluo City. However, three years ago, a plague broke out in the city. Fang Zhongze not only failed to cure the plague in the city, but made the plague worse. become more serious,

Finally, the investigation by the yamen found that it was Fang Zhongze himself who poisoned the plague, which caused the plague, so all thirteen members of the Fang family were burned alive by the enraged residents!

At that time, the head of the Fang family had a daughter who had just married Lu Yuanwai in the city not long ago, but his daughter kept it from Lu Yuanwai and messed around outside. In the end, she got pregnant and was furious by Lu Yuanwai When Xio returned home, his daughter was also burned to death in that fire!

This bronze mirror was the dowry that his daughter asked someone to order, and there was handwriting on it, which was personally made by [Li Jitong Shop] in the city.

Qi Rongfa said.


Jiang Dao's eyes flickered, and he tapped his finger on the armrest of the table and chair.

The dowry of the Fang family's dowry appeared under the ruined temple...

Who let it go?

Could it be that someone in the Fang family is not dead?

Or is it that the grievances are too heavy and become evil spirits?

Have you found out whoever worshiped the ancient temple recently?

It was also found out that it was Li Daoran, the richest man in the city, but Li Daoran died a day ago, and all the accompanying guards also went crazy!

Qi Rongfa spoke.

Is there anyone else in his family?

Jiang Dao asked.

Yes, he married Mrs. Qifang, do you want to call me for questioning?

Qi Rongfa spoke.

Jiang Dao thought for a while, No, I'll go to the door myself.

Yes, boss!

Qi Rongfa clasped his fists together and immediately led the way.

Jiang Dao stepped on the steed, and quickly ran towards Li Daoran's mansion with a group of people.

Not long.

Dozens of brothers from the Lie Yan Gang soon appeared in front of the Li residence.

Li Er, the housekeeper of Li's house, was trembling with fright when he saw so many people appearing. He rushed into the room and quickly notified the wife of the head of the house.

Since the Patriarch had just died, the entire Li Manor was dressed in mourning.

The number of guests who came to express their condolences is unknown.

It can be said that all the prominent figures in Qingluo City showed up, and even the county magistrate of Qingluo City was present in person today.

But when they saw so many masters of Lie Yan Gang suddenly appearing, everyone was still shocked.

Guests from all walks of life rushed out of the hall one after another, their expressions changing, and they were faintly uneasy.

The Flame Gang, the largest local snake with a radius of nearly a thousand miles...

In this one-third of an acre of land, the yamen must listen to them... If they are killed, they will be killed.

Which adult from Lie Yan helped drive here, I don't know what to do today?

Tang Bin, the county magistrate of Qingluo City, spoke nervously.

This is the new leader of our Lieyan Gang, leader Jiang Daojiang!

Guo Dutian shouted loudly.

Jiang Dao turned over and got off his horse, wearing a black bearskin coat. His body was unusually burly, his face was stern, and his eyes were deep. Beside him were four tall men with bulging muscles, and they jointly lifted a black epee .

Everyone's expressions changed.

The head of Lie Yan Gang has arrived in person?

They hurriedly greeted each other with flattering smiles.

Although they wondered why the gang leader was so young, but seeing the black epee on one side, the group of people did not dare to have any extra thoughts.

Those who can use this kind of giant sword as a weapon need not think about it. The strength is absolutely terrifying, and it is no problem to kill them easily.

Everyone, don't be nervous. My visit today is not to find trouble.

Jiang Dao's tone was calm.

Tang Bin, the county magistrate of Qingluo City, suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

It’s not just about looking for trouble!

at this time.

Several wives in Li's mansion, wearing sackcloth and filial piety, wiped their tears, and finally came out of the room.

My lords came here in person, is it also to mourn the master?

The leading lady's eyelids were red, and she bowed her body in disrespect.

Madam, I came here to ask, Master Li of your mansion went to offer sacrifices to the Yinshan Ancient Temple before, did he say anything after he came back?

Jiang Dao asked.

The expressions of all the guests changed.

Li Daoran has been to the Yinshan Ancient Temple before?

This... the master has a high fever since he came back, and he did say some nonsense, but these nonsense are not coherent.

The eldest lady responded in a low voice.

What did you say?

Jiang Dao asked.

The master said: It's him, it's him, he came back, and he said don't kill me... For the whole day after that, the master had a high fever and fell into a coma.

The eldest lady spoke.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Is it TA?

TA, is it a human or a ghost?

Could it be that Li Daoran was killed by a ghost?

What about the others? Did the guards say anything?

Jiang Dao's eyes sank.

Those guards fell into madness and said some words, but they were all slurred, and we couldn't hear clearly. Only the leader of the guards, Zhu Biao, could barely hear what he said. He said there are ghosts and ghosts, don't come here ...I can no longer hear the words that follow.

The eldest lady spoke.

Everyone was even more astonished.

Ma'am, I would like to ask, what was the relationship between Master Li and Fang Zhongze before his death? Have you communicated with the Fang family?

Jiang Dao asked.


The eldest lady hesitated slightly, The master was kind and generous during his lifetime, and he never offended anyone easily. He has always had a good relationship with Fang Zhongze, and he can be called a good friend.

Really? Then Fang Zhongze was burned to death, and Master Li didn't save him?

Jiang Dao narrowed his eyes.

At the beginning, the anger was hard to appease, and the master could only protect himself wisely...

The eldest lady said in a low voice.

Jiang Dao watched the eldest lady closely, but from the corner of his eye, he saw all the expressions of the other guests.

When he mentioned Fang Zhongze, everyone's expressions obviously became unnatural.

Among them, the one whose expression changed the most was... Tang Bin, the county magistrate!

Jiang Dao's heart froze.

This Tang Bin knows the inside story?

Did everyone in the Fang family really die at that time?

Jiang Dao asked.

I don't know about this...

The eldest lady bowed her head and said.

Jiang Dao then continued to ask some other questions.

Twenty minutes later, he took people away again.

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