Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 473: Daxia Xianfeng

Chapter 62: Daxia Xianfeng

Long Tianji only didn't see it. If Li Xing couldn't deal with even these subordinates, he didn't have to go through the training, because even if he did, he couldn't deal with the demons and ghosts. Instead, he would kill his life and make Xueling sad.

In the hall, ten six-strong gods and men stood in a row. They looked at Li Xing with a proud look, without respect for the leader.

"Li Xing, these ten people will go to the west to fight with you in the future. Familiarize yourself, and set off tomorrow." After finishing, Long Tian left with great care, and seemed not to intervene too much.

As soon as Long Tianji left, one of the Ten Gods laughed: "Can a sheep also become the leader of a wolf?"

Another god-man sighed: "If the sheep has a tiger as the backstage, then the wolf has to listen to him."

"But this group of wolves is too aggrieved," said the third man, dissatisfied, "Sheep is a sheep, no matter whether there is a backstage or not, he is not qualified to lead a group of wolves."

Obviously, they likened Li Xing to sheep, and they were wolves.

Li Xing, who has not spoken, finally expressed something at this moment. He sneered: "Just you, also deserve to be called wolf packs, I think it's a group of pigs!"

"What?" The gods and people were furious, and "Xiao" suddenly surrounded Li Xing. Hugh sees Li Xing as their leader, but the dignity of the gods and human beings cannot be humiliated. Once humiliated, they will draw their swords and will never compromise.

"I said, you are a bunch of useless pigs, a bunch of waste!" Li Xing swept them one by one with a scornful, disdainful expression, "If you don't believe me, I can prove it now."

Apparently, one of the ten gods had the deepest qualifications and the strongest strength. He stepped out at this moment, with a steady temperament, and stared at Li Xing with cold eyes: "If you want to prove that you are not a sheep, just shoot at me. . "

Li Xing smiled, "Hey, if you go up together, within ten breaths, if one of you is standing, I will automatically resign from the position of Xianfeng General."

This time, the ten god-men were all taken aback, really good breath! Don't say that he is such a quadruple god, even the eighth god, dare not exaggerate like this, ten breaths will knock them all down!

"Okay! Now that you're so arrogant, let me give you a lesson, brethren, let him know how powerful we are at Fengfeng Camp!" The man sang, and ten godmen shot at the same time.

Ten gods and men, at the same time performing ten kinds of little magic, are extremely powerful. Unfortunately, they encountered Li Xing, a peerless powerhouse with three hundred magical arts.

Li Xing made a magical move, transfigured ten shadows, and attacked ten people respectively. Each illusion carries a martial art, inanimate, instant, void, torn, and so on. At the same time, every illusion has a terrifying divine power.

Ten kinds of divine magic sent by ten people hit Li Xing's fantasy, and they collapsed, not even the hairs. On the contrary, Li Xing made ten punches in each of his ten hallucinations.

Each of the ten gods has different feelings. Some feelings are certain to die, some feelings are torn, and some feelings are in the void and have nowhere to stay. But the final feeling is the same, that is a feeling of powerlessness, facing the absolute strong feeling.


Ten consecutive sounds, ten god-men, all lay down on the ground, none of them could stand up again. He threw these ten punches, and each one of them was very powerful, and the energy in their bodies was all shattered, and the fighting power was instantly lost.

The ten hallucinations suddenly converged and reunited into Li Xing's appearance. He said coldly, "Are you a waste this time?"

The ten gods are silent, and convinced to take it orally, let alone their strength, even if they are generals, they are more than enough!

In the study, Long Tianji, Xueling and Yuhui are watching the conflict between Li Xing and the Ten Gods through the crystal ball. They saw that Li Xing knocked down all ten six-man gods in one stroke.

The horrible strength displayed caused Long Tianji to take a breath of air, and asked Xueling in shock: "Guoer, how is this person so powerful? He is really just a quadruple god?"

Xue Ling pouted and smiled: "Yeah, but Father Emperor, Xing Ge can even kill ten-fold gods. The six-fold gods are naturally not his enemies."

"Isn't that the power of the gods?" Long Tianji froze.

Yuhui also rejoiced for her daughter: "Guoer really looks so good, he actually found such a man."

Long Tian smiled bitterly. Is this strength still human?

The next day, Li Xing took ten godmen to the Western Front battlefield. Long Tianji has told him that a large number of demons and monsters are flowing every day in the western Daze, invading the border, and the army is no longer sufficient.

The western Osawa is boundless. It is said that even the god-man cannot fly over it. Only the mage can pass through Osawa. At this moment, a large army was stationed on the plain thousands of miles away from the edge of Osawa.

The army has 300,000 people, all of which are composed of warriors and warriors. However, it was such a tyrannical army that was forced by the demons in Osawa to retreat again and again, and it was necessary to retreat to the place where the people lived.

Among the military accounts, the general looked serious, and more than a dozen generals held their breaths and held their breaths quietly. The general, at the age of forty or fifty, had a dark-skinned Chinese character with a gloomy complexion.

