Chapter 954 Recruitment

Chapter 954: Recruitment

In a blink of an eye, Li Xing actually wiped out the demons that Qingyun Tianzun could not compete with. This method surprised Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang. . . You know, that kind of demon is what they are most afraid of, and if you are not careful, you will fall into it and fall into the demon.

Since ancient times, the Tao has not been incompatible with each other. It is not without reason. Tao can enter the demon, and the devil can dye the Tao. Both are natural enemies. Of course, these people will never think of Li Xing's fusion of magical ways, joining the world, the means beyond their imagination.

Although Qingyun Tianzun was destroyed, his vitality was very bad and his face was very pale. He bowed to Li Xing and said, "Thank you for your help!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "Don't thank me. I save you. I want to save you. Can you?"

Li Xing actually directly asked others to join his or her own affairs, but Han and Ma didn't think it was a big deal. You must know that Qingyun Tianzun is the second destiny, and the next step is the big deity. How can it be obeyed by a destiny that is heavy?

But the facts unexpectedly exceeded their expectations. Qingyun Tianzun took a deep look at Li Xing, and then bowed to the ground, saying: "If you didn't do anything to save me, I would have become a demon, and it would be better to die. This kind of kindness I wish Serve as a slave, pay for life! Qingyun, see the master! "

Li Xing is not surprised. This Qingyun Tianzun should also know that with him alone, Yongshi can't live without this place and trust in him. It may be a way to find a way out.

He nodded and said, "Very well, you are my Lord. I will definitely take you away from this place and help you to become a great deity."

Qingyun Tianzun stood up, looked at Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang, and said lightly, "The two are by my side, presumably in order to be able to leave this place? My host is kind, but I have nothing to say."

Han Feiyan frowned, "What does Brother Qingyun say?"

"In this world, there is no indulgence in charity, and you have also seen that I am already a servant. Did n’t the two show me?" Qingyun Tianzun said, "The master ’s method is the only thing I have seen in my life. Me. This situation, in a secret legend, is called the Seven Prohibitions. "

"The so-called Seven Prohibitions means more than quasi-respect, no one can surpass seven small realms, super challenge, such a person has never appeared. However, now my master can do it!" Qingyun Tianzun Weiwei And laugh, "You know, what does this mean?"

Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang have not heard of this legend. Although they were shocked, they did not take it seriously. Then Ma Yiguang said: "What does it mean?"

"This means that the master's future achievements will surpass the ancient great deities, and even perform supreme fragmentation, leave this plane and enter the wider world." Qingyun Tianzun said, "Following such a master will enable you to get Great benefits. "

Ma Yiguang sneered: "Qingyun Tianzun, your willingness to be a slave does not mean that we are willing!" In his heart, he was hostile to Li Xing for no reason, only because Han Feiyan favored Li Xing. However, he regarded Han Feiyan as a prisoner and could not be touched by others. Even the people who spoke to Han Feiyan became hostile.

At this moment, when listening to Qingyun Tianzun, Ma Yiguang immediately refused. On the contrary, Han Feiyan, Liu Mei locked tightly, seems to be thinking about something.

Qingyun Tianzun looked at Ma Yiguang coldly, and suddenly stretched out his palm. This action made Han and Ma both vigilant and stepped back at the same time. Qingyun Tianzun opened his palm and said lightly, "Don't panic, I'll show you something."

In the palm of Qingyun Tianzun's palm, there is a red mark, which is composed of countless complex runes, even if Li Xing can't see at a glance what it represents.

"You must not see? The father below is a Great Celestial Master, so once I was born, that is the practice of the Celestial Master. On the day I was born, my father was conspired by several other Great Celestial Masters, leading to his fall. However, the father Before the fall, with all my will and faith, I engraved a birthmark in my palm. "Qingyun Tianzun said.

"What does this birthmark show?" Ma Yiguang said.

"My father told me before the fall that this birthmark will protect my life and guide me to good luck and avoid evil. So I knew from a young age what I should do and what I shouldn't do because of it." Qingyun said, "This birthmark, When different situations are encountered, different lights are emitted. "

Li Xing also became interested, saying: "This method actually exists, and this birthmark should be a kind of extrapolation, which is made with the blood of the Great Celestial Master. It is not trivial."

Qingyun Tianzun bent down and gave a gift: "The master has good eyesight, my father said" seeing knowledge ", and he has reached the realm of legend. He used his life to see and form this array, and he can predict the good and bad, very spiritual. This birthmark It's a esoteric law circle. "

"Do you mean, the birthmark guides you as the main character of Feng Li?" Han Feiyan was surprised and asked quickly.

"Yes, every birth is dangerous, the birthmark will be black, and before I entered the immortal space, it was fulfilled. However, there was a ray of red in the black light at that time, and red was a great luck. So I saw that That ’s why the frontline is alive. ”

"The moment the host appeared to me, the birthmark turned into red, which shows that my movable property is the most prosperous, and I have never encountered it in my life." Qingyun Tianzun said, "So I chose so . "

"It's ridiculous!" Ma Yiguang never believed, and said, "I can also make a birthmark on my hand, not only can it glow red, but it can also glow purple."

