Chapter 1004: Heaven Prison

Chapter 1004: Heaven Prison

In the cell, only Li Xing and Justice Zhengtian remained, the former curiously looked at this memory. Dark walls, dark ground, and windows that connect to the wind are also black. A black stone bed was placed in a concussion, not even a pillow.

Li Xing sighed. He had made all kinds of ideas before, but he never thought he would go to jail. Even when he broke through and changed his life, he couldn't predict the current situation.

"What's your name and where do you come from? Truthfully, listen to my official." Justice Da Tianzun solemnly said, "Don't have any concealment, as long as you say something false, my official knows immediately."

Li Xing gave a cough, sitting on the stone bed in a serious state, and said: "Under Li Xing, from the fighting and fierce school, was pushed by the fighting and fierce god. It was recommended to the forbidden army that he went through all the hardships before he arrived here."

"Is the Bai family killed by you?" Zheng Tiantianzun asked.


"Why kill?"

"It was Bai ’s family who wanted to kill me first, and in the following it was just self-protection and murder. In other words, I do n’t know who will die in the court, and Bai ’s family will kill more people, I ’m afraid that the adults do n’t know.” Li Xing sneered.

"What I ask, what you answer, don't have any extra words. In addition, my officials always do one thing and one thing, only the case in my hands, you do not need to learn." The righteousness of the Supreme Heaven is really very principled, cold Said quietly.

"You said that the Bai family would hurt you, is there evidence?"

"Of course there is, adults can search under the sea, and with the power of adults, you can definitely know the situation at the time." Li Xing faced calmly, he knew that masters like the Supreme Lord of Justice could not be deceived, it is not true to tell the truth.

"Very well, my official believes that you are telling the truth. However, even if the Bai family wants to kill you, you can't kill his family." Justice Da Tian sternly said, "According to the law of heaven, you have committed a crime and you must accept it. punishment!"

Li Xing was speechless. What else could he say when he met such a person? Simply nodded: "I am willing to accept punishment, but I have a question to ask."


"Which team of proud guards seems to hate the bottom, and I must surely find a way to insult me, and the adult may guarantee the security?" Li Xing said solemnly, "If you can't, then it will kill you."

The Great Lord of Justice said: "In this prison, even the ancient Great Lord cannot easily enter. Who can harm you? My official will plant a prohibition in this room. No one except you can see you, you. Don't worry. "

Li Xing sighed: "Thank you, Lord, but I don't know, how long will I stay here?"

"The crime you committed is not trivial. After conviction, you will receive three thousand whiplashes, three days of lightning strikes, and then be assigned to the West Wild. If you are still alive after 100,000 years, you can come back." The righteousness of the heavens was light.

"One hundred thousand years?" Li Xing's eyes almost stared out. This is too outrageous. Is there such a serious crime?

"Why, you don't want to?" Righteousness sneered. "It's better to mate than die."

"However, I am a member of the embargo." Li Xing frowned. "Even if something is wrong, it should be under the control of the embargo?"

Dai Yingchang also said the same thing. But at the moment, he sneered: "When you committed the crime, you were not in the embargo, so you are still subject to the Ministry of Penalty."

Li Xing is quitting this job. For 100,000 years, I'm afraid it will be a long time ago when he returns. But even if he was reluctant, there was nothing he could do, let alone the jail of the Ministry of Justice, and even the Supreme Lord of Justice could not deal with it.

"The elder brother is so good, he has to be in prison for 100,000 years." The Cabernet Kazuya in the mixed Yuan world couldn't help feeling the emotion.

Li Xing: ...

After announcing the possible punishment results, the Supreme Lord of Justice added: "Every murderer must be thrown into blood prison for ten years after being convicted. You must be prepared because there are nine dead and one life."

Blood prison? Suddenly Li Xing thought of something, his face suddenly seemed difficult to look. He has n’t eaten pork, and he ’s seen pigs run. The name of this blood prison, he has n’t heard anyone talk along the way.

It is said that under the central pure land, there is an evil **** place called blood prison. It is said that once there was an ancient series of blood venerable deities, where it fell and the blood world evolved into blood prison.

In blood prison, there are all kinds of horrible creatures. Ten adults enter it and often die 90%. The ten percent that didn't die is still better off than powerful.

"The emperor has good virtues, and everyone who kills is punished without exception," added the Supreme Master of Justice, "so you are ready."

Righteousness is gone, and in the cold memory, only Li Xing is there. He has never felt weaker than he is today. Whether it was Dai Ying, Lu Ying, or the justice of the Ministry of Justice, he felt unfathomable.

"Become a big celestial statue sooner, you can't make a fate, you will always be ants!" Li Xing secretly ruthlessly.

In the prison, Li Xing was able to feel the pressure of horror. As long as he slightly changed, he would be punished by the prison. Next door to Li Xing, there was also a prisoner. Through the fence, Li Xing could see what the other side looked like.

