Chapter 38: Cheating

"It turned out to be Brother Qin, I haven't seen you in a long time." Li Xing smiled politely.

"Oh, Brother Li is a big man now! At the Wan Fa Conference, he won the name of the first man of God, the young man admired it!" Then the topic changed, "Is Li Xing coming to my Yuding school? "

"Of course there is something." Li Xing looked mysterious, "I have a message to tell Master Yuding himself."

Qin Bo's eyes flickered: "Oh? That's it, please!"

Yuding's welcome hall, Master Yuding finally appeared. This person also had white hair and some oldness. He looked at Li Xing and asked, "Who are you?"

Suddenly, Master Chunxiao jumped out beside him, and shouted, "The ancestor! This is the man, it is a bad thing for us!"

"So you are Li Xing." Master Yu Ding was actually not hostile and smiled slightly. "Why? Are you here for trouble?"

"Don't dare," Li Xingdao said. "Next, there is a major event to discuss with Master Yuding."

"Oh?" Master Yu Ding looked still. "I don't know what's the matter?"

"Yu Ding faction and Founder faction have half volumes of Beiye Tianshu, can this happen?" Li Xing said directly.

Sure enough, everyone's face changed slightly, Master Yu Ding said in a deep voice: "Yes, the big thing you said is related to this?"

"Of course, not long ago, I broke my face with the Founder and became an antagonist. So, I want to cooperate with your faction to destroy the Founder and help you to seize half a book of heaven." Master Founder said the plan again, and Master Yuding again.

His plan was to borrow half a volume of Bayesian Tianshu to lead the other party to take a shot, and then the two parties worked together to eliminate it. In fact, it is not a good strategy, but this strategy is related to the benefit of both interests, so it is very tempting.

The core of this strategy is that Li Xing will help one party and suppress the other, relying on his overbearing strength. In fact, no matter which side Li Xing joined with, he can steadily kill the other side. Without this premise, there would be no cooperation at all.

Master Yu Ding sneered: "Do you treat me as a three-year-old child? Give you the leafy book?"

Li Xing looked freely and said, "The prerequisite for cooperation is to trust the other party. Since you don't believe it, you're leaving." After that, he turned and left.

"Slow!" Suddenly, another voice sounded, and a middle-aged man stepped out and was a fabled figure. As soon as he came out, he smiled and said, "Li Xing, do you still have Baiyang wine?"

Qin Bo hurriedly said, "Brother Li, this is the elder and Master Gu Huai who was sent by Yuding to exchange Baiyang wine with you."

Li Xing immediately wanted to be true. When he passed Qin Bo, he did change some repairs. He gave a handy gift: "It turned out to be a senior, Baiyang wine naturally exists." With that, he took out ten gourds generously and presented them on the spot.

Master Gu Huai smiled "Haha": "What's the meaning of that? I don't get helplessly." He looked at Master Yuding. "Master, don't believe him."

But secretly, he said to Master Yuding: "The ancestor, Li Xing's strength, I have heard of it for a long time, even Master Chunxiao carrying the magic weapon has been repulsed, I am afraid that the strength is not under the ancestor. The meaning of the disciple is not as good as Xu and the snake Just make sure he doesn't own half a book of heavenly books. "

"What method do you have?" Master Yu Ding was also really excited, but he did not have the means of the Founder Master to ensure that Tianshu was not captured by Li Xing.

"It's also easy. I got a sacred object a few years ago, called the" big uptake map ". With this map, no matter where things are, as long as they take part of the breath, they can be taken at any time. So, even if Li Xing got What about Tianshu? As long as the ancestor is willing, you can take Tianshu at any time. "

Master Yu Ding laughed: "The great intake map actually has such a magical effect? ​​Okay! In this case, Tianshu can borrow him, and then let him fight with Fang Tianshang to fight for you. My Yu Ding will pick up ready-made cheap!"

Master Yu Ding's thoughtful expression finally nodded: "Okay, I'll believe you!"

However, the other party did not immediately hand over the Tianshu, and Li Xing did not get the Tianshu until the next day. Today, two and a half volumes of Beiye Tianshu have been obtained, and his purpose has reached half.

He came here first to eliminate the threat of the Yuding faction and the Founder faction to the **** of fire; At this time, the first goal has not yet been achieved, and the two martial arts have to fight together once.

So as soon as he got Tianshu, Li went to Founder to challenge with Master Yuding, Master Chunxiao and Master Gubai. A party of four flew to the Founder.

However, they said that the Founder, they thought that Li Xinghui and the Yu Ding faction played a game, so that they could take advantage of the fishing profits. However, I thought that Li Xing actually brought people to fight the future.

Founder sent over, Master Yu Ding yelled, "Founder! Come out and die!"

Master Founder soared into the sky. Behind him, Master Chaoyang and another innocent master rose into the sky. Seeing Li Xing standing in the other party's camp, the Founder's mage immediately became clear and angrily said, "Li Xing! You dare to speak without faith!"

