Chapter 56: The Eight Kings

Fortunately, there are still nine months left, and he can slowly find it, even if he really can't find the flower picking robber, it is a big deal to give up this task. In short, he is doing everything and listening to destiny.

After flying for half a day, I encountered a monk on the way. The monk had already entered the Tenfold God-Man and flew in haste. After colliding with Li Xing, he stopped and laughed: "Brother, you are also going to participate in the 3,000th birthday of the Eight Kings?"

Li Xing does not even know who the eight kings are, but this person can live three thousand years old, is it a master of state? With a movement in his heart, he nodded, "Exactly, why is Your Excellency so rushed?"

The man laughed, "The banquet will begin soon. How can I not be in a hurry?" After finishing speaking, he flew up first.

Li Xing followed him and talked to him. During the conversation, he knew that this person was named Chang Gui, a Nanhai Sanxiu, and had once received the favor of the eight kings. At this time he learned that the so-called eight great kings were a good master of eighteen, who cultivated himself as a sevenfold master in Fatian.

In his life, the eight kings have forged good destinies and helped many people. Therefore, he is a friend all over the world. Naturally, there will be many deceased people coming to congratulate on this 3,000-year-old birthday. Of course, there are also some guests who come to seek the help of the eight kings.

Upon hearing that the Eight Great Kings were so capable, Li Xing was heartbroken: This person is well-informed. I wonder if he can hear the whereabouts of the thirteen thieves from his mouth?

After flying for half a day, Chang Gui pointed down with a finger and laughed, "Brother, thank you for meeting me, otherwise you will not find the Eight Kings' Shuifu."

"Is this right here?" Li Xing asked.

"Yes, Shuifu is below. If no one is leading, it will not be easy to find." Then, in all directions, there were a few more rays of light descending, and they went straight into the water.

Li Xing and Chang Gui also went into the water and swam for a while. When they reached the bottom of the sea, they saw a magnificent underwater palace.

Outside Shuifu, the book has the three characters "Fubo Hall". At the entrance of the hall, two black fish heads and human monsters guarded them, stopped them, and spit out, "Who is the person coming?"

Chang Gui took a jade box and laughed: "The younger generation is often expensive, once received the great grace of the eight kings, and offers a thousand Ganoderma lucidum, I wish you a long life!"

Li Xing also learned everything, holding up a jade box saying: "The junior Li Changxing, has long heard the good names of the eight kings, admired for a long time, and offered ten **** gods, and wish you a long life!"

Ten gods of heaven, a thousand-year-old ganoderma, although it is not a heavy gift, but it is not too light. The two guardian monsters nodded and sang, "Changgui and Li Changxing, two distinguished guests arrived, and presented the thousand-year ganoderma. Pieces, ten miracles! "

Another shrimp essence, wearing a red robe, came to lead them into the temple. At the entrance of the hall, there is a layer of water film that passes through the water film. The hall is actually very dry, and there is no dripping water, which shows the mystery of the "volt wave" of the hall.

In the hall, there is a large area, where guests gather, there are gods and mages, and the number is as many as 1,000! In the most central position, an old man sitting side by side, with his head down, his smile benevolent and his hair pale, is the eight kings.

With so many guests, the eight kings cannot greet one by one. Li Xing and Chang Gui could only find a place to sit down casually.

There are rows of wooden tables in the hall. Each table can seat four people. Little monsters brought fruit and wine up and down and shuttled guests.

On the table where Li Xing sat, there were already two deities who sat down. Both of them were fat and big-eared, with fierce eyes, unlike good people, staring at the fruit on the table, eating and chewing, regardless of the image.

When Chang Gui's face sank, he was about to have an attack, and Li Xing made him wink. He took four Baiyang Lingguo from his arms, divided two of Changgui, and smiled, "Brother, try this."

"Oh! What kind of fruit is this? Good fragrance!" Chang Gui took it politely, took a bite, his mouth full of fragrance, and it was extremely delicious.

The scent was overflowing, and a few of the fat men were choked, staring at Bai Yangguo in Li Xing's hand, not knowing what to do.

Li Xing took out two gourds, which were filled with Baiyang wine, and also divided Changgui one gourd, and smiled, "This is Baiyang wine. Come, let's do it!"

Chang Gui knew good wine as soon as he smelled it, and couldn't help but be happy, and he drank with Li Xing. After drinking it, the two laughed.

The scent of wine and fruit flew far away, and a fat man could not help but shouted, "Come here! How can these two eat and drink differently from ours?"

With this roar, the whole hall was quiet. The eight kings looked over with small eyes and laughed, "Why are two nobles angry?"

A fat man stood up and pointed at Li Xing fiercely: "Big King, what fruit does this man eat? What wine does he drink? Why don't we?"

At this moment, the eight kings also smelled fruity and fragrant wines. They were all extraordinary. They stood up with a smile and used the means of shrinking into an inch. They came to Li Xing in one step, looked at him, and laughed, "Little friend, drink What wine? What fruit to eat? It doesn't seem to be my dinner. "

Li Xingdan said lightly: "Back to the Eight Kings, I drank Baiyang wine and ate Baiyang fruit."

"Ah! It's Baiyangguo. This is a good thing! Baiyang wine is even better!" People talked.

"It was originally brought by you! Do you bring your own drinks, do you think the entertainment of the eight kings is not good enough? Huh! It is hateful!" A fat man began to blame Li Xing, without knowing what he thought.

Li Xing glanced at them like an idiot, and said lightly, "It's your offense!"

The two fat guys became so angry that they yelled, "Big King, let's plead guilty first, and fight today with this wicked boy!"

The eight kings did not get angry, "hehe" laughed: "Young people, you are full of vigor. But I won't let you fight, this tone of horror will not go down. Okay, but the point is not to hurt people."

In the distance, someone argued: "These two people are not disciples of Heavenly Eating Door? It seems that what is called Heavenly Eating Double Evil. The cultivation of Heavenly Eating Skills is very powerful.

"There are eight kings at ~ ~ at least they will not be killed, look down."

At the beginning of the eight kings, Li Xing suddenly shot.


An astounding divine light rushed to the top of the temple, condensing into a large hand. The people around, except for the eight kings, were bounced by this fierce might and were very embarrassed.

This big hand did not perform any martial arts, nor did it perform any divine magic, and only relied on the supreme power to suppress them.

The evil face of Tian Shuang changed drastically, with a roar, and he resisted with all his strength, but it had no effect. When Shenguang grabbed his hand, he squeezed the two in his hand, like lifting a chicken.

Everyone was stunned, and the eight kings were surprised, but did not stop Li Xing.

"Just because of your waste, and worthy of me? Looking at the face of the Eight Kings today, I won't kill you, but I have to leave something! Since you are so greedy, leave your tongue!"

After finishing speaking, the big hands trembled, the two opened mouths to shed blood, and two people's tongues were spit out, bloody.

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