That is a Tsing Yi deity, whose repairs should have reached more than eight calamities. This man came later than Li Xing, who lived for seven days before he entered. As soon as he remembered, the man yelled, without the stature of the Great Celestial Master.

"Asshole, you dare to shut me up, don't you know that this young man is the son of a member of the Korean Central and Central China?" The other yelled, apparently a second-generation official, and was usually arrogant.

After yelling, the man's head became hot, and he suddenly started boxing the wall to vent his anger. However, Tian prison did not care what he did, only when he was trying to escape, so a killing light suddenly appeared in the void.

After a flash of killing, the eight robbers and even nine robbers of the Great Celestial Master were directly beheaded, and then a **** mouth appeared, and they were swallowed up, clean, no hair left.

"I. Day!" Li Xing hasn't been swearing for a long time, and I can't help it at this moment, it's so shocking. That ’s close to the legendary Da Tianzun. If you say kill, kill? And so easy, so effortless?

Heaven is really scary! Li Xing concluded that people are more honest than they were a few days ago, and they dare not speak loudly. The more powerful you are, the more you have awe, and you can become strong only by being in awe of the real strong.

The Supreme Master of Justice seems to have long forgotten Li Xing. Li Xing lived for three months, and there were no droolers in the meantime.

"Dog. Sun's righteous deity, how long do you want to shut me?" Li Xing was angry, but couldn't change much, so he had to practice with peace of mind. But he found something that made him extremely depressing. There was a prohibition in the prison, and people could not cultivate or break through it.

But Li Xing always has something to do. Since he can't practice, he will tune. He teaches Yuanyuan real person, and by the way, studies the current three methods.

In the realm of the mixed yuan, there are already some real people in the mixed yuan who have been suppressed. They can obviously break through, but because of Li Xing's restrictions, they are all at the bottleneck. Of course, these real people do not know why this is Li Xing, only if their qualifications are not good enough.

On the contrary, there are no restrictions on people mixing Yuanyuan religion, and they are advancing by leaps and bounds, which makes Li Xing happy. As a result of devouring a large number of bone demon, Li Xing broke into the kingdom of gods and turned it into a kingdom of bones.

Such a bone-bone country is very dangerous, and it can be used for the training of real people in Junyuan to improve combat effectiveness. In addition, Li Xing also put the beasts conquered along the way, such as Shenhuang, Zulong, Sirius, etc., into their respective kingdoms, and established the Zulong kingdom, Shenhuang kingdom, Sirius kingdom, and so on.

When these kingdoms were established, they all had a unique atmosphere and became stronger. In fact, like Li Xing, it is not impossible to establish a celestial deity with more than one plane, but he is as brilliant and unique as he is.

After all, no one has so much energy and means to operate so many planes. Just like a businessman, he may do several kinds of business at the same time, and they all do well. But if he was allowed to do 100,000 kinds of business at the same time, I'm afraid he would be exhausted, let alone do a good job.

After sorting out the kingdoms, Li Xing began to enlighten the current three moves. He made nine moves at the time, three in the past, three in the present, and three in the future. One was more difficult than the other and more powerful.

Among them, the past three moves have been mastered by him, and the three moves have been combined into a past blow. As for the current blow, it is even more mysterious.

Now three moves, the first call is broken, this one is powerful in smashing all tangible things, destroying everything without destroying it, destroying everything without destroying it, the damage to the plane is weaker than three hits.

The second summon is to destroy the gods. The main point of this move is to kill the soul. Regardless of whether it is a heavenly deity or a great heavenly deity, they are all composed of form and deity. The unity of deity form has life and power. As soon as the soul is gone, people lose their dominance and become a walking dead. This move is more powerful than the first one.

The third trick is calling nothingness. Nothingness, both form and spirit, are extinct, and everything becomes nothingness. It can be described as one of the last three moves of the Xeon. When this move comes out, the world is eclipsed and the enemy is awarded the head.

Moreover, the combination of three moves can give you a hit now ~ ~ The power is even more incredible. Of course, with a blow now, I am afraid that it will be possible for Li Xing to reach the Grand Celestial Rank before it can be issued.

At the time of the three strokes, Li Xing was also learning several secret techniques, all of which he had learned before. Such as cracking down on fingers, booming thunder, etc., have benefited a lot.

Unconsciously, after a year and a half passed, the Supreme Lord of Justice finally appeared again. Keeping in mind that Li Xing saw Li Xing, he sat still, and said lightly, "Is this adult here, but have you sent me to blood prison?"

"Yes, the case has been found out, exactly as you said." Justice Da Tianzun said, "You will enter a blood prison for ten years, and then you will be assigned to the West Wild."

"How does an adult find out?" Li Xing was curious.

"My official used the punishment department to forcefully reverse time and reproduce your scene of beheading Bai family." The other side said lightly.

Li Xing was shocked. This method was really clever, and naturally it was clear at the time of investigation. As he thought about it, Justice Da Tianzun had already waved his sleeves, and he felt dizzy and turned, as if he was constantly falling towards a place, and blood was blowing in his face.


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