Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1070: Bi Yan Guo

Chapter 1070 The Nine Suns Emperor

Chapter 1070

Li Xing has never been a bad person. Naturally, he wouldn't be generous to directly send this to an unfamiliar ugly woman, Shime Dan. He looked helpless and spread his hands, saying, "Sorry, there are only so many on my body. . "

Humidalasso also believed, and nodded, saying, "You're a good person. When I rescued you, you didn't regret it, you gave me the elixir immediately. This is the entire Dacihai Route map, you have to be careful in the future, don't get lost again, and no one will save you. "

This Humidallaso ### is also a resolute and easy-going person. She walks after speaking, her body flashes into the billions of magneto-optical light and disappears, leaving only a large volume in place. Magnetic sea route map.

For this ugly girl, Li Xing didn't have any special impression. He turned around and forgot, and continued his journey. This time with an accurate route map as a guide, he sailed smoothly along the way. In about a month, he successfully crossed the Great Magnetic Sea and entered the northern desert.

The northern wasteland is vast and endless. Like the western wasteland and the eastern wasteland, it is composed of many huge sections. In each section, there are large and small, many different forces, they are fighting endlessly with each other.

Occasionally, when these forces unite, they will be able to threaten the central pure land. Whenever this time, it is the moment when the heaven court sends troops. But this time it was different. Tianting took the initiative to prepare to unify the closest section in the northern wilderness.

Prior to many epochs, this section belonged to the central pure land level group plane, with a large area and many creatures. It is extremely difficult to unify it. Similar situations have occurred in the four wastelands.

The position of the Ninth Route Army in the Northern Wilderness should have been marked in the command. However, after the previous route was wrong, Li Xing knew that this position mark must also be wrong, and he had to find the ninth army's position by himself.

Through the magnetic sea, the first area he entered was the section where the army of Beihuang Road was stationed. This section has a unique name, called the Five Elements Continent.

Before the Five Elements Continent had fallen, it had another name, called the Great Five Elements Realm. It was the place where the Five Elements civilization dominated the town. At that time, the heavenly court was a group plane. With the demise of the Five Elements civilization, this big Five Elements mystery also turned into a section, floating up and down in the northern wilderness.

The Five Elements Continent is so vast that Li Xing spreads his mind and wants to explore its scope, but finds it boundless and sees no end at all.

The North Famine is not desolate, and the inheritance of the Five Elements civilization is not broken. On the contrary, many of the Great Celestial beings born by the Five Elements civilization still exist on the Five Elements continent, but many of them live in seclusion regardless of world affairs.

The descendants and people of the Great Celestial Master have prospered on the continent of the Five Elements for generations, making this continent very prosperous. However, the five elements of the mainland forces have separated from one another and have not formed a unity, which is the situation faced by almost all sections.

Exploring the surroundings, Li Xingchao's nearest kingdom flew. The Five Elements Continent, the establishment of countless kingdoms, and countless cities, these cities and kingdoms are just superficial forces.

Deeper is the major revisionists behind them, that is the real ruling power of the Five Elements Continent, and also a powerful force that can truly threaten the heaven. Throughout the Five Elements Continent, there are seven of the most powerful factions.

The kingdom that Li Xing is about to enter is called the Biyan Kingdom. It is not a big country at all on the Five Elements Continent. However, compared with the country in the original world of the dragon elephant, it is huge. Even thousands of heavenly kingdoms and big summer kingdoms are definitely not as huge as a Biyan kingdom.

At this moment, Li Xing had already settled down in a city. The purpose of his trip was to explore the position of the Heavenly Army and find the Ninth Route Army.

The prosperous street is full of traffic, and most of the pedestrians come and go. Most of them are in the sage state. A few of them reach the level of Tianzun. Occasionally, one or two Tianzun can pass by.

It can be seen that the quality of this Biyan national is much worse than that of the mixed world, but it is also very rare.

Passing by a restaurant, Li Xing saw its business booming, paused slightly, and then turned into the restaurant. Dian Xiaoer politely led Li Xing to a bright place on the second floor and said, "Guests, please sit down. What do you want to eat? Our Zhenweilou has ten cuisines, 18,000 large and small dishes, and 280 fine wines of all kinds. Ten species, each with its own characteristics. "

He was here only to inquire about the news. When he heard that there were so many dishes on this side, he couldn't help moving his index finger and said, "Pick your favorite dishes, and pick up the wine."

Li Xing's extraordinary manner, Da Tianzun's self-cultivation can be seen, the shop Xiao Er is naturally polite, while agreeing, ### note down, and then said: "Please wait a minute, the dishes will be ready right away."

Xiao Er greeted the other guests over there. While waiting for the meal, another group of six people ascended the second floor and sat down on the adjacent table on the right side of Li Xing. All of these six people have a strong murderous spirit, and at a glance they know that they have been murderers for many years.