Upon hearing this, Master Yu Ding looked at Li Xing in confusion. Li Xing sneered, "Fang Zheng, you have a bad heart, and you want to borrow a knife to kill someone. Let me fight with Yu Ding to fight for your life, aren't you? But you plan to calculate, I Instead, you must help the Yu Ding faction and completely destroy your Founder! Master Yu Ding, you deal with the Founder, and leave the rest!

"Good!" Master Yu Ding could not hear the flaw, nodded, and immediately shot.

The other four mages also fought together.

At this moment, Li Xing's body suddenly disappeared, and he sacrificed nothingness and disappeared without a trace.

"Let them fight, and I will load the people of Shenhuomen into the Tower of Tolerance, and take them to the South China Sea to find the whereabouts of the Eight Pole Tower." In his heart, he flew to leave the country.

Originally, this trip only wanted to teach the two majors, and did not want to try it, but actually got Baye Tianshu, which was an unexpected gain. With Tianshu in hand, Li Xing was reluctant to fight with the two martial arts and left immediately.

As for the Shenhuomen, he will tell them to change places, and then Lishanmen.

As soon as Li Xing left, Master Yu Ding and Founder Master knew nothing. However, they all arranged a backhand, so they didn't worry too much, they just fought exclusively.

Shenhuomen, proudly seeing the snow is waiting for the news, Li Xing said that to solve the trouble, I do not know if it can be successful. If it is unsuccessful, I am afraid that Shenhuomen will not be able to gain a foothold here. So as soon as Li Xing left, he began to prepare for the relocation.

Shenhuomen was founded for hundreds of years before leaving the country. If it is removed, it will not happen overnight. It must be prepared in advance.

On this day, an overwhelming divine light came down, and the person who came was naturally Li Xing. As soon as he appeared, he saw Xue quickly greet him and asked, "What happened?"

Li Xingdao: "Master Yu Ding and Founder Master are both people with means. Although I am not afraid of them, it is also difficult to kill them. Once they fail, Shenhuomen will suffer terrible revenge."

"What do you mean, let's leave this place? '

"Yes, the Qiyun faction has an eight pole tower. If your faction does not dislike it, you can live there temporarily. When I am strong enough, I will completely resolve the trouble of the Yuding and Founder factions." Li Xingdao.

He thought that Pride Xue might not agree to it. Whoever knew what was going to say it, Pride Xue didn't want to, and immediately agreed: "Okay, there is something for you!"

Proud to see that Snow had long foreseen and was fully prepared. Next, Li Xing sacrificed the Tower of Tolerance, and Baoguang shrouded the entire gate of Lihuo, taking the mountains, mountains, waters, many buildings, plants and trees into the Tower of Tolerance.

This tower is too bearable. Although it does not open up the sky like the octopus tower, it also has the ability to hold mountains and seas, and it is no problem to install a martial art. All the disciples of Shenhuomen, together with Ao Jianxue and others, entered the Tower of Tolerance.

With the Shenhuo gate installed, Li Xing turned around and flew to the South China Sea.

His next cultivation goal is to impact King Kong's No. 9 magic skill, so that he can absorb real human origin. However, King Kong is not bad at the ninth level, it is the most difficult level to cultivate, and must use the Qiqiqibao.

Skybreaker Seven Treasures are the seven treasures created by the Skybreaker Master for themselves. They can greatly enhance the strength of the physical body, have the effect of anti-sky, and are extremely precious. At present, he has five treasures in his hand, and he is still two missing.

The two missing babies were immortal immortal and undyed skin. However, these two things can not be met, so he cannot put all his hopes on it.

During the flight, Li Xing and Tian Xie discussed future cultivation events.

"Heavenly Qibao, may not be able to gather together, without Qibao, it is not easy to cultivate?" Tianxiedao said, "It seems that nothing is more suitable than Heavenly Qibao."

As a matter of fact, the Emperor of Heaven is no better than Li Xing in his understanding of King Kong's good magic.

Li Xing nodded: "So I have to find a way."

"Do you have a way?"

"Yes, I am now the killer of the Destiny Organization. I can ask God for help. Destiny, Providence, Tianzang, and Tianji are the four major organizations, all of which belong to the same mysterious organization. It should not be difficult to find the seven heavenly treasures through the four organizations . "

"Although you are a member of Destiny, UU reading, but you may not be able to get help, at least, you have to pay the price." Tianxiedao.

"It's okay, as long as I find Qiqibao, I can break through King Kong Nine and prepare to condense the fetus. For this step, it is worth the great price." Li Xingdan said, at this time, he was no longer weak. Now, maverick.

Continue to fly, and soon to the south of Tianchen Kingdom. In the kingdom of heaven, there is an institution set up by destiny. Li Xing decided to go to the cross and see if he could see God by the way.

Tianchen Kingdom, a desolate Gobi, Li Xing landed. There is a contact point here according to the instructions of the Destiny Sign. As soon as his people landed, a voice sounded, "Is the thunderstorm coming?"

Li Xingdao: "Exactly, I'm here to make business."

A green smoke rose from a gap in the Gobi, and then the ground rumbling ripped open a gap, revealing a step to the ground.

"Come in." The voice sounded twice.

Li Xing nodded and went down the ladder.

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