Qingyun Tianzun: "Believe it or not, but I firmly believe that the host can take me away from this place." Then a chill appeared on his face, "However, you and my host are not relatives, the host naturally has no reason to save you. "

Han Feiyan looked at Li Xing, and the latter's heart moved. He understood that Qingyun Tianzun was helping him recruit people. He deliberately ignored Han Feiyan's eyes and said lightly, "Qing Yun makes sense."

Han Feiyan showed disappointment and said, "I don't know what Brother Li wants?"

Li Xingdao: "I built a religion, called a mixed Yuan religion, and lacked a master of heaven to sit in town. I wonder if you would like to join?"

Han Feiyan shook her head: "I am a student of Haoran Academy. I have not obtained the permission of the master of the cave and will not join any forces."

"That being the case, I don't force it." Qingyun Tianzun in his area took it into the mixed world, and strode to Yutai.

"Slow!" Ma Yiguang suddenly said at this time, "Brother Li, you just recruited into Qingyun Tianzun, don't you want to recruit more people? My sister and I are very familiar with this place. At least I can help you find six other crazy people . Of the six people, the weakest is also the most important. "

Li Xingxin said: "If you don't go back to Yuanyuan Education for a long time, you can't rest assured that it would be very helpful for me if I can accept six or seven Li Tianzun." He nodded, "No matter."

In this way, he temporarily put aside into the plain of immortal, and instead looked for those crazy demon lords, rescued them, and then subdued. For this move, Qingyun Tianzun in the mixed world also expressed support.

However, he said that Qingyun Tianzun was stunned by the scene in front of him when he entered the mixed realm. The vastness, arrogance, and solidity of the hybrid world are beyond his imagination.

"My father's original world was just like this. The master really was a talent of heaven!" Qingyun Tianzun endlessly even gave up his plan to heal immediately and began to travel around the Yuan Dynasty.

He saw that the creatures in the Xuanyuan Realm were surprisingly arrogant. A small holy monk does not seem to be weaker than the half and quasi-respects of the outside world. He is definitely a sturdy man who can kill the enemy.

In particular, there are as many as tens of thousands of saint-class monks in the entire Yuan Dynasty, which is undoubtedly a horrible figure. Moreover, there is already a ratification of the saint, which will be faintly broken through, and it will be possible to break through the last layer of obstacles and become the deity.

At the time of his shock, in the air, he suddenly descended into the pure rule of Qingyun, all poured into his plane. It was Li Xing who understood Qingyun's law in a short period of time, and then transformed the power of the infant into a Qingyun Tao force by using the mixed Yuan Avenue and lost to Qingyun Tianzun.

Such a method cannot be done even by the legendary Great Celestial Master and the ancient Great Celestial Master, but Li Xing did it easily and quickly restored Qingyun Celestial Mastery's physical fitness.

Qingyun Tianzun was surprised. He shouted in his heart: "Master Father, the child can find the Lord today, it is unfathomable. In the future, he will find the murderer and avenge the blood and hatred for his father!"

Ma Yiguang really helped Li Xing find six Celestial Masters one after another, and all the madmen have reached a level that is almost complete. Once the Celestial Demon dissolves, he will ingest himself into the plain of the fairy, and then be killed by the power of the fairy.

In a critical moment, Li Xing rescued them one by one and destroyed the demon in their hearts. His strength is now invincible below Datianzun, and the means are different from ordinary people. It is not difficult to do such a thing.

However, it did not go well with the six deities, and only one of them was willing to serve Li Xing. The other five were proud and refused to serve him. In the end, all five of them were temporarily suppressed by Li Xing into the Yuan Dynasty.

Li Xing ’s ascendant world draws on the strength of the seven babies every day, and the arrogance is beyond imagination. It is not difficult to suppress the five deities ~ ~ Among the six deities, the one who is willing to trust , Called Chaoyang Tianzun. As for the other five, Li Xing directly erased their period and matched Li Yi, Li Er, Li San, Li Si, and Li Wu.

Of course, the five were very angry at this, saying that they would rather die than be slaves. However, Li Xing had time to suppress them first and slowly refine them.

Han Feiyan and Ma Yiguang were also credited for this, and Li Xing no longer forced the two to join the door. At this point, the work was over, and he decided to enter Yutai and accept the torture of Xian.

Both Chaoyang Tianzun and Qingyun Tianzun have experienced the torture of the immortal, and they have told Li Xing about the various situations. In this regard, Li Xing is quite confident that these tests can be spent.

When he stepped on Yutai one step, there was a ray of fairy light, falling from the void, and within a short time, his consciousness entered an empty world, surrounded by darkness. A monk, Xianfengdao bone, brightened his whole body, stared at Li Xing, and sent torture to the heart.

"Would you like to be immortal?" The voice was great, clear, illusory, real, and inexplicable.


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