The cultivation of the six people is quite equal. They are all in a scourge of the Great Celestial Master. Their momentum is united, and they should often fight in concert with each other, and they have the same spirit.

"Come here, serve the ten best dishes, and the best wine in the two altars!" One of them, a big bearded man, opened his chest and said loudly.

Dian Xiao Er has been behind the six men, knowing that the six are not provoking, so he carefully said, "Be prepared for the younger ones, the six grandpas will wait."

The appearance of these six people, Li Xing only glanced at it, and did not take it seriously. Don't say that the Great Heavenly Supreme is out of nowhere, even if the ancient Great Heavenly Supreme appears in front of him, he will not look right.

Not long after, Xiao Er came to the stage with a dinner plate and put a plate of delicious dishes on the table in front of Li Xing. At the same time, another Xiao Er also had a good wine, and the aroma of sprinkled vegetables suddenly came over.

These wine dishes are not ordinary wine dishes. The dishes are all soaked in edible herbs. The meat is delicious and cut from the beasts of the Northern Wilderness. Then, the dish is fried with the method of alchemy. It can be said that this dish cannot be fried at all without changing the life of Tianzun.

Besides, the wine is not ordinary wine. This wine is fermented with the seeds of the elixir, and then steamed out in a tanning furnace. It belongs to the fine wine. If you drink it, it will be good, too. Benefit.

As soon as this wine dish came up, the six big guys even stared at Li Xing's table. The uncle Xu couldn't help but yelled, "Mother Lao Tzu! Why aren't our drinks and dishes good?"

Guan Xiaoer quickly apologized and said that it would be all right. However, Li Xing didn't hear it, drank slowly with his own care, and drank a bite to eat, which looked quite enjoyable. Mortals have the enjoyment of mortals, and there is also the enjoyment of the Great Celestial Master.

In terms of food, clothing and transportation, everything used by Datianzun has reached the extreme. For example, this wine and dish is an example that mortals cannot enjoy.

I do n’t know if I was irritated by Li Xingdan ’s calmness, or because I could n’t wait, the big-bearded man snorted, stood up, walked across to Li Xing and sat down, looking directly at him and asking, “So much wine, you can drink Finish?"

Without waiting for Li Xing to answer, he reached for a wine jar on the table. Li Xing ordered five altar wines. This kind of wine is called Wanli Piaoxiang, and an altar can sell for the price of one hundred legendary great fortune chemicals.

Suddenly there was a steady force sucking the wine jar, and when the big man mentioned it, the wine jar was almost motionless. He changed his face, snorted heavily, and exhaled, "Get me up!"

The jar was still still, but the big man was numb with pain in his arm and his face turned red. At this moment, he realized that Li Xing was not a real person, and he was definitely a great figure. The other five also stood up fiercely and looked at them together.

Li Xing slowly looked up and said lightly, "I bought the wine, and others can't drink it."

The big man laughed and said, "Brother, I have no eyes, I don't know that Your Excellency is a master."

For these people, Li Xing's depth is unfathomable. They can't understand the depth and depth of the cultivation. They take it for granted that they are like a jealous deity, and they just lost sight at this moment.

There was a sneer on Li Xing's face: "Brother and brother, do you deserve it? Get out." With a slight wave of his sleeve, he pushed over like a mighty row, and when the big man was hit by a sledgehammer, the whole person suddenly He was hit and flew towards the window.

The other five big men were always on alert, and when they saw the situation, one person flew together to catch the vacated barbarian big man. Unfortunately, as soon as the two came into contact, he moaned, and actually flew out with the big beard Han.

That power is so vast that they can't resist it at all. As long as they get involved, they can't escape the fate of being hit. The other four didn't have much time to think about it, and one of them flew up to grab the two companions who flew out.

At the moment of physical contact, the faces of the four people changed, and then they flew out without suspense, breaking the window suddenly, UU reading a book www.uukanshu. com fell directly on the street.

The six robbed the Great Celestial Master, all of which fell into the mud of dogs, and their faces were full of horror. They lay on the ground and did not dare to move. They were worried that Li Xing would have follow-up measures.

After a long time, there was nothing moving upstairs, and the six talents climbed up one by one, facing each other. The big beard Han reached out his hands and wiped the cold sweat, and said, "My God, who is he? Really amazing. Is it the legendary big deity?"

"It's possible!" The other person looked serious. "Lao Hei, you're kicked to the iron plate today. You have no intention of killing others, otherwise we will all be dead bodies."

"The North Wild Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, let's keep a low profile in the future. Don't provoke right and wrong like today." The third person sighed. "Okay, let's go back to the barracks. There is still a fierce battle tonight. It's late. May be found by the battalion commander. "

The words of the six were heard by Li Xing. When his heart moved and his body fluttered, he appeared among the six, screaming in shock, one ### sitting on the ground. The big-bearer Wu Xu was even pale, saying: "Senior, there is only one villain who is rude, please kill me, please let the villain's brother."


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