After a long time, the Lord said, "What good way can you do?"

One general: "General, if we had a 300,000 army in the past, we wanted to suppress the 30,000-mile border. But now, there are endless monsters in Osawa, and we ca n’t kill them. It can't be done! The only way is to ask your Majesty for reinforcements. "

The Lord will sigh: "I have sent three rescue letters in a row, but Your Majesty said that all the troops have been used. The border between Osawa and Daxia is 270,000 miles, and each section is in charge Defensively, no extra soldiers can be drawn. "

The generals were silent, and if they continued this way, they could only retreat, or they might be eaten by the demon.

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking light from outside, and the Lord moved his look and immediately released the account. Off the books, Li Xing took a warrant and was showing it to the guards.

At the first sight of the Lord, there were actually eleven gods and men, who immediately moved the colors and laughed: "Several people are working hard, please enter the account!"

God and man are all honorable, and even if he is a general, he must respect this group of people.

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "No need. I have been ordered by your Majesty to help you repel the demons. Please give orders immediately, and we will go immediately."

In this remark, the lord was pregnant, and he clenched his fist: "I will spend every spring, the name of an adult is unknown."

"I'm Li Xing. Your Majesty's Xianfeng General. You have to obey the general here. The general doesn't have to be polite." Li Xing said, "Li Xing never dares to obey once I have been ordered."

Hua Fengchun was overjoyed and said: "Five hundred miles to the west, a group of demon monsters set up a big camp. In that demon camp, there are 30,000 demon army, 8,000 demon soldiers, masters at the level of gods and men, There were as many as a hundred. I fought them three times in a row, but I couldn't beat them. Instead, I lost a lot of manpower and lost eight gods. "

Li Xing looked cold: "One hundred god-men? Good! The more god-men, the better! Please warm the army for the time being, wait for me to chop the enemy's head, and then come and drink with the general."

More than a dozen generals behind Hua Fengchun have stayed. The more gods in the enemy army, the better. What is this? Crazy words? Silly words?

Hua Fengchun is also a stunner, what else to say, Li Xing and ten followers have risen into the sky and headed for the demon camp.

"General, this Li Xianfeng is really brave! However, he seems to be a quadruple god, and there are so many evils here." Yipian will be worried and authentic.

Hua Fengchun groaned: "How wise is His Majesty, would he send someone to die? This person is doing something extraordinary, and he must be very capable. We don't have to think about it, wait for his reply."

However, it was said that Li Xing and his party flew in a hurry, and saw a large area of ​​Gobi sand below, without any grass. On top of that, the demons are soaring into the sky, and the demons are rolling, it seems that the demons camp.

All ten gods knew that Li Xing was fierce and asked, "General, what should I do? Kill them directly?"

Li Xing looked at Hanguang with a smile, and said, "Let's watch on it. If you run away, catch up and kill!" Then a roar of thunder, Yuanshen released, transfigured a big hand, and shrouded it directly.

As soon as this big hand came out, the sky was full of thunder and light, endless electric snakes fluttered, howling winds roared, dark clouds rolled wildly, and the power was surging. It was Li Xing's magical arts, covering the big fingerprints.

However, this big mudra is mixed with the big poisonous technique. Above the big hand, all kinds of poisonous light are constantly moving, it seems that there are countless poisonous insects moving in the Communist Party. The huge palms of various colors were suppressed at once, covering the whole camp.

"Heaven! How could there be such power?" The ten gods and men's faces had changed, and they knew at this moment that Li Xing would be ruthless at that time. If he used this trick, he would be able to boil them directly. Already.

"Ah! What coercion, who is it? Mage? I don't see it in my eyes!" A monster with a fish head and a tenacious cultivation practice, suddenly yelled, rolled down, and instantly death.

"Where's the poisonous smoke? Not good, there is an enemy invasion, go away!" Unfortunately, as soon as the poisonous smoke touched the body, the screaming wild boar spoiled quickly and was poisoned directly.

A nine poisonous snake, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com, transfigured half of the human body, is also a master of poison. However, as the poison approached, it immediately screamed, burning green flames.

The trick of Li Xing's venomous operation is simply a scheme for the family. Once he shot it, it would make people die, and one would not stay. Those who have been poisoned, all of their original strengths, have been extracted by the Great Poison Surgery and become the power of the Great Poison Spell.

However, there were more than a dozen god-men who were extraordinary in strength, forcibly resisted the poison, and rushed out.

"What kind of person is so vicious?" A black smoky devil shouted loudly, and he was actually a figure of great training.

Li Xingchangxiao said: "Little Master Daxia Guoxian, come here to take the dog's life and wait for your death!" Extinct knife, severely chopped down, this knife is not a certain method, just a random knife.

But this is a random sword, but it contains the true meaning of chaotic martial arts, extremely powerful and powerful, beyond any kind of great magic. I saw a hundred-mile-long stabbing qi, brilliant and brilliant, with or without prestige, "Si Lingling" cut off.

Before the sword arrived, the terrifying sword blocked the demonized demon head, making it immovable.

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